20190504口语真题 Task1
Which of the following do you like to choose as a way to evaluate students?
1) A long research paper
2) Oral exam
3) Written exam
I think a long research paper is a proper way to evaluate students’ performance since it tests our over-all abilities. It needs many skills to put together a good paper. For example, we need to choose a topic worth studying among all those we’re interested in; the literature review usually takes up much time and requires patience, and we would learn to read selectively otherwise we won’t be able to cover all those materials; moreover, the structure of the paper needs careful thoughts, not to mention how to delivery the content in a logical and reader-friendly manner. Besides, doing all these tasks needs time-management skill, which also contributes to good school performance.
20190504口语真题 Task2
Your school offers 5,000 dollars scholarship. Do you think it should give the money to students with high academic performance or to those who need financial aids?
I think the scholarship should go to the students with high academic performance. For starters, this money encourages students to work hard. Although some people may argue that monetary incentive is not proper to reward academic achievement; still, it’s practical and pretty motivational; besides, given the high price of books and other stuff, top students could really use this money to facilitate their learning and accomplish more in school. Moreover, it is true that some students do need financial aids, but clearly 5 thousand dollars is far from enough. I think there could be certain organization that specifically handles this issue, that receives donations from the society and conducts proper evaluations regarding qualified applicants for such aid.
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