
英文文章摘要、引言怎么写? AMJ最佳审稿人告诉你

荷兰心理统计联盟 荷兰心理统计联盟 2023-02-03


本文分为两部分内容:第一部分是AMJ编辑对于如何写作文章引言部分的探讨,在其文章中,作者提供了很多范例,即他们认为一些引言写的比较精彩的文章。这一部分为原理部分,回答如何写引言,引言写作应该注意哪些方面问题?然而空有框架少了泥石砖瓦,文章也建立不起来啊…… 因此,第二部分笔者系统的将其文章中提到的20多篇文章的引言进行整理,即为有关摘要和引言的句库笔记。一些英文表达我们或可以套用,学习。

1.  引言写作的注意事项

1.1 An effective introduction answers three sets of questions:


(1) Who cares? What is the topic or research question, and why is it interesting and important in theory and practice?


(2) What do we know, what don't we know, and so what? What key theoretical perspectives and empirical findings have already informed the topic or question? What major, unaddressed puzzle, controversy, or paradox does this study address, and why does it need to be addressed?

哪些是已知,哪些是未知,那又如何? 相关问题已有哪些理论或者相关实证研究,未解决的重大争论、悖论或者不清楚的地方在哪里,以及为什么要去解决?

(3) What will we learn? How does your study fundamentally change, challenge, or advance scholar’s understanding?


1.1.1 Who cares?

An effective introduction captures attention and interest, and making readers curious to read on. The central objective is to highlight why the study's topic matters for both theory and practice. The most effective introductions shares: simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotionality, and story.


Two archetypal hooks for opening an article: the quote and the trend. 


Quote. 引用 Proactive quotation or vignette to engage the reader in the intriguing and practical nature of their topic. Some authors even further, opening with a captivating story (Plowman et al., 2007).

用引文或者情景描述使得读者置身其中,有些作者甚至更进一步,用一个吸引人眼球的故事开端,比如Tepper 提出辱虐领导的文章

e.g., abusive supervision (Tepper, 2000), 

What did I tell you the first day? 

Your thoughts are nothing; 

you are nothing ... 

if you were in my toilet bowl I wouldn't bother flushing it. 

My bath mat meansmore to me than you ... 

you don't like it here, leave!

Trends. Highlighting trends on main street orin the Ivory Tower. The former case, authors describe recent changes in the workplace or broader social environment, noting that there causes or effects remain a mystery. Alternatively, some authors describe trends in academic literature and identify limitations or contradiction.


1.1.2 What do we know, what don't we know, and so what?

After setting the hook, effective introductions answer the second set of questions by identifying the conversation that the study is joining, where the conversation has not yet gone, and why it should go there (Huff, 1999). Biddle (1997) referred this sequence as establishing and problematizing the intertextualfield.

Establishing the field. Entering two different conversations and bridging them, identifying an ongoing conversation and describing how it needs to move forward (progressive coherence), or presenting competing perspectives and explaining how you will resolve them (noncoherence).

Problematizing the field.Convincing the readers that knowledge about the topic needs to be developed further (incompleteness), is deficient because it fails to incorporate important perspectives (inadequacy), or is altogether inaccurate (incommensurability).

Warning: don't be too tentative, timidly pocking atprior research; or too aggressive, attacking prior research with the incommesurability approach: harsh condemnations often incur confrontations andbacklash.

The inadequacy approach strikes a reasonable middle ground, convincing readers that we truly need a fresh look without claiming that previous studies were a waste of time.

1.1.3 What will we learn?

The final ingredient of an effective introduction is a preview of your work's theoretical contribution. At its heart giving readers a clear sense of how you will deliver on your promise to change, challenge, or advance the conversationthat you have entered.

Just because a gap exists does not necessarily make the study interesting orworthwhile. Many authors write the introduction by stating that there is a gapbut end there without clearly noting why filling this particular gap isimportant and interesting, or why this contributes to our enhanced understanding of the particular phenomenon.

