VIBRANT ZHEJIANG: UNCOVERING THE NINE NUMERICAL HALLMARKSThe rolling billows of the Qiantang River tides bear witness to how Zhejiang has become what it is today.A couple of millennia back, it was the cradle of the ancient Wu and Yue culture, a place long known for its favourable location and fascinating landscape in southeast China together with a kaleidoscope of flourishing cultures.一百年前,中国革命红船从此起航。一艘小船诞生一个大党。One hundred years back, it was the place from which the tiny Red Boat of the Chinese Revolution set sail, giving birth to the giant Party today.Four decades back, it was one of the provinces in China that pioneered reform and opening-up.同样在这里,进入新千年,时任浙江省委书记的习近平同志提出了“八八战略”,从此开启了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想在一个省域范围内的先行探索。不断践行“八八战略”所蕴含的“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”新发展理念,浙江大地实现了“三个跃变”,从经济大省迈向经济强省、从对内对外开放转向深度融入全球、从总体小康到迈进高水平全面小康,正在为全省人民建设一个幸福美好家园。Fast forward to the dawn of the new millennium. It was the very place where Comrade Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, put forward the Double-Eight Strategy, which inaugurated the advance exploration in practicing in a single province Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Adhering to the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development for all as inherent in the Double-Eight Strategy, Zhejiang has undergone three leapfrog transformations, from a big provincial economy to a strong one ; from a participant in domestic and international opening up to an integral member of the global economy; and from a province living in generally moderate prosperity to the one living in greater prosperity in all respects . A happy and comfortable home for all is taking shape in Zhejiang.
接下来让我们用9个数字揭开9张金名片,一起来进一步认识浙江。这9张金名片,都是习近平总书记在浙江工作时点题开篇、历届省委传承创新的工作成果,也是浙江忠实践行“八八战略”、奋力打造“重要窗口”积累的宝贵思想财富、精神财富、物质财富。Now, let us get to know more about this province by uncovering the nine “numerical hallmarks”. These hallmarks, all initiated as the brainchild of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his tenure in Zhejiang, represent the results of continuous work and innovative efforts of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee of successive terms. They also constitute invaluable political, intellectual and material assets accrued in Zhejiang’s faithful implementation of the Double-Eight Strategy and vigorous endeavour to build itself into “the important showcase”.
第一个数字是“1”。数字经济是浙江的“一号工程”,这张金名片代表创新,昭示未来。数字浙江,云上浙江,到2022年浙江数字经济增加值将达4万亿,占全省GDP比重超过55%。The first hallmark is the figure “1”. It refers to the digital economy, the “No. 1 Project” of Zhejiang. This hallmark symbolises innovation and a cloud-based future for Zhejiang. The added value of Zhejiang's digital economy will reach RMB 4 trillion yuan by 2022, accounting for more than 55% of its regional GDP.
第二个数字是“3”,以数字化转型驱动生产方式、生活方式和治理方式3大变革,揭开浙江“整体智治”这张金名片。“请出示您的健康码”,在疫情防控常态化的今天,这是你进出公共场所最熟悉的一句话。这一方小小的二维码就诞生在杭州。浙江创新运用“一图一码一指数”,精密智控,筑牢数字战疫防火墙。在浙江,登陆浙里办,浙政钉等应用平台,扫一扫企业码、安全码等数字二维码,完成“掌上办事”、“掌上办公”、“掌上治理”。The second hallmark is the figure “3”, referring to the three major transformations driven by digitisation in mode of production, lifestyle, and governance method. Hence comes the “integrated smart governance” hallmark of Zhejiang. “Please show your health code” has become the most familiar reminder you hear when entering public places as COVID-19 prevention and control is on a regular basis. This inconspicuous QR code was first originated in Hangzhou. By creatively applying the combined data of “the map, the code and the index”, Zhejiang has built a smart and sophisticated digital wall against the pandemic. Across the province, you may just log on APPs like Zheliban and Zhezhengding, scan the enterprise code, security code and other QR codes, and experience mobile municipal services, mobile office and even mobile governance.
第三个数字是“6789”,这是一组序列,表明了“民营经济”这张金名片在浙江的地位:民营经济贡献了全省60%以上的地区生产总值、70%以上的税收、80%以上的出口和就业,以及90%以上的企业数量。The third hallmark is the figure “6789”, referring to the status of private economy in Zhejiang, which contributes over 60% of the province’s regional GDP, 70% of taxes, 80% of exports and employment, and 90% of the total number of companies.
第四个数字是70%,这是浙江目前的城市化率,揭示了“高水平均衡协调发展”这张金名片的含金量。让更多人在城市里享受到现代文明,并把城市文明向农村辐射,推动城乡居民收入持续提高。2020年,浙江城乡居民收入水平已经分别连续第20年和第36年位列全国各省区首位。The forth hallmark is 70%, the current urbanisation rate of Zhejiang, which speaks volumes about the true essence of the province’s hallmark of “high-standard, balanced and coordinated development”. Great strides have been made to enable more urban dwellers to enjoy modern facilities, the influence of which then gradually reaches the rural areas. Meanwhile, both urban and rural residents’ income has kept increasing. In 2020, the income level of urban and rural residents ranked first among all provinces in China for the 20th and 36th consecutive years respectively.
