
“纸上实践”即将开幕 | 今格空间 GINKGO SPACE







Practice on Paper

Artists:Chen Qiang, Chi Qun, Dong Dawei, Guo Mengyao, Lisa Chang Lee, Zhang Fan

Exhibition Dates:5th January to 9th  March 2019

Gingko Space is proud to present their winter show, the group exhibition “Practice on Paper”, which runs from January 5th to March 9th 2019. The exhibition will feature the works of nine artists (Chen Qiang, Chi Qun, Dong Dawei, Guo Mengyao, Lisa Chang Lee, Zhang Fan) who employ paper as a primary medium. 

The theme of the exhibition explores the respective cultural backgrounds of the artists, and the unique role that paper – either as a primary or a supporting medium – plays in their artistic journeys. 

In Chen Qiang's work, Chinese rice paper and ink resonate with Western canvases and oil paint, and in the process their respective characters are confronted and cancelled out: hence, the sensibility of the artwork is refined through this rational process. Chi Qun's watercolour brushes create strokes that are simplistic yet rich in texture, demonstrating the artist's calm, restrained sense of expression and deliberate skill. On the other hand, Du Jie's method of applying ink to paper expresses her openness towards “undesired” mistakes in a frank discussion with her unconscious. The visual expressions of her work are a manifesto for authenticity and a sense of reality. Meanwhile, Dong Dawei makes use of marker pens and blotting paper: an irreversible approach to navigate intersecting colours. Thus, the medium used is transformed into the material between painting and space. Guo Mengyao's piece documents and investigates how the “rationality of printing” impacts the dynamic process of painting; Lisa Chang Lee closely observes the brush and the paper, for they, from the very beginning, imply the necessity of maintaining unpredictability in artistic practices, and the significance of following one's intuitions. Zhang Fan dissolves repetitive but subtly varying strokes on the paper: the rhythm, texture, mood, and dynamics of the act of painting, are all manifested in these traces on paper. 

The exhibiting artists create an ensemble of diverse creative processes on “paper” - a ubiquitous and yet unique medium. All emotional expressions – dot, line, surface, colour, structure and concept – are channeled through rational processes, creating rich organic works on the two-dimensional landscape of paper.


A part of exhibited works

陈墙 无题 No.2 纸上铅笔及油画颜料

Chen Qiang,Untitled No.2,Pencil and Oil Paint on Paper

40 x 50 cm 2018

迟群 线-绿 No.5 纸上水彩笔

Chi Qun,Line-Green No.5,Watercolor Pen On Paper  

29.7 x 19.2 cm 2017

杜婕 20171211-0106 手工宣纸水墨

Du Jie,20171211-0106,Ink on Handmade Xuan Paper

68 × 68 cm 2017

董大为 涟漪b12-s2 纸上马克笔

Dong Dawei,Rippling b12-s2,Marker On Paper

40 x 40.5 cm 2015

郭梦垚 巨型印刷品吃掉一切之四 纸本油画

Guo Mengyao,megaprints eat everything no.4,oil on paper

56 x 76 cm 2018

李昶 风的学习笔记 No.4 


Lisa Chang Lee,Wind study no.4,

Watercolor paper,Sulphuric acid paper,Antique notebook,Acrylic,Gouache and Pencil

37 x 52 cm 2018

张帆 图一之六 纸上丙烯

Zhang Fan,6 of Figure 1,Acrylic On Paper 

66 x 58.5 cm 2018


Founded in 2014 Beijing, as an art gallery whose vision focuses on the ecosystem of Asia contemporary art, Ginkgo Space's mission is to provide active support to artists’ processes of developing and gaining greater perspectives on their artistic practices. With our collaboration, we hope to build the artist’s reputation and widen their international recognition. Our exhibition program is aimed at exploring and discovering the artistic practices that define our cultural identity, through which we are committed to setting up platforms for profound dialogues between the artists, critics, curators, and audiences of contemporary art.



For more information,  please contact us:

 +86 10 5762 6135



Instagram: ginkgospace

开放时间  11:00-18:00 周二至周六(Tues-Sat)

北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号院 798艺术区65幢

Address  #65, 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang Dst., 100015, Beijing, China