Hollenbeck(2008) noted that the two most effective ways to frame a contribution are through consensus shifting and consensus creation. Consensus shifting. Authors identify widely held assumptions, proceed to challenge them, and describe the implications for ongoing research. Consensus creation occurs when authors show a lack of consensus in the literature and wither clarify the lines of debate or resolve the conflict.

1.2 The process

1.2.1     Timing

Most people write the introduction in the middle of process, that when they first developed the idea and before data collection.

How much time did they devote to the introduction, compared to the rest of the article?Average spending 24% of total writing time on the introduction.

Length. Three double-space paper.

1.2.2     Rewriting

The average winner reported rewriting theintroduction ten times, The minimum was three, and 45 percent rewriting it tenor more times. There are three different approaches taken: ruthless rewriting,iterative enactment and following a map.

(1).Ruthless rewriting involves multiple authors showing little pity and greattrust as they better each other's work.

(2)Interactive enactment, rewrote introductions multiple times until the question,gap or controversy, and contribution crystallized.

(3).Map. Answering three questions and make a list of reasons to check what was newhere and why anyone should care about reading the paper.

1.3     Best Practice: Insights from Outstanding Reviewers and Best Article Award Winners

How to write a great introduction, three primary categories: focusing (45%), engagingthe reader (32%), and problematizing the literature (32%).

1.4      Pitfalls: common mistakes in introduction


The mistakes fell into three categories:

failing to motivate the paper and problematize the literature (60%), lacking focus, and overpromising (45%).

1.4.1    Failing to motivate and problematize.

The most common pitfall involves providing insufficient justification for the importance of the topic and question, and for how the paper contributes new knowledge. Authors often talk only about filling a gap to in the literature, not addressing so what question. And using bad frames like, this has never been done before, and this fills in a gap. Someauthors believe that there is a fist mover advantage (e.g., to our knowledge,ours is the first study to examine empirically the relationship between shoesize and job satisfaction);

1.4.2     Lack of focus.

Too long and featuring extraneous details and asides rather than essential, interesting information about the paper's contributions. Long and rambling (needs to be short and snappy). A second symptom is using too many frameworks in positioning the paper, and a third is describing what sections of the paper will be presented, in what order, instead of defining the problem and laying out the contribution. Many authors do not clearly state the goals of their paper. I like to see them enumerated because it forces the authors to identify them.

1.4.3     Overpromising.

Authors create a mismatch between the introduction and the rest of the paper, typically setting too high expectationsin the introduction and failing to meet then later on.

1.5      Conclusion

A good introduction hooks the reader byelucidating the topic’s impact; what scholars now know, what we do not know,and why that matters; and how the research contributes to an ongoing researchconversation or starts a new conversation.

1.6     A check list of your introduction.

1. What is the topic or research question(s) ?


2. Why this topic is interesting and importantin theory and practice?


3. What do we know about this topic?


4. What do we do not know, and so what?


5. What key theoretical perspectives and empirical finding have already informed the topic or question?


6. What major unaddressed puzzle, controversy,or paradox does this study address, and why does it need to be addressed?


7. What will we learn? How does you study fundamentally, change, challenge, or advance scholar's understanding (i.e., theoretical contributions)?


8. Does your introduction too long more than three double-space paper?

是不是太长? 超过了三页

9. Did you clearly state the goals of your paper?


10. Does your introduction match the rest of the paper (overpromising issue)?


Grant, A. M., & Pollock, T. G. (2011). From the editors.Publishing in AMJ - Part 3: Setting the hook. Academy of Management Journal,54(5), 873–879. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2011.4000

Tepper, B. J. (2000). Consequences of Abusive Supervision. Academyof Management Journal, 43(2), 178–190.

2. 摘要

2.1 文章背景

This study examines the influence of X on Y. Our theoretical framework suggests how X can increase or decrease the likelihood of Y, depending on  M1 and M2.

X supported commonly viewed as substitutes for X1 ... Many argue that X1 actually undermine …and thereby ... In this paper, we develop and test an alternative perspective: that X and X1 as complements.

