
专题汇编 | 社会创业研究高被引文献TOP10

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以Social entrep* 为关键词,根据Google Scholar检索,本期整理出社会创业被引频次TOP10(2020-2022年)的文献摘要。后台发送“20221212”,即可获取原文献PDF版。


  • Social entrepreneurship research: A review and future research agenda

  • 社会创业研究:回顾与未来研究议程

  • Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Citation/Co-citation Analysis

  • 社会创业研究的智慧图谱:被引/共引分析

  • The COVID-19 Virtual Idea Blitz: Marshaling social entrepreneurship to rapidly respond to urgent grand challenges

  • COVID-19虚拟创意闪电战:动员社会创业以应对重大挑战

  • Individual capital and social entrepreneurship: Role of formal institutions

  • 个人资本与社会创业:正式制度的作用

  • Effects of sociocultural and economic factors on social entrepreneurship and sustainable development

  • 社会文化和经济因素对社会创业和可持续发展的影响

  • Women entrepreneurs as agents of change: A comparative analysis of social entrepreneurship processes in emerging markets

  • 女性创业者作为变革的推动者:新兴市场社会创业过程比较分析

  • A qualitative approach towards crucial factors for sustainable development of women social entrepreneurship: Indian cases

  • 女性社会创业可持续发展关键因素的定性研究:印度案例

  • Transformative service research, service design, and social entrepreneurship An interdisciplinary framework advancing wellbeing and social impact

  • 变革性服务研究、服务设计和社会创业:一个促进福祉和社会影响的跨学科框架

  • Understanding social entrepreneurship: A cultural perspective in business research

  • 理解社会创业:商业研究中的文化视角

  • Social entrepreneurship orientation and company success: The mediating role of social performance

  • 社会创业导向与公司成功:社会绩效的中介作用

Social entrepreneurship research: A review and future research agenda




Social Entrepreneurship (SE) is a popular area of research and practice. An analysis of the existing literature reviews on SE reveals a dearth of studies classifying the existing SE literature into multiple research themes and further presenting popular and less popular research themes. With the aim of bridging this gap, this study presents a systematic review of 188 peer reviewed SSCI journal articles published in last decade. It presents an overview of recent SE research, classifying it in five main themes while identifying the thrust areas of research in each. Based on identified research gaps, we provide future research directions, contexts and methodology.




Gupta, P., Chauhan, S.,et al(2020).Social entrepreneurship research: A review and future research agenda.Journal of Business Research,113, 209-229.

Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Citation/Co-citation Analysis




In this paper, we employ bibliometric analysis to empirically analyse the research on social entrepreneurship published between 1996 and 2017. By employing methods of citation analysis, document co-citation analysis, and social network analysis, we analyse 1296 papers containing 74,237 cited references and uncover the structure, or intellectual base, of research on social entrepreneurship. We identify nine distinct clusters of social entrepreneurship research that depict the intellectual structure of the field. The results provide an overall perspective of the social entrepreneurship field, identifying its influential works and analysing scholarly communication between these works. The results further aid in clarifying the overall centrality features of the social entrepreneurship research network. We also examine the integration of ethics into social entrepreneurship literature. We conclude with a discussion on the structure and evolution of the social entrepreneurship field.




Hota, PK.,Subramanian, B,Narayanamurthy, G (2020).Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Citation/Co-citation Analysis.Journal of Business Ethics, 166, 89–114.

The COVID-19 Virtual Idea Blitz: Marshaling social entrepreneurship to rapidly respond to urgent grand challenges




In response to societal grand challenges, professors have unique opportunities to effect change, repurposing their expertise to deploy relevant, timely, practical, and research-backed knowledge for the betterment of communities. Drawing on scholarship on postcrisis organizing, entrepreneurial hustle, and social entrepreneurship, we provide a firsthand, real-time case description of a three-day "virtual idea blitz" organized in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The event was organized and executed in less than a week and ultimately involved 200 individuals, including entrepreneurs, coders, medical doctors, venture capitalists, industry professionals, students, and professors from around the world. By the end of the weekend, 21 ideas with corresponding pitches were developed in five thematic areas: health needs, education, small businesses, community, and purchasing. We describe how the community was rapidly rallied, and we discuss the key learning outcomes of this spontaneous entrepreneurial endeavor. We provide evidence from participants and mentors that showcases the value of the time-compressed virtual idea blitz in accelerating social entrepreneurial action. We offer practical guidance to academic, community, and professional institutions that would like to replicate or build upon our approach to stimulate the formation of community and to coordinate efforts to thwart the ongoing threat of COVID-19, as well as other societal challenges that might emerge in the future. 




