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贤某回忆录 The Memoirs of XianM (1)

心导 梅林客MerlinCare 2021-09-24


Unscheduled release of Buddhist female documentary novels,Contributions are welcome!




1. 2021年7月底得知贤书法师已经把《凤凰岭惊梦》这本书稿传得很火,觉得贤书法师太冲动,这样又会把我卷入舆论漩涡,被很多不明真相的人恶意攻击和骚扰,乃至恶意攻击和批判中国佛教,但同时又很理解他的心情,只是我自己实在没有时间精力,分身无术,所以就希望大家不要来打扰我,我个人的事情不需要别人操心,我现在真的没空,生活困难,自顾不暇。

1. At the end of July 2021, I learned that venerable Xianshu had already spread the manuscript of the book "The Nightmare at the Pheonix Mountain". I felt that he was too impulsive, because this will involve me again in the whirlpool of public opinion, and I would be again maliciously attacked and harassed by many people who don’t know the truth, even leading to malicious attacks and criticism on Chinese Buddhism. But at the same time, I understood his feelings very well. However, I really didn't have extra time and energy to do anything else except my own living and studying, so I hope people do not bother me. I don’t need others to worry about my personal affairs. I really don’t have enough time to take care of myself.

2. 近期拜读了高永顺老师、园持法师和陈星桥居士就学某事件的表态文章,感觉到既然这么多师长前辈大德们都在热心地关注着这件事,作为事件的关键人物之一,也是作为一个晚辈,一个虔诚的佛门弟子,我是不是也应该出来交代点什么了。在诸位师长前辈们的面前,还是应该要老实一点吧。

2. Recently, I have carefully read the articles about Xue by Gao Yongshun, venerable master Yuanchi and great lay practitioner Chen Xingqiao. I feel that since so many Buddhist teachers and seniors are enthusiastically paying attention to this matter, as one of the key figures in the event, also as a junior, a devout Buddhist, I should also come out and say something. In front of the seniors and teachers from the Buddhist world, I should show my honesty.

3. 2018年的时候,LQ寺的一些法师对我并不友好,因为他们说我一会儿这样、一会儿那样,看不清楚我到底是属于哪一边的,所以,不敢跟我站到一起。贤启法师很长时间都怀疑我是学某一伙的,对我更是不友好,心存戒备。实际上,我一直是一个人,没有与任何人结党,出家人慈悲为怀,我心里对任何人都没有敌意,我能理解每一个人的处境和背后的因缘,所以,我只是由衷地希望大家都能好好生活,希望每一个人都能获得安稳吉祥、自在安乐。

3. In 2018, many venerable of LQ Temple was not friendly to me because they felt that they couldn't see which side I belonged to, so they didn't dare to stand with me. In fact, I have always been alone and have not formed a party with anyone. Buddhist monastics should have great compassion. I have no hostility towards anyone in my heart. I can understand everyone’s situation and the causes and conditions behind it. Therefore, I just hope everyone is well, and everyone can be safe and blessed.

4. 2021年9月15日,拜读了陈星桥居士的文章,第二天(2021年9月16日)我正好意外地破解了一份秘密文件(这份文件曾在2018年6月带去LQ寺,有好几位技术专业的比丘法师先后来尝试过破解,都没有成功)。因缘如此,也许这个事情到现在确实应该有个交代了,所以,就想写几句话作为对各位老师和法师前辈们的回应,结果一口气写了近三万字,写成了回忆录。

4. On September 15, 2021, I read the article by Mr. Chen Xingqiao. The next day (September 16, 2021) I accidentally cracked a secret document (this document was taken to LQ Temple in 2018, and several A master bhikkhu who is a technical professional has tried to crack it one after another, but they have not succeeded), because of this, maybe this matter should have been explained by now, so I wanted to write a few sentences in response, and ended up writing nearly three in one breath. Wanzi was written as a memoir.

5. 每一个人都非常不容易。众生皆苦。希望读者能够放下成见,静下心来,通过我的文字去理解背后更多的因缘,消除彼此的对立和观过,多一些慈悲和包容。希望大家能够多从思想、制度、和平建设、和合共处、未来的发展等层面去讨论和思考现实的问题,而不是跟人对立、制造矛盾纠纷,互相伤害,给社会传递负面影响。每一个人,每一个生命,都在苦海中挣扎,都需要尊重、理解和关怀。从法律角度来说,哪怕是已经被判刑的罪犯,也是有人格尊严的,不能随意侮辱,不能进行恶意的人身攻击。

5. In my eyes, everyone is very difficult. All beings are suffering. I hope that readers can put aside their prejudices, calm down, understand the causes and conditions behind them through my words, eliminate opposition and observations, and be more compassionate and tolerant. Discuss and think about the real issues more from the ideological, system, and construction levels, instead of confronting people,creating conflicts,harming others, and passing negative influences on our society. Everyone is suffering and needs respect, understanding, and care. From the perspective of law, even criminals who have been sentenced have human dignity, and cannot be insulted at will, and cannot be maliciously attacked.



