JIA | Special Focus: Potato Insect Pest Management 专题:马铃薯害虫治理
Special Focus: Potato Insect Pest Management
高玉林1, 周文武2
1. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所
2. 浙江大学昆虫科学研究所
Section 1: Decoding potato insect pests
Decoding Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in the new age of change✺ Silvia I. RONDON
Arthropods and pathogens constantly challenge potato Solanum tuberosum L. production. Scenarios of climate variation have increased the possibility of changes in pests’ biological and ecological patterns by increasing or reducing overwintering length, changes in population growth rates, number of generations, crop-pest relationship, and therefore affecting their expansion. Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is one of the main pests affecting potatoes worldwide. Adults oviposit single or multiple eggs in leaves, stems, and tubers, while the larvae in immature stage mine leaves or burrows into tubers turning them unmarketable. Traditional control methods are effective in controlling P. operculella, but many factors determine the success of the control chosen. This review provides key highlights of current information available that could be used as a resource to fight this pest.
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Silvia I. RONDON. 2020. Decoding Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in the new age of change. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 316-324. |
Behavioral responses of potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella) to tobacco plant volatiles
✺ LI Xiang, ZHANG Xiu-ge, XIAO Chun, GAO Yu-lin, DONG Wen-xia 马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella又名烟潜夜蛾,是危害烟草种植的重要害虫之一。目前还没有关于烟草挥发物调控马铃薯块茎蛾行为的报道。为了探明烟草植株挥发物对马铃薯块茎蛾定向和产卵行为的影响,并筛选出具有防治潜力的化合物,本研究利用顶空吸附法收集了烟草植株挥发物,并利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对挥发物组分进行了鉴定。通过气相色谱-触角电位仪联用技术从挥发物中共筛选出13种能够引起马铃薯块茎蛾触角电位反应的组分,并比较了两性成虫对其中9种可购买到的化合物的触角电位反应差异。定向行为实验表明,顺-3-己烯-1-醇对两性成虫均表现出显著的引诱效果;壬醛和癸醛仅对雌蛾表现出引诱作用,辛醛仅对雄蛾则表现出驱避作用。产卵选择实验表明,壬醛、癸醛、癸烷、十六烷酸甲酯对雌蛾产卵具有显著的引诱作用,而辛醛和2,6-二叔丁基-4-甲基苯酚则会抑制雌蛾产卵。本研究初步筛选出了对马铃薯块茎蛾具有行为调控作用的化合物,以期为今后开发引诱剂或驱避剂提供理论依据。↑ 向上滑动查看更多Cite this article: |
LI Xiang, ZHANG Xiu-ge, XIAO Chun, GAO Yu-lin, DONG Wen-xia. 2020. Behavioral responses of potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella) to tobacco plant volatiles. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 325-332. |
✺ Jessica VEREIJSSEN The psyllid Bactericera cockerelli was first reported in New Zealand in 2006 and spread quickly throughout all potato growing regions. In 2009, B. cockerelli was associated with the plant pathogenic bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum, the putative causal agent of zebra chip disease in potato. Both the psyllid and the bacterium have non-crop host plants which can serve as reservoirs when the crop is not available. Growers apply different management strategies that fit integrated pest management programmes to manage B. cockerelli and subsequently lower incidence of zebra chip disease in potato crops. Despite best management efforts, complete control of B. cockerelli and zero incidence of zebra chip disease are not achievable at the current time.↑ 向上滑动查看更多
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Jessica VEREIJSSEN. 2020. Ecology and management of Bactericera cockerelli and Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum in New Zealand. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 333-337. |
Section 2 Invasive insect pests of potato: global perspectives
Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc), a potential threat to China's potato industry
✺ Oluwashola OLANIYAN, Neus RODRÍGUEZ-GASOL, Nathalie CAYLA, Eleonor MICHAUD, Steve D. WRATTEN
The potato psyllid Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) has recently emerged as a serious pest of potatoes and other solanaceous crops. It causes direct feeding damage and also vectors Candidatus Liberibacter solanaceaerum (Lso), a pathogen that causes zebra chip disease in potatoes and which potentially costs growers millions of dollars each year. Such producers rely on frequent sprays of pesticides for psyllid control but the results are unsatisfactory and there are negative side effects. The psyllid has spread beyond its native range in southwest US and northern Mexico to Canada, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua via medium to long range dispersal flights perhaps aided by wind currents, and through anthropogenic means. It was accidentally introduced into New Zealand in 2006 and most recently Australia, most likely through the importation of infested plant material. This review summarizes information from studies on the biology, impact and management of B. cockerelli, and highlights the imminent risk of this insect and its associated pathogen invading China, the world’s largest producer of fresh potatoes. Development of risk maps leading to increased surveillance, could prevent or delay an incursion and facilitate early detection or eradication should this occur. Long-term management with Lso-tolerant potato cultivars and psyllid control using the parasitic wasp Tamarixia triozae and other natural enemies should be pursued, rather than depending on synthetic pesticides.