A new model of X suggest that…

We unpack the concept of X, distinguishing among three of its major elements…

X supported by Y are commonly viewed as …. Many argue that…

We define M as the process of Y that mediates between Xand subsequent capital acquisition and Y. We propose a framework that focuses on how X facilitate the Y…

This study examines…As such, it addresses the paradox of…that is, the paradox of …

A's classic study of "x" showed that there is much to be learned from …. In this tradition, we present … to introduce the concept of x - the process used to …

This article describes n approaches to the X-Y relationship, as defined from n’s perspective.

A challenge facing x is to explain how ... This article depicts identity ... It proposes that …

This study addresses an important but neglected topic by investigating the X processes that …

Recent debates between the A and B-processing perspectives have led to a trend toward greater …in organizational research. This paper, however, argues for a more C approach in which the role of the M is emphasized.

This study examines the influence of X on Y. Our theoretical framework suggests how X can increase or decrease the likelihood of Y, depending on M.

It is unclear whether the common finding of improved Y with increasing X is driven by A, B, or some combination of the two. We disaggregate these types of experience and address their relative (and interactive) effects on Y …

2.2 方法

Using data from a sample of …, we find empirical support for this proposition of ....

This article describes results of n studies, based on a total sample size of N, examining the traditional belief that X cause Y.

In this laboratory study, groups were videotaped as they…

In this paper, we develop and test an alternative perspective: that X acts and Y as complements. Using

The change examined is the introduction of a new … Combining x theory and Y theory, we identify four…

We then reanalyze data from the … and conclude that …

An empirical study of …found support for the basic hypothesis that …

Using a longitudinal sample, measures of X from as early as adolescence were used to predict Y .

A model integrating competing theories of A with research on X was developed and tested in a sample of N employees with various occupations and organizations. X was conceptualized in terms of …

We employed cross-sectional and panel estimation techniques to analyze a unique and newly assembled data set…

2.3 结果

Results suggest that X reduce the likelihood of Y by …, while M1 appears to promote Y by …. The findings also show how the effects of X are amplified further by M2.

The laboratory results mirrored and extended the field-based model; they showed how …

Using data from a sample of …, we find empirical support for this proposition of complementarity. Moreover, this interdependence underlies their ability to generate improvements in …

In teams with low Z1, X was negatively related to Y1 and Y2; where Z1 was high, those relationships were positive. Results also supported nonlinear relationships between X and both Y1 and Y2. Finally, M partially mediated the linear and nonlinear relationships between X and Y.

These results were obtained even after we controlled for several other variables that could affect…

The finding suggest a dual process … model. In one process, ... In another process…

Results showed that X measures significantly predicted Y over a time span of nearly n years.

Results of structural equation modeling showed that X was related to Y and that the effects of X on Y were fully mediated by…

Results suggest that X reduce the likelihood Y by …, while X2 appears to promote Y by enhancing M. The findings also show how the effects of X are amplified further by M2.

Theory suggests and results show that…X is initially positive but eventually levels off and becomes negative as M increases. M moderate the relationship between X and Y.

Results of an empirical study of N… show that X is positively related to Y1 and Y2, as well as …

2.4 研究意义

Our results concerning the determinants of … show their distinct origins, which further augments … in practice.

These results have important implications for…

It is concluded that the belief in this hypothesis … and that, in retrospect, these assumptions can be seen to be false.

This article presents the results of two very large-sample studies showing that M have little or no moderating effect on …

Implications are drawn for theory, practice, and research.

Our results concerning the determinants of … show their distinct origins, which further augments their complementarity in practice.

Theoretically, we aim to extend recent efforts to synthesize X and Y perspectives by incorporating insights from M approaches to Z.

Implications for research on … are outlined.

The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of both theories of X and organizational development activities that attempt to alter U (E.g., employee job satisfactions).

Applications of these ideas are made and new research directions are suggested.

