20180630口语真题 Task1
Your school plans to replace the long summer vocation with several short breaks. Do you agree with this policy?
I don’t think students would be too thrilled if their precious summer vocation were replaced by several short breaks. Students usually have big plans for that two-month holiday; after all, for most students, that’s what motivates them to go through tons of school assignments and endless tests. If the vocation is gone, they may easily feel frustrated or even give up in face of pressure and hardships. Moreover, those short breaks won’t be as effective as the long summer vocation, I mean, students like enjoying a long journey in some far-away places, especially islands or exotic countries since in this way, they’d feel that they could finally get away from the school work and unwind. Yet the short break won’t allow them enough time to get refreshed. What’s more, the normal school session would be constantly disrupted by short breaks so that’s not good for their academic performance either.
20180630口语真题 Task2
Decisions made by group are better than those made individually.
I don’t think group decisions are necessarily better than those made by one person. In fact, there’s a phenomenon known as the group think, which shows that people in a group tend to make poor decisions for individuals often try to conform to what they think as the group consensus since they want to be “team players” rather than someone who goes against the whole group. However, more often than not, such a behavior may lead to undesirable results. In contrast, when left alone, individuals could clear their thoughts and balance the pros and cons of each option in a relatively less distractive environment, therefore making a wiser decision. Moreover, it usually takes a long time for a whole group to reach agreement, just think how hard it is to decide what to eat or which movie to watch with a large group of people. Someone even filibusters in order to get his way. In such case, individual decision-making is more efficient.
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