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Oluwashola OLANIYAN, Neus RODRíGUEZ-GASOL, Nathalie CAYLA, Eleonor MICHAUD, Steve D. WRATTEN. 2020. Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc), a potential threat to China’s potato industry. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 338-349. |
Genetic structure of the invasive Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata populations in China入侵中国的马铃薯甲虫种群遗传结构✺ YANG Fang-yuan, GUO Jian-jun, LIU Ning, ZHANG Run-zhi马铃薯甲虫是世界范围内是世界范围内臭名昭著的入侵物种。它于1993年首次在中国新疆发现,并于2013年传播到中国东北地区。为更好地了解该虫在中国范围内的遗传结构和扩散路径,我们使用9个多态的微卫星位点,研究了新疆和东北地区的9个马铃薯甲虫种群的遗传多样性,遗传结构和基因流。结果表明:(1)系统发育树、主坐标分析(PCoA)和贝叶斯聚类均揭示了两个明显的遗传簇。第一簇包含新疆的阿勒泰、塔城、乌苏和木垒的种群。第二簇包含新疆的霍城和新源以及东北的宝清、牡丹江、春化的种群。两个遗传簇间存在明显遗传分化(FST=0.25)。(2)东北地区的种群间具有较高的遗传分化,表明它们可能具有多个来源。(3)东北宝清种群和伊犁河谷种群具有中等水平的遗传差异,这比宝清到牡丹江或春化种群的分化更接近,表明宝清种群有可能来自伊犁河谷。(4)在所有种群中,木垒种群具有来自塔城,乌苏和阿勒泰明显的基因流,表明内陆地区的种群最有可能来自塔城。基因迁移在其他种群间相对保守。
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YANG Fang-yuan, GUO Jian-jun, LIU Ning, ZHANG Run-zhi. 2020. Genetic structure of the invasive Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata populations in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 350-359. |
Management of Colorado potato beetle in invasive frontier areas✺ WANG Cong, XU Han, PAN Xu-bin
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WANG Cong, XU Han, PAN Xu-bin. 2020. Management of Colorado potato beetle in invasive frontier areas. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 360-366. |
Section 3 The interaction between potato aphids and virus
Aphids and their transmitted potato viruses: A continuous challenges in potato crops
✺ XU Yi, Stewart M. GRAY蚜虫是温带地区栽培植物上最具破坏性的害虫之一。他们的刺吸式口器能够直接取食植物的韧皮部,从而直接损害农作物并消耗植物养分。马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)是全球最重要的食物来源之一,在自然界中有多种蚜虫,例如Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (桃蚜)和Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (马铃薯蚜虫)能够在马铃薯上定居并传播多种具有严重破坏力的植物病毒。蚜虫传播的马铃薯病毒病害已经在世界范围内造成了非常严重的危害,引起各种各样的叶部和块茎症状,导致严重的减产和块茎品质下降。在这篇评论中,作者详细介绍了取食马铃薯常见的两种蚜虫的生活习性及在马铃薯上流行爆发的病毒病害;并对马铃薯病毒,寄主及其传播介体之间相互作用,以及环境因素在三者关联中发挥的作用也做了详细阐述。
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XU Yi, Stewart M. GRAY. 2020. Aphids and their transmitted potato viruses: A continuous challenges in potato crops. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 367-375. |
Simulation modelling of potato virus Y spread in relation to initial inoculum and vector activity✺ Andrew GALIMBERTI, Andrei ALYOKHIN, Hongchun QU, Jason ROSE Potato virus Y (PVY) is a non-persistent virus that is transmitted by many aphid species and causes significant damage to potato production. We constructed a spatially-explicit model simulating PVY spread in a potato field and used it to investigate possible effects of transmission efficiency, initial inoculum levels, vector behavior, vector abundance, and timing of peak vector activity on PVY incidence at the end of