The results of this study provide evidence of the importance of X for Y but also suggest the complexities of implementing it to achieve these advantages in…

3. 引言

3.1 描写研究问题重要性的句子或表达

3.1.1 对于学术/实践/某一领域很重要

In recent years, X has become a well-known construct to both scientists and practitioners. An emerging body of research is beginning to …

X has been viewed as an ideal arena in which to develop and test the embeddedness perspective on interorganizational relations.

X is a unique formal mechanism linking …; it provides an opportunity for leaders to …, and witness firsthand the consequences of those practices. Thus, from this perspective, X should have a strong influence over X1 and X2.

X has emerged as a common framework for understanding how …. The general proposition of this literature is that…

It is a virtual truism that X have long been celebrated in…

X is Not a mainstream concern in X/management theory, where research on X has had a strong…The following expresses the prototypical view: “…”

Organizational/ researchers and managers alike have long held the view that X is critical for Y (e.g., organizational success). The frequently touted organizational benefits of X include higher.., more.., better.., and more…(ref.). Moreover, people associate X with a variety of other positive attributes, including…

Not only have hundreds of studies on X attempted to outline the determinants of X1, but theories about how … have been the center of some of the most active controversies in organizational research. This emphasis is understandable, given the importance of X to individual welfare and its correlation with other outcomes (e.g., absenteeism and turnover) of concern to organizations.

Reviews of the literature have shown that X theory is among the most scientifically valid and useful theories in organizational science (ref.).

X has been a highly popular … among large and growing industrial firms in the United States, Europe, Asia, and other parts of the industrialized world (ref.).

3.1.2 越来越多的X的研究

X has received growing research attention over recent years. Numerous studies showed that

The empirical literature on X has extended research on the X1 by specifying … (e.g., ref.).

In recent years, theorists have shown interest in how…

x theory initially focused upon explaining how…Attention was given to the… More recently,… The notion of x, however…. A central challenge for X theory, therefore, is to show how and why …

An appreciation of the power of X is emerging within X studies (ref.). This new stream of research concerns how X create and, in turn, are influence by,…We argue that X can also be relevant to Y. a(ref.), for instance, showed that…

In recent years there has been a significant increase in the use of… Examples include …The underlying the use of these is that..

As it relates to Y and nearly impossible to provide useful, evidence-based guidance to practitioners looking to …. Nevertheless, a small but growing number of studies have revealed significant relationships between …

An emerging synthesis of x theory and m suggests that Z are important …

3.2 描述已有研究的句子或表达

Empirical studies and meta-analyses found converging evidence of its detrimental effects on…

3.2.1 对问题或已有研究解释的句子

One explanation may be that… An alternative explanation may be that…

It is an axiom of agency theory that

In this regard, X theorists draw on a central concept of M – (ref.) – to argue that …

Another recent study by ref., which is pivotal for our own inquiry, finds that…

To be sure, some studies have examined constructs borrowed from the x literature, such as …

Indeed, a well-established body of research has demonstrated that…

The empirical literature on X has extended research on…

A practical demonstration of the importance of x was given by ref. (x) in a laboratory study. They found…

3.3 研究空白/矛盾/不足,以及未解决问题

3.3.1 X 某问题很大程度被忽略/

although some studies showed that … more work is needed to identify boundary conditions. In particular, the role of ..(national culture) has rarely been studied in extant research.

X research to date, however, has focused on a relatively narrow portion of this rich domain. The balance of attention has been directed towards explicating how …

Little attention has been focused on the… Consequently, relatively little is known about how…

3.3.2 关于某问题仍然不清楚/未解答

Much remains unknown/unclear

While previous research investigated …, few studies empirically tested .. simultaneously. Consequently, it is unclear …

Many have argued, however, that … This view recognizes that… Based on this reasoning… Indeed, some contend that X may even undermine … Taken together, these critiques view X as a substitute for X1.