第五个数字是“1+1”,一个国内市场加一个国际市场,“跳出浙江发展浙江”,努力成为国内大循环为主体的战略支点和国内国际双循环的战略枢纽,浙江正在探索构建新发展格局的有效路径。800万浙商遍布全国各地并走遍世界。浙中小城义乌,全球最大的世界小商品之都。东海之滨,每天都有100余艘万吨级以上船舶进出宁波舟山港,这个港口货物吞吐量已经连续12年位居全球港口第一。依托宁波舟山港,不产一滴油的舟山,集聚全球油气产业,中国(浙江)自由贸易试验区建设不断升级。The fifth hallmark is the sum of “1+1”, referring to one domestic market and one international market. This relates to the new vision of Zhejiang to “pursue development outside the confines of geography”. In its efforts to become a strategic fulcrum to make the domestic circulation the mainstay and a strategic hub to ensure domestic and international circulations reinforce each other, Zhejiang is exploring an effective way to foster a new development paradigm. Eight million business people from Zhejiang are doing business all over the country and around the world. Yiwu, a small city in central Zhejiang, has become the largest small commodities trade centre in the world. Along the coast of East China Sea, more than 100 ships with a tonnage of over 10,000 tons call Ningbo-Zhoushan Port every day. The port’s cargo throughput has ranked first in the world for 12 consecutive years. Thanks to this port, Zhoushan, a city with no oil reserve, has managed to attract numerous oil and gas businesses from around the world, and thus having upgraded the China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone by leaps and bounds.
第六个数字是“5”。五种优秀文化,支撑起“文化高地”这张金名片。以党的创新理论为引领的先进文化,以红船精神为代表的红色文化,以浙江历史为依托的传统文化,以浙江精神为底色的创新文化,以数字经济为支撑的数字文化。5种优秀文化为浙江发展释放最深沉、最持久的力量。The sixth hallmark is the figure “5”. The Zhejiang’s hallmark of “Cultural Highland” is buttressed by 5 fine cultures. The advanced culture spearheaded by the CPC’s theoretical innovations. The revolutionary culture represented by the Red Boat Spirit. The traditional culture originated from the historical heritage of Zhejiang. The innovative culture based on Zhejiang spirit, and the digital culture defined by the digital economy. These five fine cultures have injected the most profound and enduring impetus to the development of Zhejiang.
第七个数字是“97.25%”,一个百分比,擦亮“平安浙江、法治浙江”这张金名片的成色。2020年,浙江人民群众安全感满意度达到97.25%,这是老百姓对连续16年平安浙江创建的赞许。完善基层治理,从“小治安”到“大平安”,走出了一条具有浙江特色的平安建设路子。The seventh hallmark is the figure “97.25%”, a percentage which speaks volumes about the province’s hallmark of “Peaceful Zhejiang and Law-based Zhejiang”. In 2020, polls indicated that people’s sense of security in Zhejiang reached 97.25%. This is a public acknowledgement of the Peaceful Zhejiang campaign for the past 16 consecutive years. Measures to improve governance at the grassroots have safeguarded public security of each and every neighbourhood, thus ensuring peace and tranquility across the society. This is a path to peace and tranquility with Zhejiang characteristics.
第八个数字是“四”,四条诗路,描绘出“诗画浙江”这张金名片。绿水青山就是金山银山。小桥流水是浙江,群山巍峨也是浙江。四条诗路以诗为媒,串起秀美山水,勾勒出浙江全域大花园的美景。The eighth hallmark is the figure “4”. There are four major “Poetry Routes”, the hallmark of a “Poetic and Picturesque Zhejiang”. Mountains and rivers green are mountains of silver and gold. Here in Zhejiang, we have small bridges over flowing water and magnificent mountains. They are all woven into beautiful landscapes captured by the poems composed along the four routes, depicting the picturesque sceneries of Zhejiang.
第九个数字是“400多万”,这是浙江共产党员的数量,也是“守正创新的干部队伍”这张金名片的组织基础。争先创优,使命担当,在每一处平凡的岗位熠熠闪光。The ninth hallmark is the figure “4 million plus”, which is the total CPC membership in Zhejiang. They are the part and parcel of the hallmark of “a contingent of upright and innovative cadres”. By striving for excellence and fulfilling their mission, these CPC members are distinguishing themselves in every ordinary post.奋进在新时代的浩荡东风里,面向“十四五”,展望2035,浙江,正持续擦亮9张金名片,开启争创社会主义现代化先行省新征程。In the new era, as the 14th Five-Year Plan and the 2035 vision are unfolding, Zhejiang will continue to work on the 9 hallmarks, and open up the new journey towards a model province of socialist modernisation.
这就是浙江,一个取得历史性成就、富有创造性活力的省份。这就是浙江,一个以浙江之窗展现百年大党风华正茂的先行示范之省。This is Zhejiang, a province crowned with historic achievements and full of creative vitality. This is Zhejiang, a pioneer in showcasing the youthfulness of a centenarian Party, the great Party.