Bilingual | 在“八八战略”指引下 浙江高水平全面建成了小康社会
First, new advantages of innovation and development have been fostered. The regional innovation capability has ranked 5th in China for 13 consecutive years, and the technological innovation capability of enterprises has ranked 3rd in the country for 5 consecutive years. The R&D expenditure has ranked 4th in the country, and its proportion of GDP has increased to 2.85%, making Zhejiang an innovation-driven province and basically completing the course of building Zhejiang into a province strong in science and technology.
Fifth, new advantages of shared development has been fostered. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents has ranked 1st among all provinces and autonomous regions in the country for 20 and 36 consecutive years respectively. The gross enrollment rate of higher education has reached 62.4%, and the average life expectancy has reached 79.47. There are on average 55 nursing beds available for every 1,000 seniors. The minimum living allowance standard has been raised to 886 yuan for both urban and rural residents. All the 87 impoverished counties paired up with Zhejiang in the “Partner Assistance” program have got rid of poverty as scheduled.
●“学党史守根脉 强服务践初心”——省外办第四党支部赴临安开展主题党日活动
●百年党史悟初心 梦想红船再起航⑦ | 红船精神与党史故事(三)奉献