20190511口语真题 Task1
Where do you like to study or review for the exam?
1) At home
2) In a library
3) At a coffee shop
I’d like to study at home mainly because I feel at ease in my own place. When I study, sometimes I like playing the music in the back and may sing along unconsciously. It gets me refreshed. And when trying to memorize certain information, I tend to walk around while reading it out, which helps me learn it by heart. Yet in public places like the library or café, I need to behave myself otherwise people would be annoyed. Besides, most of the materials necessary for the review are kept at home, including reference books, reading notes, and the laptop. I don’t know which resource I’m gonna need and it’s certain not a good idea to bring all my stuff to the library or the coffee shop.
20190511口语真题 Task2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Video games are completely worthless for children.
I think children could benefit from video games as long as they don’t get addicted. Since we’d interact with others during a game, it helps us widen our circle and learn something about others’ personalities. For example, some players are freeloaders who don’t contribute much but still take credits from their members while others are sore losers who get mad when losing several rounds in a row. In contrast, some people simple play for fun and could make friends with those who defeat them in the game. Moreover, video games can be a relief zone for children, I mean, they may take a break from the harsh reality and enjoy the visual world in the game. After recharging the battery, they would go back to the world with a refreshed mind.
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