Less apparent, however, have been the ways in which …

But although the potential value of x remains clear, a growing body of evidence suggests that … In fact, the empirical literature examining… Given this conflicting pattern of results, recent research has begun to question…

X might lead to higher or lower Y. This shift in research focus has led to a number of important insights. For example, scholars now know that…

Nevertheless, academic understanding of the processes by which and the conditions under which X promotes or hinders Y is far from complete, and some fundamental pieces are missing. For example, past research has tended to focus on contextual moderators as explaining the conditions under which X will be associated with higher or lower Y (e.g., ref.). This approach ignores the very real possibility that…

However, these efforts have been piecemeal and diffuse—…— making it difficult to develop a comprehensive understanding of the impact of X…

Despite this call to action so many years ago, studies that directly apply a … remain scarce. Our review of the literature identified only a handful of studies that explicitly…

There are many situations, however, in which…Despite…, the underlying bases of …have received no systematic attention from X researchers. Further, very little agreement exists even among… Relatedly, there exists little agreement on universally accepted or empirically established standards. Thus, researcher know virtually nothing about…

X researchers have begun to develop increasingly comprehensive models of… Although this work has provided considerable evidence regarding the determinants of X outcomes, the roles of M have not been fully explored (ref.). Popular advice for … rarely fails to mention the importance of z.

3.3.3 尚未有研究解答

No research investigated/

surprisingly, there has been relatively little investigation of the behavioral mechanisms underlying the relationship between A and B

Despite these occasional acknowledgments, there is little understanding of how X affects Y. The absence is surprising, given that…

Although some work has been suggestive of the enabling value of X to Y, research has not explored this idea…

The need to investigate the role of M in … has long been stated, but progress has been slow. More than N years ago, A pointed out that no empirical studies had addressed X from a … perspective; she/he called for an integration of these lines of research, stating that…More recently, ref. have argued that…

It is possible that subsequent research will demonstrate the utility of a more marked separation of the concepts of X and Y, but thus far, such a distinction has not been shown to be useful.

Although prior research has generated a wealth of insights about …, almost no attention has been devoted to one of the most ….

3.3.4 基于某假设

Based on assumptions

However, despite anecdotal evidence suggesting..,

Many industrial psychologists believe that… Further, they believe that this moderating effect is substantial. As a result of this belief, there has been in recent years a heavy emphasis in selection… There is evidence that …

Finally, in past research on the relationship between x and y, a monotonie relationship has been implicit; the assumption has been that increased x leads to corresponding increases or decreases in some outcome variable. Positing a monotonie relationship ignores the possibility that…

3.3.5 混淆的不一致的研究结果

Mixed results/inconsistent

Overall, findings have been mixed. While some scholars found that…others found the opposite…

Weak or inconsistent findings may result from two limitations common to most prior studies. First, prior X research has not adequately specified the content of X (refs.). Content here implies…Although recent research in the X literature suggests that relationships between X on Y may be characterized by … (ref.), in the y literature all X2 are generally treated as equally positive connections that …. This ignores heterogeneity that may exist among X2 in the extent to which …Another concern with X research is its primary focus on the effect of X1 or X2 on Y to the exclusion of … (ref.). While there is ample evidence in X research that both X1 and X2 can influence behavior (e.g., ref.), this has had limited application in X research. Studies in the X literature have shown that M can strongly condition the effects of X on Y (ref.). Moreover, recent research also suggests that M can amplify differences in the magnitude of the effect of X, such that … is exacerbated in the presence of m (ref.). Thus, it may be possible to uncover stronger X effects by modeling variation in the content of X and examining how such x-y are conditioned by M.

Despite their zeal about x, however, M theorists have been generally ambiguous about just what they mean when they say … In some instances, M theorists refer to the importance of … (ref.). In other instances, they refer to the importance of … (ref.). And in still other cases, M theorists suggest that…

At present, the focus of X research revolves around the debate between A and B theories. Drawing on ref. theory of …, advocates of A have argued that … (e.g., REF.). So far, the A approach has received considerable empirical support, although the bulk of the data has come from surveys using self-report measures of both X and Y, rather than from studies using objective measures of X, (e.g., ref.) or well-documented field experiments (e.g., ref.). B theory has made two key attacks on the A approach. First,…

