─ 美国众议院前议长奥尼尔
"All politics is local."
─ Tip O'Neill, former Speaker of the House in the U.S. Congress现在距离2021年都柏林学区董事会候选人论坛还有一天时间! 如果你想在11月2日的选举中对选择3名新的都柏林学校董事会成员有发言权,现在是了解8名候选人的时候了。请加入由俄州亚太联盟主办的都柏林学校董事会候选人论坛,线上活动,请拷贝下面的注册链接,点击文末“阅读原文”(Read More),或扫描海报上的二维码获取Zoom会议信息。
https://bit.ly/SchoolCandidates同时在Facebook上选择 "去 "或 "感兴趣",加入那里的讨论组。
https://www.facebook.com/events/384550149741882都柏林(Dublin)是美国俄亥俄州横跨富兰克林县、特拉华县、犹尼昂县三县的一个城市,距州府哥伦布不远。当地人口超过4万1千,其中约80%是白人,亚裔超过15%。近年来,该市的亚裔在以俄州亚太联盟为代表的亚裔组织的带领下,开始积极参政议政,连续多年举办州级和地方政治论坛,在当地颇具影响力。One day to go before the 2021 Dublin School Board Candidate Forum! If you want to have a voice in selecting 3 new Dublin School Board members on the Nov 2 election, now it is the time to get informed about the 8 candidates.
Join the Dublin School Board Candidate Forum hosted by APAPA Ohio on Zoom - from the comfort of your home or backyard:
Also select "Going" or "Interested" on the Facebook event to sustain our momentum - 383 people have done so. Join the discussion group there.