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XianM's Memoirs: 

The Cause and Destiny of the Great Event in 2018




By XianM



Warm Tips


Please respect intellectual property. If you need to copy or forward this book, please contact the editor for permission. 





In the summer of 2018, I was in LQ Temple. Xian Er had been in front of many monks in LQ Temple many times and said to me, “XianM, we think you are amazing, brave, smart, and strong. It is precisely because of your appearance that so many of us have been awakened. If you don’t appear, we have always been kept in the dark and devoted ourselves to the evil master. It was you who awakened us. We are very grateful to you. We want to write a biography for you and write you into the ‘Biography of Eminent Bhikshunis’, is that okay? ”


Every time when I heard this, I never gave any comment, didn't express any idea, and didn't take it seriously.


Two and a half years later, in December 2020, Xian Er suddenly sent me a draft of a novel called "The Nightmare at the Phoenix Mountain". After reading it, I was very surprised, because I did not expect that there happened so many things later, and I did not expect that XM actually got an inch but demand a foot, and continued to deceive himself as well as others, trying to come back. We don’t know the real reasons and conditions for him to do the bad things before, but no matter what, it’s not right to hurt others. I also really admire Xian Er. He indeed had such great perseverance and courage to insist on writing such a novel and writing all the things of the year (2018). He said that seeing so many people continue to be deceived and deceive others, he wanted to do his best to awaken more people.




At the time, I was very supportive of Xian Er's motivation. Because after reading his novel, I also felt that it is indeed necessary to write down the real situation, otherwise more people will continue to be deceived and continue to contribute to XM's evil and continue to contribute to the corruption of the Buddhist world. I put aside my own affairs, worked overtime, and translated all his manuscripts into English day and night because I think it will be better to publish in both Chinese and English in the future. At the same time, I also consulted several publishers. I did not send the full manuscripts to the publishers, only briefly introduced the main content to them. But they all said that they would not consider publishing books on this topic (probably because this topic is too sensitive).



Later, a lay friend was willing to help. He sympathized with the victims of religious violence because his relatives and friends had been violently abused by Sogyal Rinpoche (the author of "Tibetan Book of Life and Death"). He helped me proofread the English manuscript and actively helps find publishers. But because of ethical issues, it was delayed. According to the rules of publishing ethics, the content of this book is a documentary event, and all people involved in it are real people, and they are still alive, and everyone needs to continue to live in the world. Therefore, personal information about them must be solicited from their own individuals’ opinions. The place names involved (such as the Phoenix Mountain) and institutions (such as temples, etc.) are currently still in operation. Therefore, the information about the competent departments and units in these areas must be approved by their managers, otherwise, it is possible to constitute infringement because of the negative impact on them (the loss of reputation and economy, etc.). Without asking for their consent, it is not in line with ethical rules.



Xian Er asked me to comment on the draft of his novel. I just added some important details to him. Later, I felt that there were too many things that needed to add and modify, which would affect the structure of the novel. Xian Er was not willing to make too many modifications and additions, so he discussed with me to maintain the structure and style of the original draft because the novel should be in a novel style, the plot should be attractive and readable, but I can write another "Memoirs of Xian Cai" to add other details. This will be much better because the perspective of the two authors is very different. In the same way, there are many things that Xian Er did not experience in the early stage and could not understand afterward. And our two people's ideas and positions are also different. Because I still stick to my own position and don’t want to make things too extreme and hurt too many innocent people, and I don’t agree that many people’s names and places' names are all real names. I think it should be better to make readers not identify and label the real people in the event, and we should take care of other people's feelings.


Although we had achieved the agreement, I didn't write it right away, and I was very reluctant to write it. Outsiders may not understand why. Because I am very reluctant to mention these things, and I feel uncomfortable thinking about those things and those people. In fact, I basically did not contact those people back then, nor did I pay attention to them, and I deleted the contacts of all of them. Even Xian Er, although we ever shared hardships together during that time, and later he was the only one whose WeChat I still kept, in fact, I didn't contact him often. It’s like walking on a road and accidentally stepped on a pile of shit. I can’t wait to wipe the shit off my shoes and wipe them clean. If I can’t wipe them off, I would even throw away my shoes, just quickly shake off and leave. In my heart, I am a very simple, noble, and aloof person. A good person, why bother with a bunch of shit? You don't need to think about taking away that pile of shit, because in the eyes of dogs, it is a rare delicacy, and in the eyes of grass and flower seeds, it is an advanced nutrient that nourishes life. As for legal judgments, whatever, I don’t care. Law is only a ruling tool, used to alleviate social conflicts and maintain social order. Law is the bottom line of morality. If you keep staring at the law, it means that you are not practicing morally. I practice hard, stick to morals, walk my own way, live my own life, and what I have done, I know clearly in my heart, I don't need to care whether others accept it or not.



