

王陆峰 志阳创谈 2023-05-24

Top management team nationality diversity, corporate entrepreneurship, and innovation in multinational firms    [SMJ 2月]



Christophe Boone1 | Boris Lokshin2 | Hannes Guenter2 | René Belderbos3

1 Antwerp Centre of Evolutionary Demography (ACED), Department of Management, Faculty of Applied Economics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

2 Department of Organization and Strategy, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands

3 Department of Management, Strategy, and Innovation, Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium



We integrate insights from upper echelon theory and the literature on innovation and multinational corporations (MNCs) to develop a framework explaining when and why nationality diversity in top management teams (TMTs) affects corporate entrepreneurship—as evidenced by diversity in global knowledge sourcing—and through this innovation performance in MNCs. In a panel of 165 manufacturing MNCs based in 20 countries, we confirm that the positive effects of TMT nationality diversity on corporate entrepreneurship and innovation are only unleashed in TMTs with low social stratification and in MNCs located in home countries that are low in national power distance. Our study contributes to opening up the black box of the upper echelon's strategic role in spurring entrepreneurship and innovation in MNCs embedded in different cultures.

When does advice impact startup performance? [SMJ 3月]



Aaron Chatterji1,2 | Solène Delecourt3 | Sharique Hasan1 | Rembrand Koning4

1 Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

2 NBER, Cambridge, Massachusetts

3 Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford, California

4 Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts



Why do some entrepreneurs thrive while others fail? We explore whether the advice entrepreneurs receive about managing their employees influences their startup's performance. We conducted a randomized field experiment in India with 100 high-growth technology firms whose founders received in-person advice from other entrepreneurs who varied in their managerial style. We find that entrepreneurs who received advice from peers with a formal approach to managing people—instituting regular meetings, setting goals consistently, and providing frequent feedback to employees—grew 28% larger and were 10 percentage points less likely to fail than those who got advice from peers with an informal approach to managing people, 2 years after our intervention. Entrepreneurs with MBAs or accelerator experience did not respond to this intervention, suggesting that formal training can limit the spread of peer advice.

Entrepreneurship, innovation, and political competition: How the public sector helps the sharing economy create value  [SMJ 4月]



Yongwook Paik1 | Sukhun Kang2 | Robert Seamans3

1 Organization & Strategy Area, KAIST College of Business, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea

2 Strategy and Entrepreneurship Area, London Business School, London, U.K.

3 Department of Management and Organizations, Stern School of Business, New York University, New York



With the recent growth of the sharing economy, regulators must frequently strike the right balance between private and public interests to maximize value creation. In this article, we argue that political competition is a critical ingredient that explains whether cities accommodate or ban ridesharing platforms and that this relationship is moderated in more populous cities and in cities with higher unemployment rates. We test our arguments using archival data covering ridesharing bans in various U.S. cities during the 2011–2015 period. We supplement these data with semistructured interviews. We find broad support for our arguments while mitigating potential endogeneity concerns. Our study has important implications for nonmarket strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation, and public-private partnership literatures. In addition, our findings inform policy debates on the sharing economy.






【顶级期刊创业研究速递】SEJ 2019年3月文献中英文摘要



- 图文编辑:王陆峰 -



