
JIA | CALL FOR PAPERS—Paths out of Poverty




Poverty is the first global challenge under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations. From one perspective, humanity is more prosperous than it has ever been; but from another, comprehensive extreme poverty alleviation remains a distant goal. Whilst China has lifted over 790 million out of extreme poverty, more than 700 million today are classified as under extreme poverty in the world according to the World Bank poverty line of $1.90. For these millions left-behind, paths out of poverty could be sought through research.

Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA) is organizing a special issue titled “Poverty Alleviation: Paths out of Poverty” to contribute towards the challenge of poverty. JIA, sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and the Chinese Association of Agricultural Science Societies (CAASS) and published by Elsevier, provides a vibrant platform for researchers to disseminate their findings.

JIA offers an opportunity to authors of selected papers to present their findings in Beijing, China. Your presence will be complemented by other distinguished researchers from associated disciplines.

We invite submissions of abstracts, followed by papers. Further information will be provided at a later date.


Possible topics for the paper in the context of poverty alleviation include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Economic and social development

2. Agricultural technology innovation and extension

3. Digital opportunities, e-commerce value chain and smallholder inclusive development

4. Global food value chain development and inclusive growth

5. Comparative studies on poverty governance

6. Innovation on social safety net programs

7. Nutrition, health, education and poverty trap: evidence, effects, and costs

8. Effects of food interventions on nutrition and health of children in poor areas

9. Subjective, relative, and multidimensional poverty measurement

10. Ecological value chain for sustainable development in vulnerable regions


Important dates

1st Sept., 2019

Call for papers

30th Dec., 2019

Submission of Abstracts 

24th Jan., 2020

Submission of paper (early)

20th Feb., 2020
Submission of paper (final)

Please note: early submission of paper provides an opportunity to the author(s) to seek feedback from the organizer and undertake further revision of the paper prior to final submission deadline.



A rigorous process is in place to review the abstract and paper.

After submitting the abstract through email, it will be reviewed by the organizing team, followed by expert peers, and guest editor. If approved, the author may proceed to submit the paper through email, which will be reviewed by the organizing team, and if approved, further instructions will be provided to submit online. Thereafter, the paper will be reviewed by peers, and finally, chief editor.

Please note: submission of abstract or paper does not guarantee review or its publishing.

Title format: title of the abstract and paper must start with “Paths out of Poverty:” and must also be stated in the subject line of the email and file name.

Abstract: must contain title, keywords, research questions, aims, methods and data, results, conclusion, and academic value.

Paper: the special issue will strictly follow the editorial policy of JIA. All manuscripts must adhere to guidelines and pass a rigorous peer-review process. 

All papers must be submitted online at: http://www.chinaagrisci.com/Jwk_zgnykxen/EN/volumn/current.shtml, upon written approval from the organizer.


Further information

This special issue will be organized by Guest Editor Prof. Nie Fengying, Deputy Director General of the Agricultural Information Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science. The guest co-editor is Dr. Bi Jieying and Prof. Bin Wu from the University of Nottingham.


Contact information

For any query or concerns, please contact:


Organiser& Guest Co-editor

International Division

Email: apurvmaru@caas.cn

Agricultural Information Institute (AII)

Chinese Agricultural Academy of Sciences (CAAS)

Managing Editor 

Weng Ling-yun

Tel: +86-10-82106280

Email: wenglingyun@caas.cn

Agricultural Information Institute (AII)

Chinese Agricultural Academy of Sciences (CAAS)


Journal of Integrative Agriculture (《农业科学学报》,JIA) 是中国农业科学院与中国农学会联合主办、农业信息研究所承办的英文学术期刊。创刊于2002年,主编为中国农业科学院副院长万建民院士。2018年SCI影响因子1.337,位于科睿唯安JCR农业综合学科Q2区(18/56)。2019年采用开放获取形式,专注刊登作物学、园艺、植物保护、动物科学、动物医学、资源环境、食品科学、农业经济与管理等国际农业科学前沿热点领域的综述、研究论文、简报以及评述等。





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