a simulated growing season. Lower PVY incidence in planted seed resulted in lower virus infection at the end of the season. However, when populations of efficient PVY vectors were high, significant PVY spread occurred even when initial virus inoculum was low. Non-colonizing aphids were more important for PVY spread compared to colonizing aphids, particularly at high densities. An early-season peak in the numbers of non-colonizing aphids resulted in the highest number of infected plants in the end of the season, while mid- and late-season peaks caused relatively little virus spread. Our results highlight the importance of integrating different techniques to prevent the number of PVY-infected plants from exceeding economically acceptable levels instead of trying to control aphids within potato fields. Such management plans should be implemented very early in a growing season.↑ 向上滑动查看更多
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Andrew GALIMBERTI, Andrei ALYOKHIN, Hongchun QU, Jason ROSE. 2020. Simulation modelling of potato virus Y spread in relation to initial inoculum and vector activity. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 376-388. |
Section 4 Integrative management strategies for potato insect pests
Potential of Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) as a biological control agent against potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)✺ YAN Jun-jie, Shovon Chandra SARKAR, MENG Rui-xia, Stuart REITZ, GAO Yu-lin马铃薯块茎蛾是马铃薯、烟草等茄科作物重要害虫, 生物防治是马铃薯块茎蛾绿色防控有效手段。本文室内测定了小卷蛾斯氏线虫Steinernema carpocapsae防治马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella的作用效果,用不同浓度的小卷蛾斯氏线虫处理马铃薯块茎蛾2、3、4龄幼虫,研究表明, 小卷蛾斯氏线虫对马铃薯块茎蛾2、3、4龄幼虫的致死中浓度为别为200, 363, 181 IJs mL–1;随着处理时间的延长,马铃薯块茎蛾的2、3、4龄幼虫和蛹的累积死亡率增大;马铃薯块茎蛾4龄幼虫对线虫最敏感。因此,小卷蛾斯氏线虫是马铃薯块茎蛾潜在有效的生物防治制剂。↑ 向上滑动查看更多
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YAN Jun-jie, Shovon Chandra SARKAR, MENG Rui-xia, Stuart REITZ, GAO Yu-lin. 2020. Potential of Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) as a biological control agent against potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 389-393. |
Potato/Maize intercropping reduces infestation of potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) by the enhancement of natural enemies ✺ ZHENG Ya-qiang, ZHANG Li-min, CHEN Bin, YAN Nai-sheng, GUI Fu-rong, ZAN Qing-an, DU Guang-zu, HE Shu-qi, LI Zheng-yue, GAO Yu-lin, XIAO Guan-li 马铃薯块茎蛾是世界范围内危害马铃薯的一种重要害虫,在田间和贮藏期都能发生危害。为了弄清马铃薯与玉米间作种植对马铃薯块茎蛾发生危害的控制作用,本研究设置了马铃薯与玉米以2:2、2:3和2:4行比间作种植为处理 (简写为2P:2M,2P:3M和2P:4M),以马铃薯单作 (简写为2P:0M) 种植为对照的田间试验小区,系统调查了不同处理田马铃薯块茎蛾种群密度、天敌数量及寄生率。结果表明,马铃薯与玉米间作种植提高了马铃薯块茎蛾寄生蜂的种群数量及其寄生率,有效降低了马铃薯块茎蛾成虫和幼虫的种群密度,降低了马铃薯块茎蛾的危害。其中玉米马铃薯以2P:3M行比间作田寄生蜂的种群数量及其寄生率最高,且显著高于马铃薯单作田及玉米马铃薯2P:2M与2P:4M间作田。由此表明,在农田生态系统中,将害虫的寄主植物与非寄主植物间作种植,能有效提高天敌数量及其寄生率,增强天敌的控害作用,从而有效控制马铃薯块茎蛾的危害。