Bacq, S.,Geoghegan, W.,et al. (2020).The COVID-19 Virtual Idea Blitz: Marshaling social entrepreneurship to rapidly respond to urgent grand challenges.Business Horizons, 63(6), 705-723.

Individual capital and social entrepreneurship: Role of formal institutions




Drawing on capital theory and institutional theory, we hypothesize the contingent role of a country's formal institutions (financial, educational, and political) on the relationship between individual capital (financial, human and social capital) and social entrepreneurship entry. Using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data, we find that all three forms of individual capital are important for social entrepreneurship entry. Moreover, we find that this relationship is contingent on the formal institutional context such that (i) philanthropy-oriented financial systems have a positive moderating effect on investment of financial capital; (ii) educational systems have a positive moderating effect on investment of human capital; and (iii) political systems have a positive moderating effect on investment of both human and financial capital. We make substantial contributions to the literature on social entrepreneurship by ascertaining the nature of contingent effects of formal institutions on the relationship between individual capital and the emergence of social enterprises.




Sahasranamam, S.,Nandakumar, MK. (2020).Individual capital and social entrepreneurship: Role of formal institutions.Journal of Business Research, 107, 104-117.

Effects of sociocultural and economic factors on social entrepreneurship and sustainable development




Concern about environmental problems has led to more attention being paid to the sustainable development objective. Social entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship in general, show a direct relationship with this objective, due mainly to the activities carried out by entrepreneurs regarding the development of new products, the search for new markets, and the introduction of innovations. Because of this, it is important to identify the variables that influence both types of entrepreneurship to adequately design measures to stimulate sustainable development through these activities. These variables can be grouped into two groups: sociocultural factors and economic factors. The objective of this paper is to analyze the behavior of these two groups over general entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship, in addition to the impact of these two types of entrepreneurship on sustainable development. To carry out this analysis, we have developed an empirical analysis with structural equations for the case of 15 OECD countries between 2015 and 2016.




Mendez-Picazo, MT.,Galindo-Martin, MA.,Castano-Martinez, MS.(2021).Effects of sociocultural and economic factors on social entrepreneurship and sustainable development.Journal of Innovation & Knowledge,6(2), 69-77.

Women entrepreneurs as agents of change: A comparative analysis of social entrepreneurship processes in emerging markets




In recent years, social and women entrepreneurship have become two growing fields of entrepreneurship research. In the context of social entrepreneurship, earlier research indicates that women are a better fit for leading social enterprises. However, the relevance of gender in the field of social entrepreneurship is underexplored and calls for further research, framing the mainstay of this study. Through a multiple case study approach employing four firms from two emerging markets – India and Colombia – we analyze how women entrepreneurs engage in social entrepreneurship processes in uncertain Base of the Pyramid environments. We use the effectuation lens to investigate the entrepreneurial journey and decision-making logics employed at various stages of the venture development. Findings show that women social entrepreneurs are highly motivated concerning social issues. Also, women entrepreneurs show a subtle transition between the two approaches of causation and effectuation during the venture creation processes. This study highlights the specific challenges that women entrepreneurs face in the emerging market context and the inclusive strategies they employ to enhance socio-economic development.




Rosca, E.,Agarwal, N.,Brem, A. (2020).Women entrepreneurs as agents of change: A comparative analysis of social entrepreneurship processes in emerging markets.Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 157.

A qualitative approach towards crucial factors for sustainable development of women social entrepreneurship: Indian cases



女性创业者具有非凡的能力和熟练程度,如创新和创造导向、领导素质、自我和社会意识、识别机会的能力、承担风险的能力,以及通过生产商品和服务来满足当前市场需求而将资源商业化的能力。本研究探讨能力发展的整体概念框架中的影响可持续发展的基本因素,从而促进女性创业。本文通过开放式问卷调查,对来自印度Uttar Pradesh和Uttarakhand选定地区的7名女性创业者进行了深入访谈。基于案例分析,本文发现个人、社会和环境因素影响了对女性社会创业者成功至关重要的创业学习和能力的发展。研究结果将有助于政策制定者进行有效的宣传,鼓励和激励环境教育,并带来预期的政策改革。

