
Projects Playground| 12岁的二次元少女对活动物料的不可持续 say no

2017-06-27 Upbeing Upbeing





Why every event produces so much waste?

Why does the company need to spend so much on "materials" like paper, post-its etc. whenever holding an activity?

How to transform waste to activity material?

And after upcycling or recycling, can we still be responsible for the third and fourth life of the waste?

小编都快被沉重的议题搞晕了,12岁的项目经理依然坚挺地把上周六的Trash Transformer 活动做完~活动上有超过500号人流,虽工作坊只有20人左右有机会参加,但仍让小姑娘一阵子紧张~嘛,已经比小编勇敢系数高太多~

(小编:天啊, 我12岁的时候在干什么。。心疼地抱住自己)

Upbeing Trash Transformer at doo+ vibe has been held successfully by our 

outstanding 12-year-old project manager on last Saturday.


Trash Transformer 是 Upbeing 404 行动村的 campaign 之一,二次元少女CiCi作为史上第一个倡导用废弃物做活动物料的campaign的项目经理,让成年人大呼还想做孩子。从自己感兴趣的二次元绘画和一个办公场景中的议题出发,孩子能做什么样的落地项目?

Trash Transformer is one the activities of Upbeing 404 Action Village, where the participants had to create a mascot from trash.


Yes, this is our lovely and smart project manager and facilitator of this activity.

CiCi loves drawing cartoons and cares about the environment. She is fond of the sea creatures, so she feels that waste is really a big issue.


At this age, what was I doing?   I am so impressed by her courage.  

What kind of impactful projects can the kids initiate based on their interest?


Being a project manager is not a one day "job", you need to prepare thoroughly.

在去到doo+ 共益创新大会之前我们的项目经理兢兢业业的为大赛制作了需要的物料:

Before the doo+ vibe event,our project manager prepared the material we needed for the workshop.


Comics to describe the process.



The signboards for the 4 districts of the virtual village and contributed to the Trash Transformer poster.

前期MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

为了能在doo+ vibe大会上更加饱满的出现,前期的小试牛刀当然是必不可少的,在咸鱼宝贝集市上, 我们的项目经理开展了一次小型的活动,以确保项目的可行性。

In order to be able to conduct a successful workshop at doo+ vibe, we decided to have a "rehearsal" at the Cheers For Eco Garage Sale Market held at NPI on 18th of June.

我们发现在咸鱼宝贝集市上,CiCi相对来说还较为害羞,没有办法很自信的像大家阐述活动。 但是在doo+ vibe的活动上,有了不少的进步,面对更多的人, 能够做到不再怯场, 像大家介绍本次的活动。

Though our Project Manager is a bit shy, and not very confident, she pushed herself and tried to get out of her comfort zone. And during the doo+ vibe she made a great progress by talking in front of 20+ people and explaining the workshop rules.


The workshop simulated 404 action village. In the game, the virtual village is divided into four districts: ecology, social, economy and education. We show the problem of each region, let the "villagers" (the participants of the workshop) of each area use "local" waste to make a mascot to raise awareness and further engage in dialogue.

看到这堆废弃物和最终的吉祥物后, 小编只能表示, 人类的脑洞真是不可估量。

Here are the pics of the trash, the transformation process and the mascots. The creativity of human being is limitless.


So, what happened last Saturday ?


Would you like to become the shifu of the Monkey King? (ref: famous Chinese story: Journey to the West)

还有这位蓝同鞋, 真是牺牲小我,成就大我啊。

可是....你们团队偏题了喂~ 我们需要的是一个吉祥物,一个可以被带走的吉祥物诶~

Obviously, he sacrificed himself for the team

However ... they had to make a mascot, which can be taken away.....


To be honest, this ball freaks me out ... but we can sense the mystery of it (below can read the full story)


Seems this one was on the right track. :D

女士们总是很优雅~ 期待成品

Elegant ladies, putting their brain together to create a nice mascot.


Now, let's check all the mascots:

Baba Trash -- Issue of the "Ecology district"

Baba 垃圾清除机器人--生态区的村民作品


Baba Trash is a multifunction robot, which "eats" trash from the ocean. What a miraculous robot.

