
1/11 @Elevator | Antigen开年重磅:Varg2™

ikke Antigenn 2022-03-24



11 Jan/一月 2020





[ Northern Electronics, Posh Isolation | SE ]



B1/F 265 Nandan Dong Lu Near Caoxi Lu


Laughing Ears



Installation/现场特别装置 by Jialiang


数量有限^ ^


Varg2™(Varg)将于1月11日周六在Elevator上海带来他以侵略性著称的两小时Hybrid Set,今年刚刚发行了新EP的Laughing Ears和SHCR的主理人HYMN也将现场助阵,当晚还有Jialiang带来的特别装置

Varg Aisa Tour 2019-2020

Varg at Boiler Room x Dekmantel 2019


Varg2™(Varg),斯德歌尔摩著名制作人,个人风格极其鲜明,横跨多种场景并且一惯以高产姿态和反叛态度著称的他和他的"anti-police music',毫无疑问是近五年来跳舞音乐的目光焦点之一,也是独特奇妙的北欧场景所孕育出的杰出代表。

噪音金属,氛围电子,实验解构,先锋说唱,Varg以无所不包的音乐视野和近乎无穷的创作精力玩转其中并且脱颖而出,还有使他声名大噪却从未轻易定义他的Techno世界,人称Sweden's techno goliath的他即为“underground'正名,揭露fake地下场景,也厌恶拿不到演出费的地下演出,更痛恨无聊的中产派对,和按资排辈的业界“前辈”,所有惯于“尊重传统“的金科玉律都被他嗤之以鼻。

Varg是北欧两大厂牌的核心成员,他与好友Abdulla Rashim共同执掌的斯德歌尔摩大厂Northern Electronics,旗下活跃音乐人有Abdulla Rashim、Acronym、Anthony Linell、CA2+、Ulwhednar、Evigt Mörker、Art Alfie、Korridor、Nuel等等。音乐类型涵盖Techno、Ambient、Industrial、Drone、 Noise、acid各种。2015年Northern Electronics被Resident Advisor评选为年度最佳音乐厂牌的第三名。

在Techno世界毁誉等身,身体力行地探索当代Techno音乐的多样性的同时,Varg也与以Yung LeanBladee为核心的先锋艺术团体Sad Boys&Drain Gang保持了长期紧密的合作关系。

另一方面,同样入选过RA最佳厂牌的哥本哈根著名厂牌/艺术平台Posh Isolation,Varg2™也是其中重要一员。

Posh Isolation由Christian Stadsgaard和Loke Rahbek在2009年创建,专注于呈现斯堪的纳维亚艺术家和合作伙伴的作品。音乐风格涵盖了噪音、实验、金属、朋克以及电子音乐。噪音朋克名团Iceage也是他们的参与者之一。Varg2™跟这里的成员组建了风格多样的不同组合。

2019年一月份Fact Magazine推出的Against The Clock系列中,Varg2™在自家工作室完成十分钟限时live表演,被他本人称之为:“Hippy”Techno Live“


Varg - Against The Clock

看完什么感觉?保证“听起来很像我在森林里吹笛子” “因为我是大自然的孩子”。末了他还加一句:这对我来说太简单了,我可以一天完成一张专辑,然后六个月后全部推翻

The Empire Line

The Empire Line 是 Jonas Rönnberg aka Varg2™与Damien Dubrovnik's Christian Stadsgaard和Iron Sight aka Isak Hansen的合作项目,他们将这种精神引导到混乱和惩罚中。

The Empire Line | Boiler Room x Herrensauna

三人组的live演出于2017年底在Berghain首次亮相。2018年头他们发行第一张EP "RAVE",年尾参与了Bolier Room Hard Dance Berlin,在Bolier Room质量日渐残次不齐的年头,哥们三人各展拳脚,将锐舞的良心带回人群中,电子跳舞音乐结合金属极端噪音,像回到令人怀念的脏乱差仓库派对。

The Empire Line听起来相当嘻哈的名字凸显了当代斯堪的纳维亚场景的力量和多样性。“你的压迫本质就是我们的愤怒美学” real or fake你心里清楚。

Nordic Flora Sereis

在对Varg2™的介绍中,有这样一段话:“他在俱乐部音乐的当代美学平台以及实验性音乐实践的漫长弧线上投下了来自北方的神秘阴影”。而他在Posh Isolation厂牌下发行的Nordic Flora系列丰富多样的作品是这种广度的一个敏锐例证,也是了解这个艺术家的一把钥匙。 

这个系列为leftfield和现代techno的当代叙事奠定基调,像一架直升机俯视ambient, drone, industrial和更多电子音乐分类的国界。

面对死亡金属老王子Varg觉得自己才是正宗的执念,上个月Varg宣布改名为Varg2™,同时发行了自己的最新EP-Fuck Varg


4.Parasites (Honest Music for Dishonest People)’ [ft. G19]




Under the moniker of Varg2TM, Jonas Rönnberg runs a cunning operation.

