
【复习提纲】人教版七年级英语下册 |可下载









【电子课本】人教版 新目标初中英语789年级

Unit1  Can you play the guitar ?

guitar [ɡɪ tɑ:(r)]  n. 吉他
sing [sɪŋ]  v. 唱;唱歌
swim  [swɪm]  v. & n. 游泳
dance [dɑːns], [dæns] v. 跳舞 n. 舞蹈
draw [drɔː]  v. 画
chess [tʃes]  n. 国际象棋
play chess 下国际象棋
speak [spiːk]  v. 说(某种语言);说话
speak English  说英语
join  [dʒɔɪn]  v. 参加;加入
club [klʌb]  n. 俱乐部;社团
be good at…  擅长于……
tell  [tel ]  v. 讲述;告诉
story [ stɔːrɪ]  n. 故事;小说
write [raɪt]  v. 写作;写字
show [ʃəʊ]  n. 演出;节目  v. 给……看;展示;
or  [ɔː(r)]  conj. 或者;也不(用于否定句)
talk [tɔːk]  v. & n. 说话;交谈
talk to … 跟……说
kungfu [,kʌŋ’fuː]  n.(中国)功夫
drum [drʌm]  n. 鼓
play the drums  敲鼓
piano [pɪ ænəʊ]  n. 钢琴
play the piano  弹钢琴
violin  [,vaɪə lɪn]  n. 小提琴
play the violin  拉小提琴
also [ ɔːlsəʊ]  adv. 也;而且
people [ piːpl]  n. 人;人们
home [həʊm]  n. 家;活动本部  adv. 到家;在家
be good with…  善于应付……的;对……有办法
make [meɪk]  v. 使成为;制造
make friends  结交朋友
today  [tə deɪ]  adv. 在今天
help (sb) with sth 在某方面帮助(某人)
center [ sentə(r)]  n.(=centre)中心;中央
weekend [,wiːk end], [  wiː kend]  n. 周末
on the weekend  (在)周末
teach  [tiːtʃ ]  v教;讲授
musician [mjuː zɪʃn]  n. 音乐家

1. play the guitar 弹吉他
2. play chess 下棋
3. speak English 说英语
3. what to do sth 想做某事
4. join the music club 加入音乐俱乐部
5. match…..with 与……匹配
6. the swimming club 游泳俱乐部
7. what club 什么俱乐部
8. a sports club 一个体育俱乐部
10. be good at telling stories 擅长讲故事
11. the story telling club 讲故事俱乐部
12. like to do/doing sth 喜欢做某事
13. let’s join 让我们加入......
14. sound good 听起来不错
15. students wanted for School Show 学校表演招聘学生
16. talk to/with sb 跟某人谈话
17. after school 放学后
18. do kung fu 表演功夫;练功夫
19. show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 把某物展示给某人
20. play games with people 和人们做游戏
21.be in the school music club 在学校音乐俱乐部
22. help for old people 对老人的帮助
23. be good with… 和某人相处得好,善于和..打交道
24. be free / be busy 空闲的/忙的
25. in July 在六月份
26. tell sb. stories 给某人讲故事
27. make friends with… 和某人交朋友
28. call sb. at …… 给某人打电话……
29. on the weekend 在周末
30. help sb.(to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事
31. help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人
32. English-speaking students 说英语的学生
33. It is+adj +(for sb) to sth. 做某事(对于某人来说)是…..
34. play the piano 弹钢琴
35. play the violin 拉小提琴
36. the Students’ Sports Center 学生运动中心
37. need help to teach music 需要帮助来做某事
38. need sb. to do sth 需要某人做某事
39. teach sb. to do sth 教某人做某事
40. be in our school music festival 参加我们学校的音乐节

1. —Can you swim?
—No,I can’t.
2. Can you play the guitar?
3. I want to join the art club.
4. What club do you want to join?
5. You are very good at telling stories.
6. Sounds good. But I like to draw,too.
7. Then join two clubs—the story telling club and the art club!
那么就请加人两个俱乐部—— 讲故事俱乐部和艺术俱乐部。
8. 一Can Wu Jun speak English?
一No,he can’t, but he can speak Chinese.
9. Are you good with old people?
10. Can you play the piano or the violin?