So, if Xian Er did not send this manuscript to me, I would hardly remember what happened back then. This is very realistic. Because after reading Xian Er's manuscript, I tried to pay attention to the events of the year (2018) and saw that someone mentioned the master who was in charge of the original LQ Temple Translation Center but replaced his name with the two letters 'WG'. I couldn't remember this master after thinking about it for a long time. What is the meaning of the two characters represented in his Dharmaname? I think the first letter of the spelling of this master’s Dharma name should be "W" and "G". But I cannot remember what kind of person does him looks like. It has only been more than two years ago, but I have forgotten so much. This shows how much I want to forget about this matter; it may also because I did not live in those two monasteries (LQ temple and JL temple) for a long time. The total time I spent in the two monasteries is only one and a half years. It's just a very short experience in my life, and now it has been five or six years since the things of the year happened (2016), so it is even more distant from me. And when I recalled it, It’s just like a world away from the past life. In other words, this kind of thing won't be the focus of my attention at all. In my mind, a true man can afford it and let it go. I am willing to admit my failure for a bet. It is not a big deal to encounter setbacks. Once it is determined that I have gone the wrong way, I should go back quickly. There is nothing to attach to, and nothing cannot be let go. Yes, there is no need to be obsessed with something that has passed without positive energy. I’m not like Xian Er, who lived there for ten years and stayed there wholeheartedly, so it’s not easy for him to let it go. I am also not like Er Xian. They two monks worked hard and loyally fought for the LQ monastery for nearly twenty years, it is naturally more difficult for them to let it go. In my expression, others, both men and women, basically were required to stay in the monastery for a long time before they can be approved to be a monk or nun. Very few people like me who lived there only for a short time and then were approved to be a monk or nun. Maybe they think that I have studied Buddhism with my grandma since I was a child, so I should be easy to manage and control, but on the contrary, I seem to be the most difficult to manage, because the real Buddhism I have learned is not like theirs. This contrast and conflict are really strong.


Out of respect and support for Xian Er's manuscript, I once again recalled and paid attention to this matter, and it also made me think: If I don't write down this matter again, it may become more difficult for me after a longer time to restore the specific details of the truth. Therefore, I must cherish time and write it down as soon as possible. Then I find out the previous diaries, emails, reports, SMS records, and recordings, etc. After reading them again, I didn't want to write it anymore. Life is impermanent. In such a difficult period, it is not easy to experience epidemics, floods, fires, international turmoil... Now, everyone is still alive, which is a great luck. Survive a big disaster, I only feel grateful. It is not easy for everyone. On the battlefield of human life and death, each of us is a comrade-in-arms on the same line.


Although I rarely contact Xian Er, every time Xian Ercontacts me, he just sent me a message saying what was going on with them. I was stimulated every time I received it. It's not that I felt upset because they were doing well. No, Not at all. But those people and things are closely related to the hurt I have suffered, and when it comes to it, it is still irritating. This way, it truly affected my normal life very much. For a long time I struggled alone during the past time, without any help, I suffered too much physical and mental damage from various sides. Today, I have headaches from time to time and I can't withstand the irritation. Some people, some places, their names can't be mentioned to me. They are just irritating when someone mentions them to me. I really need to avoid interference and concentrate on meditation and study.


Xian Er said he wanted to make public his novel. I thought the time was still immature and we must not do it blindly. We need to wait and see. I think this is not that we cannot do this, but that it must be done reasonably, legally, and logically, and it must be done at the right time. Therefore, I do not agree with hasty disclosure. At first, he patiently respected my opinion. Later, he said, whether I agree or not, he still decided to make it public because he felt that the XM’s group had done too many bad things and Xian Er could no longer allow them to continue to do bad things because he think it was already intolerable. And from time to time, he sent messages to tell me how they went too far. I thought to myself, Confucius once told us: “Lack of forbearance in small matters upsets great plans.” Have you never read Confucius? Don't you understand this small truth? Why are you always staring at them? What do you care about them? You Just work hard and do your own thing. There is no need to look at others. Everyone can only be responsible for themselves.


In my opinion, this is not forbearance. It is very painful if you force yourself to endure it. I don't have this kind of forbearance in my heart but feel that I really don't want to care about that, there is no need to care about that, and I have to work hard to live my own life. The rules are all set up for gentlemen, not applicable to hooligans. There is no need to be entangled as a hooligan by accidentally encountering a hooligan. Think about ourselves. We don’t make any contribution to the country, society, people, or to Buddhism. It’s not good to take our own personal affairs to bother others, wasting national resources, polluting public audio-visual, creating negative energy for society, and creating opportunities for outsiders to make division and destruction. How the government handles it, it has its own official considerations. Since we can't manage that much, we should try not to cause chaos to them, and just be ordinary citizens honestly and calmly. I thought so myself, and I tried to persuade Xian Er this way, but he still felt unbearable. He thought he had great responsibility for this matter. After several times, I felt that I couldn't stand Xian Er who would stimulate me from time to time, so I removed Xian Er from my contact list, too. As long as he doesn't come to harass me like this, I can concentrate on my studying, concentrate on living my life, and do something more meaningful.


XianCai's Memoirs: 

The Cause and Destiny of the Great Event in 2018


This concludes the first chapter of this book. 

Thank you for reading.



The next chapter will be updated according to the situation.



It is recommended to read the complete book patiently before making judgments.




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Editor / Sheendhao

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