20190519口语真题 Task1
Compared with having face-to-face conversation with friends, what are the advantages and disadvantages of communicating with friends through the smart phones?
Smart phones have made it convenient for us to chat with friends as it bridges the gap caused by geographic location; for example, when studying abroad, students usually face-time with each other and it’s just as if they were in the same place. Besides, we can not only chat through texts, but also send voice messages, emojis or memes, which is quite fun. However, there’re still complaints about such type of communication. For one thing, many people miss the feeling of personal connection when talking with friends without visiting each other in person. They want to hear the voice and read facial expressions, which not only let us feel close to one another, but also avoid misunderstandings during the conversation.
20190519口语真题 Task2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Students should watch videos of experiments instead of doing experiments by themselves.
I think students would benefit from conducting experiments by themselves since it leads to deeper impression and better understanding. When doing experiments, we need to be very careful so that things won’t go wrong. Sometimes even if we’ve followed each step closely, we still couldn’t get the expected results, and then we would notice some details which are not specified in textbooks or the videos; that’s how we learn things. Moreover, conducting experiment is far more fun than simply watching others doing it. In fact, many students would find the chemistry or physics rather boring without being able to doing experiments in class. It’s a good way to engage the students.
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