
译林版五年级英语下册Unit 4知识点汇总


see the doctor 看医生,看病

feel    感觉,感到

check  检查

should  应该

have a rest  休息

take medicine  吃药

drink water  喝水

toothache  牙疼 

dentist  牙医 

anything 任何东西

brush one’s teeth 刷牙

bedtime  就寝时间

giraffe   长颈鹿

point at  指着,指向

neck    脖子



see the doctor 看医生 

have a headache 头疼 

have a fever 发烧

have a rest 休息 

at home 在家 

take some medicine 吃一些 

drink some warm water 喝一些温水 

brush one' s teeth 刷牙 

eat sweets 吃糖果 

have a toothache 牙疼 

see the dentist 看牙医 

a lot of 许多 

too many 太多 

in the morning 在早晨 

before bedtime 就寝之前

in thehospital 在医院里 

have a rest 休息 

point at 指着


1. Thank you. 谢谢你。


3. Thanks.谢谢。

4. OK好了。


6.Oh, no! 哦,不!



【课文应用】 What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?

I have a headache.我头疼。

【句型结构】问句:What' s wrong with you?

答语: I have a/an+疾病名称( toothache, headache, earache...)


  • 问句用来询问对方出现了什么状况,是医生和护士询问病人病情时常用的句子

  • 问句是由what开头的特殊疑问句。wrong是形容词,意为“不正常的;有毛病的

  • 在答语中,have表示“生病”。当疾病名词的读音以元音音素开头时,冠词用an。

【生活实例】星期一早晨,已经六点半了, David还没起床,究竟发生了什么事?妈妈和他说了些什么呢?让我们来看一看:

Mum: David, please get up! What' s wrong with you?戴维,请起床!你怎么了?

David: Mum,I have a headache. 妈妈,我头疼。

2. 如何询问他人出现了什么状况

(1)问句: What's wrong with+主语(第三人称单数)?

答语: He/ She has a/an+疾病名称

例如: -What' s wrong with Mike?迈克怎么了?

-He has a fever.他发烧了

(2)问句: What' s wrong with+主语(第三人称复数)?

答语: They have a/an+疾病名称

例如:-What's wrong with them?他们怎么了?

-They have a cold..他们感冒了。


 What's wrong with you?

=What's the matter with you?

=What's the trouble with you?

=What's the problem with you?


3. 常见的表示疾病的短语

have a toothache 牙疼

have a cold 感冒 

have a fever 发烧

have a sore throat 噪子疼

have the flu 得了流行性感冒 

have astomachache 胃疼

4. 提建议的句型:… should/ shouldn't…

【课文应用】You should have a restat home.你应该在家休息。

You shouldn't eat too many sweets.你不应该吃太多糖果。

【句型结构】主语+ should/ shouldn't+动词(短语)原形(+其他)


  • should 是情态动词,意为“应该”。shouldn't是 should的否定形式,意为“不应该”。

  • should和 shouldn't没有人称和数的变化,与动词(短语)原形搭配使用


You should have a rest. You shouldn’twork.你应该休息,不应该工作。

5. 询问某人应该做什么的句型:What should…do?

【课文应用】 What should I do, Doctor?我应该做什么,医生?

【句型结构】 What should+主语+do?


  • 主语可以是人称代词主格 (I,he,she)

  • should意为“应该”,是情态动词,与其搭配使用的动词用原形。


Mary: What should I do,Mum?我应该做什么,妈妈?

Mum:Mary,you should say sorry to Bill. 玛丽,你应该向比尔道歉。

6.  看病常用句式

第一步: 询问病情

医生: What's wrong with you?你 怎么了?

What' s the matter with you? 你怎么了?

What' s the trouble?怎么了?

病人: I have a headache/cold/ /fever/ /toothache/..我头疼/感冒/发烧/牙疼/ …

My ear/nose/eye/leg/foot.. hurts我耳朵/鼻子/眼晴/腿/脚/… 疼

I feel…我感觉…

注意:have 表示“生…..病”时,后面常跟表示疾病的名词。当疾病名词的读音以元音音素开头时,冠词用an. 例如:I have an earache. 我耳朵痛。

第二步: 检查

医生: Let me check. 让我检查一下

Let me see. 让我看一看

Open your mouth and say“Ah”. 张开嘴说“啊”。

Take your temperature. 量一下你的体温。

注意:check  是“检查”的意思


第三步: 诊断并提出建议

医生: Don' t worry. You just have a/an..不要担心,你只是患了…

You should have a rest/take medicine threetimes a day/drink some warm

 water/brush your teeth before bedtime.你应该休息/每天服三次药/喝些温水/就寝前刷牙/…

You shouldn't eat sweets/read in the sun/eatice cream/watch TV/...


注意:用“You should….”告诉对方应该做某事;用“You shouldn’t ….”告诉对方不应该做某事。


病人:Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。
Thank s a lot. 多谢。
医生:You’re welcome. / Not at all. 不客气。

That’s OK. / That’s all right. 不用谢。