Unit2 What time do you go to school?

up  [ʌp]  adv.  向上
get up   起床;站起
dress [dres]  v. 穿衣服   n. 连衣裙
get dressed  穿上衣服
brush  [brʌʃ]   v. 刷  n.刷子
tooth [tuːθ]  n. (pl.  teeth [tiːθ] ) 牙齿
shower [ ʃaʊə]  n. & v.  淋浴  n. 淋浴器(间)
take a shower  洗淋浴
usually [ ju:ʒuəli]  adv. 通常地;一般地
forty [ fɔ:(r)ti]  num. 四十
wow  [waʊ]  interj.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀
never [ nevə(r)]  adv. 从不;绝不
early [ ɜːlɪ]  adv. & adj. 早(的)
fifty  [ fɪftɪ]  num. 五十
job   [dʒɒb],  [dʒɑːb]  n.工作;职业
work [wɜːk]  v. & n.  工作
station [ steɪʃn]  n. 电(视)台;车站
radio station   广播电台
o clock  [ə klɒk],  [ə klɑ:k] adv.(表示整点)……点钟
night [naɪt]  n.  晚上;夜晚
funny  [ fʌnɪ]  adj. 奇怪的;滑稽好笑的
exercise [ eksəsaɪz]  v. & n.  锻炼;练习
on weekends     (在)周末
best  [best]  adj. 最好的    adv. 最好地;最
group [gruːp]  n. 组;群
half [hɑːf], [hæf]  n. & pron.  一半;半数
past [pɑːst], [pæst]  prep. 晚于;过(时间)adj. 过去的
quarter [ kwɔː(r)tə(r)]  n.一刻钟;四分之一
homework [ həʊmwɜː(r)k]   n.  家庭作业
do (one’s) homework  做作业
run  [rʌn]  v.  跑;奔
clean [kliːn]  v. 打扫;弄干净  adj. 干净的
walk [wɔːk]  n. & v.  行走;步行
take a walk   散步;走一走
quickly [ kwɪkli]  adv.  很快地
either [ aɪðə(r)], [ iː ðə(r) ]adv. 或者;也(用在否定词组后)
either…or …   要么……要么……;或者……或者……
lot  [lɒt],  [lɑ:t]   pron. 大量;许多
lots of  大量;许多
sometimes  [ sʌmtaɪmz]  adv. 有时
taste  [teɪst]  v. 有……的味道;品尝    n.味道;滋味
life  [laɪf]  n. 生活;生命

1. go to school 去上学
2. get up 起床
3. get dressed 穿衣服
4. brush teeth 刷牙
5. eat breakfast 吃早饭
6. take a shower 洗澡
7. what time 什么时间
8. at six forty 在六点四十
9. an interesting job 一个有趣的工作
10. at the radio station 在广播电视台
11. usually /always/ often/ sometimes/ never 经常/总是/经常 /有时/从不
12. your radio show 你的广播节目
13. from …..to 从….到…..
14. at night 在夜晚
15. a funny time 一个有趣的时间
16. take exercise 锻炼
17. be late for….. 因… 迟到
18. at about ten twenty 在大约十点二十
19. on weekends 在周末
20. on school days 在上学日
21. half past six 六点半
22. a quarter past three 三点过一刻 (3:15)
23. a quarter to ten 十点差一刻 (9:45)
24. do (one’s) homework 做(某人的)家庭作业
25. take a walk 散步
26. go to bed 睡觉
27. eat quickly 吃得快
28. have much time 有许多时间
29. half an hour 半个小时
30. get home 到达家
31. either…..or 或者…….或者......
32. eat a good breakfast 好好吃顿早餐
33. lots of = a lot of 许多
34. be good for….. 对…….有益
35. taste good 尝起来好
36. do her homework 做她的家庭作业
37. have a healthy life 有一个健康的生活方 式
38. have dinner 吃晚饭

1. What time do you go to school?
2. 一What time do you usually take a shower,Kick?
—I usually take a shower at six forty.
3. 一When do you go to work? 
一At eleven o’clock, so I’m never late for work.
4. —What time do they get dressed?
一They always get dressed at seven twenty.
5. What time does your best friend go to school?
6. —When do students usually eat dinner?
一They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.
7. When I get home. I always do my homework first.
8. In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games.

Unit 3 How do you get to school ?

train  [treɪn]   n. 火车
bus  [bʌs]   n. 公共汽车;公交车
subway  [ sʌbweɪ]  n. 地铁
take the subway  乘地铁
ride [raɪd]  v. 骑  n. 旅程
bike [baɪ k]  n.  自行车
ride a bike 骑自行车
sixty [ sɪkstɪ]  num. 六十
seventy [ sevntɪ]  num. 七十
eighty [ eɪtɪ]  num. 八十
ninety [ naɪntɪ]  num. 九十
hundred  [ hʌndrəd]  num. 一百
minute [ mɪnɪt]  n. 分钟
far  adv.&adj远;远的
kilometer  n.公里
new  adj.新的;刚出现的
every  adj.每一;每个
every day 每天
by  prep.(表示方式)乘(交通工具)
by bike  骑自行车
drive  v.开车
car n.小汽车;轿车
live  v.居住;生活
stop   n.车站;停止
think of 认为
cross   v.横过;越过
river   n.河;江
many  adj.&pron.许多
village   n.村庄;村镇
between   prep.介于…之间
between…and…   在……和……之间
bridge   n.桥
boat   n.小船
Ropeway n.索道
year n.年;岁
afraid   adj.害怕;惧怕
like   prep.像;怎么样
leave   v.离开
dream   n.梦想;睡梦  v.做梦
true   adj.真的;符合事实的
come true 实现;成为现实

