
【预告】ICIG 2021特邀报告人重磅发布,欢迎投稿参会!

The 11th International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG) will be held in Haikou, China, on August 6 – 8, 2021. The Conference will be hosted by China Society of Image and Graphics, organized by Hainan University. ICIG is a biennial conference that focuses on innovative technologies of image, video and graphics processing and fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and networking. It will feature world-class plenary speakers, exhibits, and high quality peer reviewed oral and poster presentations.


Prof. Niloy J. Mitra, University College London

Bio: Niloy J. Mitra leads the Smart Geometry Processing group in the Department of Computer Science at University College London. He received his PhD from Stanford University under the guidance of Leonidas Guibas. His current research focuses on developing machine learning frameworks for generating high-quality geometric and appearance models for CG applications. Niloy received the 2019 Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award, the 2015 British Computer Society Roger Needham Award, and the 2013 ACM Siggraph Significant New Researcher Award. He also leads the Adobe Research London Lab. For more details, please visit http://geometry.cs.ucl.ac.uk/index.php. Besides research, Niloy is an active DIYer and loves reading, bouldering, and cooking.

Talk Title: Generative Models for Dynamic Geometry without Direct Supervision

Prof. Matthias Nießner, Technical University of Munich

Bio: Dr. Matthias Nießner is a Professor at the Technical University of Munich where he leads the Visual Computing Lab. Before, he was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Stanford University. Prof. Nießner’s research lies at the intersection of computer vision, graphics, and machine learning, where he is particularly interested in cutting-edge techniques for 3D reconstruction, semantic 3D scene understanding, video editing, and AI-driven video synthesis. In total, he has published over 70 academic publications, including 22 papers at the prestigious ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH / SIGGRAPH Asia) journal and 43 works at the leading vision conferences (CVPR, ECCV, ICCV); several of these works won best paper awards, including at SIGCHI’14, HPG’15, SPG’18, and the SIGGRAPH’16 Emerging Technologies Award for the best Live Demo. Prof. Nießner’s work enjoys wide media coverage, with many articles featured in main-stream media including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Spiegel, MIT Technological Review, and many more, and his was work led to several TV appearances such as on Jimmy Kimmel Live, where Prof. Nießner demonstrated the popular Face2Face technique; Prof. Nießner’s academic Youtube channel currently has over 5 million views. For his work, Prof. Nießner received several awards: he is a TUM-IAS Rudolph Moessbauer Fellow (2017 – ongoing), he won the Google Faculty Award for Machine Perception (2017), the Nvidia Professor Partnership Award (2018), as well as the prestigious ERC Starting Grant 2018 which comes with 1.500.000 Euro in research funding; in 2019, he received the Eurographics Young Researcher Award honoring the best upcoming graphics researcher in Europe. In addition to his academic impact, Prof. Nießner is a co-founder and director of Synthesia Inc., a brand-new startup backed by Marc Cuban, whose aim is to empower storytellers with cutting-edge AI-driven video synthesis.

Talk Title: The Revolution of Neural Rendering

Prof. Heng Tao Shen, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Bio: Professor Heng Tao Shen, ACM Fellow and OSA Fellow, is Dean of School of Computer Science and Engineering and Executive Dean of AI Research Institute at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). He obtained his BSc with First Class Honours and PhD from Department of Computer Science at National University of Singapore in 2000 and 2004 respectively. He was a professor at the University of Queensland before joining UESTC. His research has made contributions to the field of hashing big multimedia data, from hashing theory, to algorithms and applications, and he has led the charge to address the challenging problem of cross-media understanding and retrieval. He has published 300+ peer-reviewed papers, including 110+ IEEE/ACM Transactions, and 200+ CCF-A ranked papers. He has received 8 Best Paper Awards, including  ACM Multimedia 2017, ACM SIGIR 2017, and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2020. He is General Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia 2021, former TPC Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia 2015, and an Associate Editor of ACM Transactions of Data Science, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Pattern Recognition, and Journal of Software.

Talk Title: Cross-Media Intelligence

Prof. Jun-Yan Zhu, Carnegie Mellon University

BIo: Jun-Yan is an Assistant Professor with The Robotics Institute in the School of Computer Science of Carnegie Mellon University. He also holds affiliated faculty appointments in the Computer Science Department and Machine Learning Department. Prior to joining CMU, he was a Research Scientist at Adobe Research and a postdoctoral researcher at MIT CSAIL. He obtained his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and his B.E. from Tsinghua University. He studies computer vision, computer graphics, computational photography, and machine learning. He is the recipient of the Facebook Fellowship, ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, and UC Berkeley EECS David J. Sakrison Memorial Prize for outstanding doctoral research. His co-authored work has received the NVIDIA Pioneer Research Award, SIGGRAPH 2019 Real-time Live! Best of Show Award and Audience Choice Award, and The 100 Greatest Innovations of 2019 by Popular Science.

Talk Title: Deep Generative Models for Everyone


  • Color and Multispectral Processing
  • Multi-View and Stereoscopic Processing
  • Biological and Medical Image Processing
  • Compression, Transmission, Retrieval
  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
  • Computer Graphics and Visualization
  • Computational Imaging
  • Virtual Reality
  • Game and Animation
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Surveillance and Remote Sensing
  • Multimedia Security

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers in PDF format prepared in the Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) template and written in English at the website (http://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICIG2021), with 10 to 12 pages’ technical content including figures and references. All full-length papers (including regular and special session) accepted for presentation at the conference will be included in the Proceedings of ICIG2021, to be published by Springer’s LNCS series as well as be indexed by EI.

Important Dates

Full paper & Special Session Submission

April 15, 2021

Notification of Paper Acceptance

June 20, 2021

Camera-ready Paper Upload

June 30, 2021



ICIG 2021 Call For Papers

PRCV 2021征文进行中