Women entrepreneur has exceptional capabilities and proficiencies such as innovative and creative orientation, leadership qualities, self and social awareness, ability to identify opportunities, risk taking capacity equipped with ability to commercialize resources through the production of goods and services to meet the present market needs. The study explores the factors essential for the sustainable development of a holistic conceptual framework of competency development and thereby promoting women entrepreneurship. In-depth interviews of seven women entrepreneurs (WEs) from selected regions of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, India, were conducted for collecting data and information through open-ended questionnaire. During the review and analysis of cases, it has observed that personal, social and environmental factors have affected the development of entrepreneurial learning and competencies that are crucial for the success of women social entrepreneurs. The study findings would facilitate policy makers in for effective campaigning, encouragement and motivation of WEs besides policy bringing desired policy reforms.




Agarwal, S.,Lenka, U.,Agrawal, AM. (2020).A qualitative approach towards crucial factors for sustainable development of women social entrepreneurship: Indian cases.Journal of Cleaner Production, 274.

Transformative service research, service design, and social entrepreneurship An interdisciplinary framework advancing wellbeing and social impact




Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide an interdisciplinary framework bridging service design and social entrepreneurship with transformative service research (TSR) to create greater synergetic effects to advance wellbeing and drive social impact. Design/methodology/approach This research provides an interdisciplinary review and synthesis of literature to establish a basis for a conceptual framework advancing human wellbeing and driving social impact. Findings The overarching framework created incorporates various concepts, methods and tools across the three research domains. At the core of the framework is the ultimate goal of multilevel wellbeing and social impact. The core is subsequently supported by established social entrepreneurship concepts and strategies: prosocial motivation, hybrid identity, social bricolage, entrepreneurial thinking, community engagement, business model design and innovative delivery. The implementation of these concepts could benefit from the methods and tools used in service design, such as: design probes, service blueprints, appreciative inquiry, contextual interviews, actor maps, sustainable business model canvas and service prototyping. Originality/value By bridging literature in TSR, service design and social entrepreneurship, this paper provides service managers with a framework to guide scalable systemic solutions for service organizations interested in advancing human wellbeing and driving social impact.




Alkire, L., Mooney, C.,et al. (2020).Transformative service research, service design,and social entrepreneurship An interdisciplinary framework advancing wellbeing and social impact.Journal of Service Management,31(1), 24-50.

Understanding social entrepreneurship: A cultural perspective in business research




This study investigates the cultural drivers of social entrepreneurship (SE), focusing on the way in which Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness (GLOBE) affects social entrepreneurial activity (SEA) in different countries. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) and GLOBE project were used as data sources. Cultural values, regional affiliation, and economic development levels were used to cluster the selected countries. Correlations between values and operating SEA were checked for the entire sample, as well as for each of the three clusters. A positive correlation between 'Gender Egalitarianism' and narrowly defined operating SEA and negative correlation between 'Uncertainty Avoidance' and the aforementioned SEA was confirmed for all the countries, while the linkage between 'Future Orientation', 'In-group Collectivism', and operating SEA was partially verified. Research results suggest that culture is not sufficient to justify national differences in SE rates.




Canestrino, R.,Cwiklicki, M.,et al.(2020). Understanding social entrepreneurship: A cultural perspective in business research.Journal of Business Research,110, 132-143.

 Social entrepreneurship orientation and company success: The mediating role of social performance




We examine the impact of social entrepreneurship orientation (SEO), a behavioral measure of the social entrepreneurship of the organization, on the social and financial performance of a sample of Austrian firms. Despite growing research interests in social entrepreneurship, the field remains fragmented and this has led to calls for a careful examination of the implications of social entrepreneurship for firms. We draw on stakeholder theory and hybrid organizing to hypothesize that social performance mediates the SEO-financial performance relationship. By analyzing a sample of 1,156 companies, we find that the SEO-financial performance relationship is partially positively mediated by social performance even though the direct effect is negative. Our results show that social performance compensates for the otherwise negative effect SEO has directly with financial performance. We contribute to an understanding of the mechanisms by which an SEO affects firm performance and provide richer insights into the various aspects of performance. We discuss the future implications of our study and suggest promising avenues for further research on the SEO construct.




Gali, N.,Niemand, T.,et al.(2020).Social entrepreneurship orientation and company success: The mediating role of social performance.Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 3, 24-29.