Covert transmissions, alongside penetrating statements from techno’s core, are stacked adjacent to self-assertive live performances with an agility and depth of focus rarely summoned so instinctively.

With a still-rising presence, Rönnberg makes sense of the decadent overdose privy to underground musics at this time. And producing work on his own prolific schedule, his barely controlled chaos isn’t stopping to check that you’ve noticed.

Presiding over Stockholm’s Northern Electronics label with Anthony Linell, Rönnberg casts a cryptic shadow from the North over contemporary platforms in club musics as well as the long arc of experimental music practices. The dynamic set of works that comprise the Nordic Flora Series are a

keen example of this breadth and are a key of sorts to the artist. This year's Sky City EPs, along with the album 'Evanescence (A Love Letter)', refract expectations and transact damage spectacularly.

Tempering a caustic rhythmic sensibility with a pneumatic palette for high definition synthesis,Rönnberg’s unique embrace of risk tests the reliability of the forms he works in as well as the genre borders he surveys. The glossy brutalism of Ulwhednar, his collaboration with Linell, is a persistent

and remorseless transmission of their shared techno foundations. In contrast is the dizzying contemporary pop of his collaboration with AnnaMelina under the name of Flora. Building on a long-standing collaborative pact with Copenhagen's Posh Isolation, recent work with Croatian Amor has yielded restless grime and jungle-fuelled tracks, whereas The Empire Line's pummelling trance-laced works are crossed with power electronics to raw, hedonistic effect, giving up Christian Stadsgaard and Isak Hansen's noise pedigree.

It takes a vandal’s logic of intuition to make this work, let alone make it this thrilling. But if you can break into the penthouse, you may as well stay and coerce the havoc with a bottle of someone else’s champagne in hand. And, yes, you should be suspicious of what you know you haven’t seen

—it’s obviously intimidating.

*本篇推送部分文案来自Oil Club公众号,尊重原创*

Support DJs:

Laughing Ears

Laughing Ears 是一位现居上海的电子音乐制作人,她的音乐不局限于某种风格,从Experiment,Ambient,Beats,Bass, Footwork, 到噪音,各种声音是她的积木,堆叠出一个个声音城堡,用属于她自己的节拍,带你走进她的世界。在 Ran Music 旗下的数支个人作品发行,同时也受到了众多国内国外独立厂牌的关注和青睐,并被 NTS Radio , SHCR邀请播放音乐。

她在Ran Music 发行的个人首张12寸黑胶《Tidal Effects》由 Kompakt 分发上架全网上线。其中收录了8首极具暗黑气质和朋克风潮的独特音轨,厚重到窒息的超低频,末日狂欢的节拍律动,扭曲咆哮的贝司声线,神秘阴暗的宗教感旋律,Laughing Ears 用她超凡的音色设计,为听众呈现出世界尽头汹涌的潮汐效应。同时收录在合集Functory 03中的单曲<Polymorphic Reality>成为她与杭州独立厂牌FunctionLab合作的序曲。

 Laughing Ears is an electronic music producer who currently lives in Shanghai, she burst onto the underground music scene these years. Her music crosses genres which include Experimental, Ambient, Beats, Bass, Footwork and Noise. She treats sounds as building blocks and by layering and combining them, she builds stylized sound castles of her own. She creates unique beats then processes them using modulated effects and granular synthesizers. She has several releases on Beijing-based label Ran Music and has been gaining recognition in the China electronic music scene ever since. She has been favored by many indie labels in and out of China and has also been invited by NTS radio and SHCR to play music for their program.

Her debut 12" Vinyl album “Tidal Effects” on Ran Music includes 8 tracks featuring her signature dark and cyberpunk sound, with heavy suffocating subs, intensive footwork influenced beats, twisted growling bass lines and mysterious cult-feel melodies. Laughing Ears delivers an epic of world-ending tidal effects using her extraordinary sound design technique. Also her <Polymorphic Reality> on the the third compilation Functory 03 from Hangzhou indie label FunctionLab will be a prelude to their collaboration.


HYMN平时运营着SHCR(Shanghai Community Radio),身兼数职。作为DJ她喜欢播放一些虚焦的Techno、Breaks以及其他鼓点构造有趣的音乐。

HYMN co-runs SHCR (Shanghai Community Radio) as a jack of all trades. She usually plays some soft focus Techno, Breaks along with some other rhythmically interesting sounds.





2019年开始个人的独立装置艺术计划,作品取自公共的场景,将超现实、梦境般的感悟放置于日常的公共装置中,以此将观者对于日常生活中产生的潜意识感受具像化及延长。曾与独立厂牌SHCR合作在音乐俱乐部ALLCLUB派对中展出装置作品《SUNSET PARK》。







