
R.D.结构三 — 李昕頔个人项目

PLATESPACE 2021-09-26

R.D.结构三 — 李昕頔个人项目

R.D. Structure 3 — Solo Project by Xindi Li




预约参观: plateartspace@163.com

“R.D.结构三”是艺术家李昕頔与Plate Space合作在其东四十条空间开展的首个个人艺术项目。借此机会,艺术家展示了自己正在进行的《R.D.结构》(2020)系列作品中的最新创作。
“R.D.结构三”的项目名称反映了李昕頔在当下的创作中所采用的序列化工作方法:R.D. Structures是英文 Reception Desk Structures(接待台结构)的简写形式。在该系列中,艺术家将接待台这一公共文化机构中常见的功能性设施作为研究对象,通过对一组虚构的美术馆接待台的物理形态和其所承载的机构功能进行解构,试图对作为公共文化资源的艺术机构及其所牵涉的复杂利益关系展开批判性审视。
李昕頔深受汉斯·哈克(Hans Haacke)和安德里亚·弗雷泽(Andrea Fraser)等在机构批评(Institutional Critique)领域起到推动性作用的艺术家的影响,他的作品经常以无厘头的幽默以及对现实事物出其不意的戏仿, 质疑艺术机构的本质以及它们在生产当代文化与定义当代社会审美方面的作用。除了个人艺术实践外,艺术家还以雇员的身份参与着公共艺术机构的日常运行。其职业经历极大地促进了他对艺术机构运转方式的理解,并启发了他对相关制度体系内所谓的“惯例”进行自省式的反思。用艺术家的话来说,他的双重身份(艺术机构雇员/对既定体系的敏感观察者)中所隐含的对立关系,并未对他的艺术实践造成过多困扰;与此相反,这两种角色所蕴含的某种同源性恰恰引发了他在实践中的思考。

R.D. Structure 3 is the first solo project Xindi Li presents in collaboration with Plate Space at its Storefront location. Taking this special opportunity, the artist showcases the latest iteration of his on-going project —R.D. Structures (2020).


The title of this project reflects the serial working method the artist employs in his current practice. R.D. Structures, abbreviated from Reception Desk Structures, takes the institutional facility as its subject of study. Through the deconstruction of both the physical being and institutional functions of an imagined museum reception desk, the works attempt to conduct a critical examination on the purpose and functioning of art institutions as public cultural resources while, in most cases, largely being linked to private and corporate interests.


Following the paths of pivotal artists who work in the realm of Institutional Critique, such as Hans Haacke and Andrea Fraser, Li’s practice poses questions and critically comments on the nature of art institutions and their role in producing culture and defining aesthetics in contemporary society with unexpected parody and non-sequitur humor. Aside from his individual art practice, Li has also worked in private and public art museums professionally; these professional experiences have significantly contributed to his understanding of the functioning of art institutions and initiated his constant introspective examining of the norms within the institutional system. In the artist’s words, the inner conflict created by the dual identity (being an employee and a mindful critic of an established system) does not affect his artistic practice very profoundly but it is the homology embedded in the two seemingly opposite roles that intrigues him the most.


In R.D. Structure 3, the artist takes advantage of the Storefront space’s unconventional features as a gallery space and builds a deconstructed reception desk with assemblable components, such as aluminum frames, metal mesh, and Plexiglas storage units, in which the reception desk becomes a semi-transparent facility unlike the conventional blocky and stationary design. With its particular placement, the front/outer side of the reception desk faces the back wall of the space while exposing the back/inner environment of the facility to the audience and public. Accompanied by a selection of ready-mades, the installation is partially a collection of altered work supplies that the artist has extracted from his work experience as a former museum receptionist. Ironically paired with erotic objects, the selection of ready-mades, alongside a newly created animation and sound components, offer a series of veiled hints on the disconcerting facts that an art institution confronts on a daily basis.


《R.D. 结构三》 部分组件
Selected Components from R.D. Structure 3 

R.D.S.1模型  (2019)  
Model for R.D.S.1  (2019) 

Wood, garbage from work desk, hot glue, sprayed acrylic

R.D.S.2模型  (2019)


Model for R.D.S.2  (2019)  

Wood, sprayed acrylic

前线  (2020)  
Frontline  (2020)
Anti-slippery tape, colored Plexiglas, printed image

“我们心中充满热情,来到你的盛殿里!”  (2020)
Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!  (2020)
Headcounter, Plexiglas, sprayed acrylic

看艺术的人们  (2020)
有声动画 (节选片段)
Art Viewers  (2020)
Animation with sound (selected clips)

替代的游牧者(致敬Condensation Cube)(2020)
Alternative Nomad (after Condensation Cube)  (2020)
Mat board package reinforcement, cardboard, domestic dehumidifying box, acrylic paint

R.D. 同源组件  (2020)
R.D. Components of Homology  (2020)
Objects selected by the artist

获取 ”R.D.结构3 —李昕頔个人项目“ 完整物件清单请联系: plateartspace@163.com
For full List of Selected Objects, please contact: plateartspace@163.com  

关于艺术家 About Artist



Xindi Li (b. 1996) lives and works in Beijing. Li studied sculpture in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. After completed his study in 2019, Li returned to his home Beijing and started working as a full-time exhibition designer and museum installer while continuing his individual art practice. 



Artist’s website:  https://www.xindiliart.com/



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