1. get to school 到达学校
2. take the train 乘火车
3. take the subway 乘地铁
4. ride a bike 骑自行车
5. how do you get to school 怎么到达学校
6. one hundred and five 105
7. how far 多远
8. how long 多长时间
9. it takes sb some time to do sth 它花费某人多长时间做某事
10. ride the bike to school 骑自行车到学校
11. walk to , drive to ,fly to… 步行去…;开车去…;坐飞机去….
12. every day 每天
13. I’m not sure 我不敢确信
14. about= around 大约
15. 10 kilometers 十公里
16. good exercise 好的锻炼
17. drive his car to work 开车去上班
18. in his father’s car 坐父亲的车
19. need about 10 minutes to get to school 需要十分钟的时间到达学校
20. what do you think of…=how do you like… 你觉得怎么样
21. cross the river 过河
22. It is easy to get to school. 到达学校很容易。
23. there is 有
24. between…and… 在两者之间
25. no= not any / not a 没有
26. The river runs quickly. 河水流得快。
27.quickly 动作上快 fast 速度上快 soon时间上快
28. on a ropeway 在索道上
29. go on a ropeway to cross the river 坐索道穿过河
30. love to do 喜欢做某事
31. an 11-year-old boy一个11岁大的男孩
32. ten minutes’ walk / a ten-minute walk 10分钟的路
33. be like a father to me 像父亲一样做某事
34. leave for … 到某地
35. be afraid to do, be afraid of sth / doing…害怕做某事
36. come true 实现
37. thanks for +n /doing sth.为…而感谢
38. at about 8:00 在大约8点
39. How to do it? 怎么来做它?

1. —Hey, Dave, How do you get to school?
—I walk. How about you, Sally?
—I ride my bike.
2.—I ride it to school every day. How do you get to school?
一I usually take the bus.
3. How far is it from your home to school?
4. 一How long does it take you to get to school?
—About 15 minutes by bike.
5. —Well, have a good day at school.
—You, too.
6. —How do you get to school?
—Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.
7. Do you walk or ride a bike?
8. For many students, it is easy to get to school.
9. There is a very big river between their school and the village.
10. There is no bridge and the river runs the quickly for boats.

Unit4 Don’t eat in class.

rule   n.规则;规章
arrive    v.到达
(be) on time  准时
hallway   n.走廊;过道
hall   n.大厅;礼堂
dining hall  餐厅
listen    v.听;倾听
listen to…  听……
fight   v. &n.打架;战斗
sorry   adj.抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的
outside  adv在外面adj 外面的
wear   v.穿;戴
important    adj.重要的
bring    v.带来;取来
uniform   n.校服;制服
quiet  adj安静的
out  adv.外出
go out  外出(娱乐)
practice   v.& n.练习
dish    n.碟;盘
do the dishes 清洗餐具
before  prep. conj在… 以前 adv以前
make (one’s) bed 铺床
dirty  adj.脏的
kitchen    n.厨房
more    adj. pron.更多的
noisy    adj.吵闹的
relax    v.放松;休息
read    v.读;阅读
terrible   adj.非常讨厌的;可怕的
feel    v.感受;觉的
strict   adj.严格的;严厉的
be strict (with sb) (对某人)要求严格
remember    v.记住;记起
follow   v.遵循;跟随
follow the rules  遵守规则
luck  n.幸运;运气
keep   v.保持;保留
hair   n.头发;毛发
learn   v. 学习;学会

