在日常使用 Linux/Unix 系统时,我们会使用许多命令行工具来完成我们的工作,并理解和管理我们的系统,像 du 用于监视磁盘利用率,top 用于显示系统资源。其中一些工具已经存在很长时间了。例如,top 于 1984 年首次发布,而 du 的首次发布要追溯到 1971 年。
ncdu 1.14.2 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help
--- /home/rgerardi ------------------------------------------------------------
96.7 GiB [##########] /libvirt
33.9 GiB [### ] /.crc
7.0 GiB [ ] /Projects
. 4.7 GiB [ ] /Downloads
. 3.9 GiB [ ] /.local
2.5 GiB [ ] /.minishift
2.4 GiB [ ] /.vagrant.d
. 1.9 GiB [ ] /.config
. 1.8 GiB [ ] /.cache
1.7 GiB [ ] /Videos
1.1 GiB [ ] /go
692.6 MiB [ ] /Documents
. 591.5 MiB [ ] /tmp
139.2 MiB [ ] /.var
104.4 MiB [ ] /.oh-my-zsh
82.0 MiB [ ] /scripts
55.8 MiB [ ] /.mozilla
54.6 MiB [ ] /.kube
41.8 MiB [ ] /.vim
31.5 MiB [ ] /.ansible
31.3 MiB [ ] /.gem
26.5 MiB [ ] /.VIM_UNDO_FILES
15.3 MiB [ ] /Personal
2.6 MiB [ ] .ansible_module_generated
1.4 MiB [ ] /backgrounds
944.0 KiB [ ] /Pictures
644.0 KiB [ ] .zsh_history
536.0 KiB [ ] /.ansible_async
Total disk usage: 159.4 GiB Apparent size: 280.8 GiB Items: 561540
--- /home/rgerardi/libvirt ----------------------------------------------------
91.3 GiB [##########] /images
5.3 GiB [ ] /media
$ sudo dnf install ncdu
要了解关于这个工具的更多信息,请查看 ncdu 页面。
要了解关于这个项目的更多信息,请查看 htop 首页。
$ tldr curl
# curl
Transfers data from or to a server.
Supports most protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and POP3.
More information: <https://curl.haxx.se>.
- Download the contents of an URL to a file:
curl http://example.com -o filename
- Download a file, saving the output under the filename indicated by the URL:
curl -O http://example.com/filename
- Download a file, following [L]ocation redirects, and automatically [C]ontinuing (resuming) a previous file transfer:
curl -O -L -C - http://example.com/filename
- Send form-encoded data (POST request of type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`):
curl -d 'name=bob' http://example.com/form
- Send a request with an extra header, using a custom HTTP method:
curl -H 'X-My-Header: 123' -X PUT http://example.com
- Send data in JSON format, specifying the appropriate content-type header:
curl -d '{"name":"bob"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://example.com/users/1234
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"labels": {
"app": "myapp"
"name": "myapp",
"namespace": "project1"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"command": [
"image": "busybox",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
"name": "busybox"
"name": "nginx",
"image": "nginx",
"resources": {},
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
"restartPolicy": "Never"
$ grep name k8s-pod.json
"name": "myapp",
"namespace": "project1"
"name": "busybox"
"name": "nginx",
$ jq '.spec.containers[].name' k8s-pod.json
$ jq '.spec.containers[1].name' k8s-pod.json
$ find . -iname "*.md"
$ fd .md
$ sudo dnf install fd-find
要了解更多信息,请查阅 fd GitHub 存储库。
作自:Ricardo Gerardi 译者:平川 策划:小智 链接:http://33h.co/gDYm