
上海展览 | 雷蒙·德巴东:现代生活展览全解 La vie moderne, all you need to know

卡地亚基金会 卡地亚当代艺术基金会 2023-08-08


Raymond Depardon, La vie moderne

日期 | Dates: 2023.04.22-2023.07.23

地点 | Location: 上海当代艺术博物馆7楼展厅

Power Station of Art, Shanghai, 7th floor

策展团队| Curators: 埃尔维·尚戴斯(Hervé Chandès)、龚彦(Gong Yan)、费大为(Fei Dawei)、奇娅拉·阿格拉迪(Chiara Agradi)

倒计时开启!还有2天,卡地亚当代艺术基金会将与我们的老朋友雷蒙·德巴东(Raymond Depardon)一起再度回归上海,为大家呈现展览“现代生活”。

This spring, the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain and the Power Station of Art together present the exhibition Raymond Depardon, La vie moderne, the first solo exhibition in China of French photographer and filmmaker Raymond Depardon. Gathering almost 100 photographic works and 1 feature film, the exhibition depicts the French rural landscape through the regard of its inhabitants, while exploring universal questions linked to contemporary rural life, such as the survival of farms in a world where professions are increasingly industrialized, as well as the impact of urbanization on the countryside.

展览内容抢先看 | Exhibition teaser



 An exhibition with a humanistic approach



本次展览的标题——“现代生活”,源自2008年雷蒙·德巴东与克劳迪娜·努加雷(Claudine Nougaret)共同拍摄的《农民剪影》三部曲中的最后一部。“现代生活”讲述的不仅是德巴东的乡村情节,也意在呈现法国当下的乡村、市郊、灰色地带,这些波澜不惊的地方与人们对法国固有的视觉联想——如诗如画或者罗曼蒂克大相径庭。作为农民的儿子,德巴东在讲述自己故事的同时也讲述着世界,在黑白和彩色的切换中再造风景摄影。

德巴东时常反思动态图像的展览方式。然而,本次展览的展陈设计师阿德里安·加代尔(Adrien Gardère)则游戏在照片和电影的互望关系之中,强调了摄影师和电影导演这两个身份在德巴东创作生涯中多大程度上是相互关联、影响,并产生共鸣的。

展览“雷蒙·德巴东:现代生活”布展现场,上海当代艺术博物馆供图 Courtesy of Power Station of Art





 A discussion of contemporary rural life through five series


The exhibition explores five series of Raymond Depardon’s photography, bringing together some one hundred works. Through Familles, Rural, La ferme du Garet, La France and La terre des paysans, this comprehensive presentation shares the approach of the artist, who steps back to make room for the subject, while documenting the contemporary rural life in a humanistic way.

《家庭》系列 Familles


《乡村》系列 Rural


《加雷农场》系列 La ferme du Garet

1984年,DATAR (法国国土整治和区域发展部) 邀请雷蒙·德巴东以20世纪80年代的法国及其变革为主题进行拍摄,他便于同年创作《加雷农场》系列作品。当时因为高速公路的建设规划,自家农场土地被征收,他的父亲为此深感痛苦。德巴东便借此委任机会,为他童年生活过的地方——加雷农场,绘制了一幅幅亲密而细腻的肖像。

《法国》系列 La France

《法国》这一代表作形象地反映了雷蒙·德巴东远离奇观、避免“决定性瞬间”的摄影创作理念。他花费六年时间完成了拍摄当代法国的挑战——凭借彩色摄影和20 x 25大画幅相机,在村庄广场、城市郊区、乡村和城市交融变迁的地方停留拍摄,远离浪漫、秀丽和宏大等人们对法国的固有印象。

《农民的土地》系列 La terre des paysans





One feature film, 

inviting us into the lives of farmers



The feature film La vie moderne (2008) is the last movie in  the Profils paysans trilogy directed by Raymond Depardon and Claudine Nougaret. Together, they have spent nearly ten years filming the farmers of the French uplands, giving them a voice, respecting their silence, and paying tribute to this rural world that is in danger of disappearing. 





 Public Programs during the exhibition: screenings, talks and workshops... 


During the exhibition, the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain will present in collaboration with the Power Station of Art a series of public programs, including Nomadic Night screenings, book launch discussions and workshops for kids and youths.


 Raymond Depardon 

雷蒙·德巴东,自拍肖像,1995年 © 雷蒙·德巴东/玛格南图片社





Raymond Depardon, born in 1942 in Villefranche-sur-Saône (France), now lives in Clamart, close to Paris (France). He is one of the greatest names in photography and cinema of our time. The son of farmers, he discovered photography at the age of twelve. His first subjects were his parents' farm and the rural environment, that would profoundly mark his work. In the 1960s, he became a photojournalist and covered the news for Dalmas, a French news agency. In 1966, he co-founded the Gamma agency, and in 1978 joined the internationally renowned agency Magnum. 

Travelling the world as a reporter, from Chile to Chad, from Venice to Afghanistan, he often combined, in a unique way, photos with texts and notes, bringing to light a singular humanistic view of the world. A filmmaker and photographer, he directed twenty-five feature films - most of them with sound engineer Claudine Nougaret - that have been presented in the official selections of the most famous festivals, from Cannes to Venice and Berlin, and crowned with prestigious prizes. 

Always committed to meeting reality head-on, he addressed in several of his films the relationship between individuals and institutions, whether the judicial system, the police, hospitals or psychiatric institutions. In others, he explored the attachment men and women have with their land and their relationship with the landscape. In addition to photographing the desert, rural settings, and the Amazonian rainforest, he also tackled the urban environment. In 2004, commissioned by the Fondation Cartier, he filmed and photographed several large metropolises such as Shanghai. 

Raymond Depardon published more than seventy books. His work has been the subject of numerous solo and group exhibitions in cities such as Paris, Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Milan, and now Shanghai.


Scroll for artist's biography

以上所有图片版权均属于 © 雷蒙·德巴东/玛格南图片社

Credits of all photos above © Raymond Depardon/Magnum photos




Scan the QR code to visit the exhibition online,

buy your tickets, and make your reservations for the public programs. 



 Practical Information 


Raymond Depardon La vie moderne

日期 / Dates: 2023.4.22-7.23

开放时间 / Opening hours:

周二—周日/Tue-Sun: 11:00-19:00 

*18:00 停止入场,国定节假日均开放

*Last entry at 18:00, open during the Chinese National holiday

票务 / Tickets: 60 RMB

T: 021-31108550 

M: info@powerstationofart.com 

A: 上海当代艺术博物馆, 上海市黄浦区花园港路200号,  Power Station of Art, 200 Hua Yuan Gang Lu, Shanghai