1. Don’t eat in class 在课堂上
2. arrive late for class 上课迟到
3. be on time 准时
4.in the hallways 在走廊里
5.in the dining hall 在餐厅
6. listen to music 听音乐
7 fight with… 与某人打架
8.Don’t eat in class. 不要在课堂上吃东西。
9. listen to music outside 在外面听音乐
10. wear a hat 戴帽子
11. There are a lot of rules. 有许多规则。
12. be late for … 因…而迟到
13. bring sth to … 带...到...
17. wear school uniform 穿校服
18. have to be quiet 不得不安静
19. see friends 看朋友
20. practice the guitar 练习吉他
21. do the dishes 洗盘子
22. help his mom make breakfast 帮助妈妈做早饭
23. clean his room 打扫他的房间
24. before dinner 晚饭后
25. too many rules太多规则
too many +可数名词 太多…
too much +不可数名词 太多…
much too +形容词 太…
26. make your bed 整理床铺
27. after breakfast 早饭后
28. leave sth in +地点 留….在某处
29. be noisy 太闹/ be quiet安静的
30. How you feel? 你感觉怎么样。
31. feel well 感觉好
32. tell sb. to do sth 告诉(叫)某人做某事
33. think about it 考虑它;想一下
34. on weekends 在周末
35. be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求
be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格
38. remember to do sth. 记住做某事
39. make rules to help us 制定规则做某事
40. follow the rules 遵守规则
41 keep my hair short 保持头发短
42 play with my friends
43. either 也(用于否定句末)
44. have fun doing 做某事有趣

1. Don t eat in class.
2. Don t arrive late for class, you must be on time.
3. Don’t run is the hallways.
4. Don’t eat in the classroom. You must in the dining hall.
5. Don’t listen to music-in class.
6. —Can we listen to music, Cindy?
—We can’t listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside.
7.—Can we bring music players to school?
一No,we can t. And we always have to wear the school uniform.
8. 一Does he have to wear a uniform at school?
—Yes, he does. /No, he doesn t.
是 的 ,必须要穿校服。/不,不必要穿校服。
9. Get up now and make your bed.
10. Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen!

Unit5 Why do you like pandas?

panda   n. 熊猫
zoo   n. 动物园
tiger   n. 老虎
elephant n.大象
koala n. 树袋熊
lion    n. 狮子
giraffe    n. 长颈鹿
animal    n .动物
cute   adj. 可爱的;机灵的
lazy    adj. 懒散的;懒惰的
smart  adj. 聪明的
beautiful  adj 美丽的;美好的
scary  adj. 吓人的;恐怖的
kind  n. 种类
kind of  稍微;有点儿
Australia  n. 澳大利亚
south   adj. 南方的 n. 南;南方
Africa   n.非洲
South Africa 南非
pet    n. 宠物
leg    n. 腿
cat    n. 猫
sleep    n. 睡觉
friendly  adj .友好的
shy   adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的
save  v. 救;救助
symbol   n. 象征
flag  n. 旗;旗帜
forget    v. 忘记;遗忘
get lost  迷路
place   n. 地点;位置
water   n.水
danger   n. 危险
be in (great) danger  处于(极大)危险之中
cut   v. 砍;切
down   adv.(坐、躺、倒)下  prep.向下;沿着
cut down 砍倒
tree  n. 树
kill    v.杀死;弄死
ivory n.象牙
over    prep .超过;多于;在… 上方
(be) made of 由……制成的
Thailand   n.泰国
Thai   n.泰国(人的);泰语(的)

1. importance in Thailand 在泰国的重要性
2. Let’s see…. first. 让我们先看...
3. favorite animals 最喜欢的动物
4. kind of interesting 有点有趣
5. South Africa 南非
6. be from =come from 来自
7. be smart 聪明的
8. walk on two legs 用两条腿走
9. all day/all night 整天 /整夜
10. a good name for her 对于她是个好名字
11. like …a lot 非常喜欢......
12. black and white 黑白相间
13. You’re right. 你是正确的。
14. one of +名词复数 (......其中之一)
15. our first flag 我们的第一面旗
16. a symbol of good luck 好运的象征
17. draw well 画得好
18. forget to do 忘记做某事
19. get/be lost 迷路
20. places with food and water有食物和水的地方
21. be in great danger 处于危险
22. cut down 砍倒
23. over = more than 超过/多于
24 be made of... 由…制成
25.Thai Elephant Day 大象节

1. —Let s see the pandas first. They re my favorite animals.
—Because they’re very cute.
2. Why do you want to see them?
3. He can walk on two legs.
4. —Why don’t you like the cat?
—Well,because she s kind of boring, she sleeps all day.
5. —Why don t you like tigers?
—Because they re really scary. 
6. —Where are lions from?
—They re from South Africa.
7. But I like tigers a lot.
8. Our first flag had a white elephant on it.
9. People say that “an elephant never forgets. ”
10. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.
11. But elephants are in great danger.
12. We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.

