
张帆个展即将开幕 | 今格空间 GINKGO SPACE



开  幕:2018年3月23日(星期五)15:00

预  展:2018年3月21日-22日(13:00-17:30)

展  期:2018年3月23日-2018年5月5日





Ginkgo Space will present the first solo exhibition of artist Zhang Fan on March 23, 2018. The exhibition “Zhang Fan”will show the artist’s  representative works in recent years. It will continue until May 5th.

Zhang Fan was born in 1975 in Qingdao, Shandong Province. He received his Bachelor’s Degree (1998) and Master’s Degree(2002) from the Department of Printmaking in Central Academy of Fine Arts, China. Now he lives and works in Beijing. His new works “Improvisation” embody the idea that the gestures present in “writing” are reflected directly by thetraces of lines on the tableaux. Traces originating in the most primitive gestures of writing rapidly give the work a coordinated sense of rhythm, detail, texture and emotion. These elements instantaneously emerge in the process of “writing” and the artist’s task is to seize opportunities and make them inevitable – what we see in his paintings is the outcome.

This exhibition willalso showcase the artist’s past representative works. In his practice, Zhanghas always tried to make the solemn entirety and the slightest objective detailsas themes of painting. In his early works, he made a "solid" expression of the "imaginary" in Chinese traditional culture: repeated but distinct lines dissolve on the tableaux, undulating and profound, subtle in the Chinese way. His solo exhibitions were held in various organizations, such as the Today Art Museum, the Yuan Art Museum and the One Moon Art Gallery.



GINKGO SPACE成立于2014年。通过展览、出版、驻留等多种方式,建立具有广泛影响力的开放平台,GINKGO SPACE积极参与国际当代艺术的发展进程,探索亚洲当代艺术的独特美学价值和文化身份,持续关注中国艺术家的多元创作。

GINKGO SPACE was founded in 2014. Through a range of activities including exhibitions, publications, artists’ residencies, collectors' salons and non-profit projects, Ginkgo space aims to participate in the developmental progress of international contemporary art, and to examine Asian artists’ diverse creativities in depth, actively exploring the unique aesthetic values and cultural identities in contemporary Chinese art.



For more information,  please contact us:

 +86 10 5762 6135



Instagram: ginkgospace

开放时间  10:30-17:30 周二至周六(Tues-Sat)

北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号院 798艺术区65幢

Address  #65, 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang Dst., 100015, Beijing, China

