
An enriching field trip to the Shanghai Aquarium

上海惠立幼儿园 上海惠立幼儿园 2022-07-15

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Emily Gu
EY2 Classroom Teacher

Venturing outside the nursery presents our pupils with the opportunity to expand their horizons and discover the world around them. This is why we recently organised a field trip for our EY2 children, teachers and parents to visit the Shanghai Aquarium, where they learned about marine wildlife and the importance of environmental conservation.  

Upon entering the Aquarium, our pupils were immediately fascinated by the variety of marine life. Before this visit, the children had only seen pictures of these animals in encyclopedias. Some children walked in pairs. Some held hands with their parents and discussed the beautiful markings on the fish. Some stood in front of the glass tank and talked to big turtles. Some took the opportunity to watch the sharks swim overhead.

One child was curious when seeing a group of penguins standing motionless and asked his father: “Daddy, why don't they move? Are they real or fake?” This parent replied with a sense of humor: “Maybe they're playing 'Freeze game'!” Another child stood in front of the aquarium that has sawfish for a long time. His mother did not show any impatience at all and explained patiently to her child.

In addition to the direct observation, teachers prepared question sheets for each child asking them to, with the help of their parents, record their impressions about marine wildlife. When the visit concluded, our teachers were so happy to see so many interesting doodles and words from our pupils and parents.

This activity was a shining example of our parent partnership in action. Parents are a child's first teacher. They provide the strong foundation that enables our Huili teachers do their work, and they ensure that our education continues outside the nursery and in the home. 

Many parents who joined us on this trip gave it high praise. One commented: “The trip to aquarium was well organised. Not only did parents enjoy a unique parent-child experience, but children also completed an assignment with our help. This was a great chance for them to learn through play.” 

Another parent added: “Thanks to the nursery and teachers for organising this field trip. This activity was a great way to combine what our children learn in the nursery with practical experience, allowing children to explore and learn with questions. We look forward to this coming spring, when children can go on an outdoor spring trip.” 

Parent-child activities like this encourage greater parental involvement in education while helping to elucidate to parents the foundational principles of a Huili Nursery education. Building on such positive feedback from our parents, we cannot wait to plan the next fun and enriching excursion.


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