While X research has advanced our understanding of the consequences of Y. Several authors have expressed concern about the consistency and magnitude of X effects (ref.). Weak or inconsistent findings may result from two limitations common to most prior studies. First, prior x research has not adequately… Another concern with X research is its primary focus on the effect of …

The evidence on X implications of X is inconclusive (ref.). Past researchers have proposed a positive relationship between X and Y but the results of empirical tests have been decidedly mixed (cf. ). The reason for these mixed results, we argue, is that the relationship is more complex for these mixed results, we argue, is that the relationship is more complex than has been theoretically argued and empirically tested. For instance, …

3.3.6 研究空白

Research Gap

This seems an obvious fact, making it all the more surprising that scholars have largely failed to offer a comprehensive account of the central role X play in understanding... (organizational phenomena). This represents a significant gap in our understanding of...

While X research has advanced our understanding of the consequences of X for Y, significant concerns have also been raised that reflect more general concerns about the application of A theory to X- Y relations (ref.). Several authors have expressed concern about the consistency and magnitude of X2 effects (refs.).

As discussed in the X literature… x may heighten the probability that… Finally, X may help overcome the adaptive limits of x1

We empirically test … using data on …/ Using this variation in the structure of outsourcing relationships, we empirically test the relationship between X and X1 and their effects on Y.

The assumption that M and M2 moderate … appears plausible on the surface, and, perhaps because of this very plausibility, little need has been felt for empirical evidence to support it. We could find no empirical studies focusing on the validity of this proposition.

However, x … have yet to grapple with how … Moreover, X-theorist says little about

3.4 研究目的的表达

3.4.1 常用表达

To reconcile these contradictory findings and to answer the question of…this study examines…

Our purpose is to explore this link between X and Y. In this conceptual paper, we propose that …

Our work seeks to…we draw on a general definition of X as…We propose that X play a critical role in the processes that …Nonetheless, we believe that the ideas put forth are generalizable across contexts even though…

To foreshadow our conclusions, we propose that…

Taken together, … We examine … Moreover, given that… The motivation for our current work was to use the mulitdisciplinary practice case to answer the following question: Why and under what circumstances are… Contrary to extant theory, according to which…

Another purpose of this study, therefore, was to advance understanding of the relationship between X and Y by considering…

In order to better understand how X might translate into Y, in the present study we attempted to open this black box (rref.) by explicitly considering the mediating role of M.

3.4.2 小结


The purposes/objectives/goals/aims are/is to develop/clarify/examine/investigate/

3.5 描写研究贡献的表达


Our article contributes to the literature in several ways. First and foremost, …, we contribute to research on...

The present study examines the influence of x on y, and the moderating effects of M.

In this paper, we advance and test an alternative argument: that X and X1 function as complements.

Our study attempts to make a theoretical contribution on two fronts. First, we unpack the concept of…As noted, prior research has tended…

Thus, the primary goals of the current review are three-fold. First, we aim to enhance our understanding of …Second, we identify individual and work-related factors that may serve as …, providing a means to cope with and effectively buffer against the deleterious effects of X.  Finally, throughout the review, we offer a number of future research directions aimed at advancing our understanding of the role of X in the … process and summarize these suggestions at the conclusion of the article.

The focus of this study is on developing a model to explain how …

This paper describes and analyzes the development of …

3.5.2 具体贡献

SPECIFIC contributions 填补研究空白

Therefore, this study fills an existing research gap by explaining …, and thus, it has the potential to contribute to…

Second, we apply our framework of x in examining the effects of…As noted above, relatively little is known about the interconnected consequences of …

We address this absence by presenting research rom two setting that share…The findings from our research in the two setting help explain how…

A primary aim of the present study, accordingly, was to investigate how…To do so, we

Thus, understanding the factors that both inhibit and promote X is of great practical as well as theoretical importance.