Layers of my heart: Issue of the "Social district"


为留守儿童专门设计, 孩子们需要更加强壮的内心, 如果你拨开这个黑色的布, 可以看到里面有各种不同颜色和材质。


后面这颗橙色的大心上有很多的文字, 意味着,我们希望大家并不只是说而已, 而是要采取行动

Left behind children need stronger heart, if you uncover the cloth, you can find different colors and variety under it . This represents we need to give more love to children. There are lots of words on the big heart behind the balls , this is a calling of all people to take action not just talking.

Education through communication: Issue of the "Education district"


这个蓝色的带子象征的是一个桥梁, 我们希望从一个人的内心到另一个人的内心的距离没有那么的遥远。

通过沟通加强两代人之间的交流。这颗心内里的形状,也像是孩子在母胎里的样子。 这是所有爱的基础。

The blue tie symbolizes the bridge, which can shorten the distance between the hearts. This team believes in strengthening the bond among the generations through communication, also the inside shape of this heart looks like an infant in its mother's belly, and this is where the life starts.

PWC (Positivity, Will , Create)-- Issue of the "Economy district"



下面的碎布和海报代表着,各种不同的人,工作, 和时间维度。



The rags behind represent people from all works of life that come together to take actions. The posters signify what people want to change and the people need to rethink to create things. The hands are really important because we need them to do things. And they are tearing the "No" and bringing in the "Yes". We are trying to think about how to connect people to work together and to make change.

但是, 你们以为这些吉祥物会被始乱终弃么?

这些吉祥物不仅为我们带来了更多的灵感,还将继续使用到我们后期的活动中去, 欢迎常回来看看你们制作的吉祥物”~

Do you think these mascots will become "trash" again?  Most of the time these "creations" are thrown away after the team building workshop is over. BUT, we are definitely going to reuse them in our upcoming events, so welcome to follow and join us to meet the mascots 


The facilitation we have done in this project

1. 从孩子兴趣出发,并召集更多小伙伴,会让活动参与的活跃度和体验感提升,同时增强孩子参与的自信心

Based on the student personal interest encouraged her to participate in the activities and invite other friends. The student could try out herself, gain some hands-on experience and enhanced self-confidence.

2. 每个活动都可以发展孩子的联想思维,这次活动将孩子不曾体验过的工作场景和难以发现的议题出发串联可持续发展相关的思考和实践让孩子在公众场所中(甚至在与各国文化的人的沟通中),影响成年人。生活场景+社会场景+创新场域的结合,提升孩子的联想思维能力和实践能力。

Each activity can develop the student's  associative thinking. Originally the student has never experienced working on an activity like this and never had a chance to explore these issues from a different prospective. As a result of this project the student has tasted the concept of sustainable development, and "pushed" her to influence people from different cultures and gained experience "appearing" in public.

The combination of real life scenarios + social scenarios + innovation helped to improve the associative thinking and gained practical knowledge about social innovation.

3. 创造性能打破旧有规则、创立新规,能够改变我们的心智模式和我们的范式。假设你一参加工作便进入到负责花钱的市场部门(越是大公司可能越是如此),那么你可能很少会去思考物料方面的创新。 公司的企业社会责任其实是可以体现在各个方面的,所有部门都有做CSR的创新空间。但如何落地?我们引导孩子从小事开始做起,影响一部分人。

Creativity can break the old rules , and set new rules , can change the paradigm of our mental model . What if you are going to work for marketing deparment after you graduated , maybe you will rarely think about the material innovation. Actually the companies CSR activies can be implemented in various departments, each department has a space for "social innovation" but how to localize it. We facilitate the kid from doing small to  have big impact.


We also have a reflection after the workshop. What are the takeaways? -

-Keep iterating: do not chase perfection

-Don't think too much just do it

-Always have a positive mindset

-Try to look at the big picture

-Facilitate co-creation and enhance collaboration skills 


If you also want to become the project manger of a social innovation project, welcome to contact us .


Thanks doo+ for giving us this opportunity . 

doo+是为一切拥有共益创新精神的企业和社群带来一场头脑风暴式的狂欢。其目标是扩张并最大化这个社群里dooer+ 创变者们的影响力,增进社会对于共益创新,社会责任感和可持续发展的了解和意识。

doo+ vibe is a one-of-a-kind event, which celebrates social innovation and everything with a social purpose. What’s ours? To grow and maximize the social impact of all the dooers+ in our community and raise awareness towards social innovation, social responsibility and environmental sustainability.


在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

