
经典英语童话:《妮娜公主》Princess Naeena

英语版 2024-01-09

丨每天一集 磨耳朵


《妮娜公主》Princess Naeena

02-《丑小鸭》The Ugly Ducking
03-《蚂蚁和大象》Elephant and Ant
04-《咸海》Salty Sea
05-《沙拉》The Salad
06-《青蛙王子》Frog Prince
07-《大拇指汤姆》The Tom Thumb
08-《渔夫和他的妻子》The Fisherman and His Wife
09-《白蛇的故事》 The White Snake
10-《小美人鱼》The Little Mermaid
11-《金鸟》The Golden Bird
12-《白鹤与螃蟹》Crane and The Crab
13-《愚蠢的理发师》The Foolish Barber
14-《皇帝的新装》The Emperor’s New Clothes
15-《小妇人》The Little Woman
16-《青蛙与公牛》The Frog And The Ox
17-《自私的巨人》 The Selfish Giant
18-《红鞋》The Red Shoes
19-《懒惰的毛驴》The Lazy Donkey
20-《坚定的锡兵》The Steadfast Tin Soldier
21-《神奇的锅》The Magic Pot
22-《奉献树》The Giving Tree
23-《四个婆罗门》The Four Brahmins
24-《蚂蚁和蚱蜢》The Ant and the Grasshopper
25-《5颗小豌豆》Five Peas In Pod
26-《约丽丹和约雷德尔》Jorinda And Jorindel
27-《哈梅林的吹笛人》The Pied Piper of Hamelin
28-《小老鼠公主》 A Little Mouse who Was A Princess Story
29-《野天鹅》The Wild Swans
30-《点金术》 King Midas Touch
32-《阿里巴巴与四十大盗》Alibaba and 40 Thieves
32-《豌豆公主》The Princess and the Pea
33-《精灵与鞋匠》The Elves and the Shoemaker
34-《卖火柴的小女孩》The little match-seller
35-《12个跳舞公主》12 Dancing Princess
36-《 穿靴子的猫》Puss in Boots
37-《阿拉丁和神灯》Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
38-《丛林奇谭》Jungle Book
39-《快乐王子》Happy Prince
40-《彼得潘》Peter Pan
42-《三只小猪》Three Little Pigs
45-《金山王》The King of Golden Mountain
47-《七只乌鸦》The Seven Crows
48-《美女与野兽》Beauty and Beast
49-《城里老鼠和乡下老鼠》 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
50-《姜饼人》The Gingerbread Man
51-《玫瑰公主和金色鸟儿》Princess Rose and the Golden Bird
52-《老虎和水牛》The Tiger and The  Buffaloes
53-《狮子和老鼠》The Lion and the Mouse
54-《红色小母鸡》Little Red Hen
56-《金发姑娘和三只熊》Goldilocks and the Three Bears
57-《杰克和豆茎》Jack and the Beanstalk
58-《熊和两个朋友》The Bear and Two Friends
59-《生金蛋的鹅 》The goose with the golden eggs
60-《瓶子里的妖精》The Spirit in the Bottle
61-《小伊达的花》Little Ida’s Flowers
62-《公主与龙》The Princess and the Dragon
63-《玛雅蜜蜂历险记》Maya the Bee
64-《懒惰的女孩》The Lazy Girl
65-《挤奶女工的梦》Milkmaid's Dream
66-《完美的王子》 Flawless Prince
67-《侠盗罗宾汉》Robin Hood
68-《格列佛游记》Gulliver's Travel
69-《幸运的套鞋》The Goloshes of Fortune
70-《花木兰》 Mulan
71-《水手辛巴达》 Sinbad The Sailor
72-《旅伴》The Travelling Companion
73-《砍竹人的传奇》The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
74-《枞树》The Fir Tree
75-《老头子做事总不会错》 What the Old Man Does Is Always Right
76-《魔鬼的三根金发》 The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs
77-《雾都孤儿》Oliver Twist
78-《聪明的水牛》The Intelligent Buffalo
79-《奇妙的铃铛》The Magic Bell
80-《最后一片树叶》The Last Leaf
81-《王子和乞儿》The Prince and the Pauper
82-《诚实的回报》 Reward for Honesty

83-《神奇的镜子》The Magic Mirror

84-《懒惰的婆罗门》The Lazy Bramhin

85-《神奇的帽子》The Magic Cap

86-《聪明的渔夫 》The Intelligent Fisherman

87-《金盘子》The Golden Plate

88-《猴子和鳄鱼》The Monkey and The Crocodile

89-《金冠鱼的故事》The Golden Headed Fish Story

90-《奇妙的铅笔 》The Magic Pencil

91-《最使人相信的事情》The Most Incredible Thing

92-《失落的仙女》The Lost Fairy

93-《亲爱的夜莺》Beloved Nightingale

94-《卖帽人和猴子》The Hat Seller and the Monkeys

95-《贪婪的牛奶商贩 》The Greedy Milkman

96-《驴子和马》The donkey and the horse

97-《骄傲的玫瑰花》The Proud Rose

98-《汤姆·索亚冒险记》The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

99-《野兔和豪猪》The Hare and The Porcupine

100-《佛祖和流浪汉》The Buddha And The Homeless Man

101-《魔法床》The Magic Bed

102-《一个精明农民的故事》  A Clever Farmer

103-《感激的王子》The Grateful Prince

104-《沙漠中的水源》Water in the Desert

105-《聪明的小女孩》The Wise Little Girl

106-《老街灯》The Old Street Lamp

107-《不可能的魔法》An Impossible Enchantment

108-《茶壶》The Teapot

109-《完全是真的》It’s Quite True!

110-《雪白与玫瑰红》 Snow-White and Rose-Red

111-《聪明的玛利亚》Clever Maria

112-《红鼻子驯鹿 》Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer

113-《四兄弟》Four Brothers

114-《巴亚亚王子和他的魔法马》Prince Bayaya and Magic Horse

115-《傻子杰克》Jack The Fool

116-《蝴蝶公主》Butterfly Princess

117-《忠诚的王子 》The Faithful Prince

118-《花之岛女王》Queen of The Flowery Isles

119-《打火匣》The Tinder-Box

120-《玫瑰公主》Princess Rostte


122-《海浪的传说》The Legend of the Waves