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ZHENG Ya-qiang, ZHANG Li-min, CHEN Bin, YAN Nai-sheng, GUI Fu-rong, ZAN Qing-an, DU Guang-zu, HE Shu-qi, LI Zheng-yue, GAO Yu-lin, XIAO Guan-li. 2020. Potato/Maize intercropping reduces infestation of potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) by the enhancement of natural enemies. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 394-405 |
Botanicals and plant strengtheners for potato and tomato cultivation in Africa ✺ Tewodros MULUGETA, Jean-Baptiste MUHINYUZA, Reinette GOUWS-MEYER, Lerato MATSAUNYANE, Erik ANDREASSON, Erik ALEXANDERSSONThis review provides a summary of botanicals and plant strengtheners that have potential uses for disease and pest management in potato and tomato cultivation in African. We discuss their possible use to prevent major diseases and pests which infest potato and tomato, such as early and late blight, bacterial wilt, potato tuber moth, and tomato leafminer. There are several examples of the successful uses of botanicals for pathogen and pest control relevant for different African climatic conditions; however, most of these studies have been conducted in vitro and often lack field verification. Plant strengtheners (substances that induce and improve crop resistance, yield, and quality) are little studied and used in Africa in comparison to North America and Europe. The possible benefits of using botanicals and plant strengtheners instead of conventional pesticides are discussed here in relation to human health and the environment as well as their modes of action and accessibility to farmers. Lack of knowledge of the composition and active ingredients of extracts, environmental concerns, uncertainties regarding stability and formulation, lack of legislation and limited support from governments, hamper the development of botanicals and plant strengtheners for use in sustainable African agriculture.↑ 向上滑动查看更多
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Tewodros MULUGETA, Jean-Baptiste MUHINYUZA, Reinette GOUWS-MEYER, Lerato MATSAUNYANE, Erik ANDREASSON, Erik ALEXANDERSSON. 2020. Botanicals and plant strengtheners for potato and tomato cultivation in Africa. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 406-427. |
RNA interference in Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata): A potential strategy for pest control✺ MA Mei-qi, HE Wan-wan, XU Shi-jing, XU Le-tian, ZHANG Jiang科罗拉多马铃薯甲虫 (CPB),是一种臭名昭著的破坏性害虫,主要以马铃薯和其他几种茄科植物的叶片为食。CPB能适应多种寄主和多变的气候,以及对杀虫剂和苏云金芽孢杆菌毒素有较高抗性,因而受到广泛关注。RNA干扰 (RNAi) 是由小RNA分子诱发的序列特异性内源基因沉默机制,可作为病毒和害虫防治的强有力的工具。利用RNAi防治CPB在选择靶基因和传递方式方面已经得到了广泛的试验。本文综合了RNAi抗CPB的靶基因的选择和可行的RNAi递送系统,以及分析了可能影响CPB中RNAi效率的因素,希望能帮助了解RNAi在CPB中的作用机制及其在CPB防治方面的应用。
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MA Mei-qi, HE Wan-wan, XU Shi-jing, XU Le-tian, ZHANG Jiang. 2020. RNA interference in Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata): A potential strategy for pest control. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(2): 428-437. |
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