
RADII x Welcome to Chinatown on Instagram Live

RADII 2021-01-20

RADII invites you to join the Instagram Live conversation “CROSS x TALK: Empowering Chinatown During Covid” featuring Welcome to Chinatown, a non-profit organization helping Chinatown businesses impacted by Covid-19. The conversation begins 21 OCTOBER 2020, 9 AM Beijing Time (20 OCTOBER 2020, 9 PM EST).

As early as January, two months before Mayor de Blasio declared a state of emergency in New York City, Asian-American businesses were already suffering the effects of anti-Asian racism amid headlines about coronavirus and China. Verbal and physical assaults against the young and old alike, coupled with consciously discriminatory consumption practices, crippled community leaders on the cusp of Chinese New Year. 

But these struggles have galvanized several Asian-American organizations under the goal of saving one of the oldest, largest and most affected communities of Chinese in America: New York’s Chinatown.

On behalf of RADII, Program Director at the Taiwanese American Foundation, Tinhua Kevin Hsia, joins Jennifer Tam, co-founder of Welcome to Chinatown, to share their connections to this historic district and efforts to help restore it. Through Welcome to Chinatown’s small business relief fund, The Longevity Fund, Tam and colleagues aim to raise $200,000 to distribute among business owners throughout Manhattan’s Chinatown. 

Join and share the conversation on 21 October 2020 (9 AM Beijing Time) by following RADII (@RADII.China) and Welcome to Chinatown (@welcome.to.chinatown). 

About Welcome to Chinatown 

Welcome to Chinatown is a grassroots initiative to support Chinatown businesses and amplify community voices that generates much needed momentum to preserve one of New York City's most vibrant neighborhoods. We’re here to help say: Chinatown will always be open for business. 

About The Longevity Fund

The Longevity Fund is Welcome to Chinatown’s small business relief fund that aims to fundraise $200,000 for the distribution of grants.

About Cross x Talk 

Cross x Talk is RADII’s live Instagram conversation series that extends our editorial coverage to wider, mobile audiences to build communities around the issues we and our readers care about. Hosted by RADII editors, Cross x Talk presents inspiring stories of creative resilience that bridge cultures. 