Our conceptual contribution is that … 扩展已有研究

Given that most research on X has examined …, this study contributes to the field by expanding our understanding of the small but growing stream of research investigating…

Although recent studies have focused on how X influences Y (refs.), this literature has not considered the role of M such as …. In this paper, we examine the role of M…

Our work extends recent efforts to synthesize X and Y perspectives (e.g., ref,) by incorporating insights from contemporary theories about Z and the literature on M in order to guide the study of X. We extend theory in two key directions. First, we .. Second, we respond to calls for theoretical integration (ref.) in our focus on how both x and y shape the content of …

This study contributes to X theory by expanding understanding of ... . Previous studies have focused more on…

Further, by emphasizing how X is associated with Y, our study combines previously separate theoretical perspectives to give an explanation of ... In doing so, the study addresses a resonant theme within institutional and organizational theory, showing how…

This theoretical perspective has the potential to considerably enhance scholars' knowledge of the role of Z in X.

Indeed, no direct empirical examination of the relative efficacy of ...The purpose of the present study was to fill this gap by ... In essence, we attempted to determine whether the common finding of y with increasing x is driven by A, B, or some combination of the two.

Additionally, we also extend prior theory on X...First, we develop theory regarding why…This is an important contribution, given that the theoretical mechanisms behind …have received scant attention in prior work (for exceptions, see ref.) 响应研究者呼吁

Additionally, by examining … we respond to calls for taking../we address recent calls to uncover factors… 提供实证研究证据

This analysis, thus, allows us to provide suggestions for future research on examining short- and long-term outcomes of…

The current study was designed to answer these questions. To do this, we collected data from a large sample of employees in ...

The first purpose of the current study was to integrate the current conceptualizations of X as they pertain to Z.  To date, these explanatory variables have not been included in empirical tests. The main contribution of the current investigation to the X literature on Y is to provide a conceptual integration of the three major x theories followed by an empirical test that includes the proposed explanatory mechanisms.

The third purpose of this study was to integrate research on x with that on y. However, little research has explored (1) the simultaneous impact of multiple …, (2) the way in which … or (3) how x facilitates y. In this study, we used A theories to extend the X literature by … 综述、元分析的必要性

We address these calls because although there remains a relative paucity of empirical, integrative work in this area, we believe that a comprehensive review of the X literature through the lens of current models of Y can provide valuable insights into conceptual overlaps and potential areas for future investigation. The time is ripe for such a review as there is increasing interest in … and expanding scholarly interest in the role of M.

The purpose of this review is to summarize and integrate research findings on the determinants of X.

3.5.3 总结常用表达词句

Summary: provides more clarity/ empirical evidence/new perspective/insights/ a finer- grained understanding of/ insight into

Generate unique insights/

Shed light on/shining the spotlight on…

Extend/advance/ expanding/ complement our understanding/ knowledge/theory/literature on…

3.5.4 文章导读

overview of the structure

In the rest of this paper, I first provide…Next, I turn to the development of detailed hypotheses…

A brief overview of our line of argument is helpful at this point. First, we argue that ... Second, we argue that ... Moreover, we anticipate that…Third, and finally, we hypothesize that…This counterintuitive expectation is based upon…

Before proceeding, we wish to note three limits to the scope of our study. First, we focus specifically on…Second, our empirical tests rely upon.. Although this approach has been widely followed in research on x (ref.), it does not allow examination of…Third, an emerging stream of research suggests that…We do not attempt to develop our theory and hypotheses around this interesting line of thought, but we do control for factors that should lead to…

Figure 1 provides a process model of X that summarizes the causal relationships that we posit. We focus attention on Y…

We begin with an overview of …

We present our study in four sections. The next section elaborates our theoretical orientation, establishing the central proposition in the extant literature. We then describe our research procedures. A subsequent section presents …, identifies four …, and sequences them into ... Our concluding section points to further research.

We also assess approaches to.. Comparison of the two studies allows us to identify how…We argue that…We conclude by presenting propositions to guide future research and discuss practical implications of our research, including organization-level implications of…

Drawing on X theory (ref.), we suggest that X that jeopardize…

To motivate our study further, we first review existing theory and research on…, identifying important gaps in the literature that limit understanding of this important process. We then describe the rationale for the study and the setting.



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