Unit6 I’m watching TV.

newspaper   n .报纸
read a newspaper    看报纸
use   v.使用;运用
soup  n.汤
make soup  做汤
wash   v.洗
movie   n.电影
go to movies  看电影
just   adv. 只是;恰好
eat out 出去吃饭
house  n.房子
drink   v..喝n.饮料
tea    n.茶;茶叶
drink  tea  喝茶
tomorrow    adv. 在明天  n. 明天;未来
pool  n. 游泳池;水池
shop  v. 购物  n. 商店
supermarket  n. 超市
man  n.男人;人
race  n.竞赛
host  n.主人;东道主
study  v./n. 学习;研究
state  n. 洲
the United States  美国;美利坚合众国
American   adj. 美国的;美洲的 n. 美国人;美洲人
dragon   n.龙
Dragon Boat Festival  端午节
any   adj. 任何的,任一的  pron. 任何;任一
other adj. 另外的;其他的  pron. 另外的人(或物)
young  adj. 幼小的,年轻的
children  n. 儿童
miss  v.怀念. 思念
wish  v. 希望  
delicious  adj. 可口的,美味的  
still adv. 还.仍然
living room  客厅

1.watch TV看电视
2. read a newspaper 看报纸
3. talk on the phone 通过电话交谈
4. listen to a CD 听CD
5. a useful book 一本有用的书
6. make soup 做汤
7. wash the dishes 洗碟子
8. go to the movies 去看电影
9. at home 在家
10. eat out 在外面吃
11. drink tea 喝茶
12.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
13. make zongzi 包粽子
14. watch the boat races 看龙舟比赛
15. the night before the festival 节日前的晚上
16. any other night 任何其他的晚上
17. his host family 他的寄宿家庭
18. read a story to sb 读故事给某人
19. miss sb. 思念某人
miss doing sth 错过做某事
20. wish to do sth希望做某事
wish sb to do sth希望某人做某事
hope to do sth希望做某事
21. no place like home 没有地方像家一样
22. in the United States 在美国
23. study for a test 为一个考试而学习

1.一 What are they doing?
—They’re listening to a CD.
2. That sounds good.
3. Not much,I m just washing my clothes. What about you?
4. Do you want to join me for dinner? My parents aren t at home. We can eat out.
5. —Are you doing your homework.
—Yes, I am/No,I’m not. I m cleaning my room.
6. —Are they using the computer?
—Yes, they are/No, they aren’t. They re exercising.
7. Why are Zhu Hui s family watching boat races and making zongzi.
8. So it’s like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.
9. But there’s still “no place like home. ”
10. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom s delicious zongzi.

Unit 7 It’s raining !
rain  v.下雨  n.雨水
windy  adj.多风的
cloudy  adj.多云的
sunny  adj.晴朗的
snow  v下雪;雪
weather  n.天气
cook  v.做饭
bad  adj.坏的;糟的
park  n.公园
message  n.信息;消息
take a message  捎个口信;传话
him  pron.他(he的宾格)
could  v.能;可以
back  adj.回来;回原处
call(sb)back  回电话
problem  n.困难;难题
again  adj.再一次;又一次
dry  adj.干燥的
cold  adj.寒冷的;冷的
hot  adj.热的
warm  adj.温暖的
visit  v.拜访;参观
Canada  n.加拿大
summer  n.夏天;夏季
sit  v.坐
juice  n.果汁;饮料
soon  adv.不久;很快
vacation  n.假期
on(a)vacation  度假
hard  adv.努力地;困难的
Europe  n.欧洲
mountain  n.高山
country  n.国;国家
skate  v.滑冰
snowy  adj.下雪的
winter  n.冬天;冬季
Russian  adj.俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人;俄语
snowman  n.雪人
rainy  adj.阴雨的;多雨的

1.How is the weather...?=What’s the weather like...? 天气怎么样?
2.in the rainy weather 在雨天
3.talk about the weather with friends 和朋友谈论天气
4.play computer games 玩电脑游戏
5.watch TV 看电视
6.How’s it going? 一切还好么?.
7.not bad 不坏,不错
8. at the park= in the park 在公园
9.sound like 听起来像
10.have a good time 玩得开心;过得愉快
11.study at sb’s home 在某人的家中学习
12. take a message for sb. 为某人带消息
13. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事
14. call sb. back (给某人)回电话
15. no problem 没问题
16. do one’s homework 做某人的作业
17. right now 现在;立即;马上
18. study English 学习英语
19. have a great time doing 开心做某事
20. summer school 暑期学习班
21. visit some of my old friends 拜访我的一些老朋友
22. be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事
23. sit by the pool 坐在游泳池边
24. drink orange juice 喝橙汁
25. summer vacation 暑假
26. study hard 努力学习
27. be on vacation 在度假
28. write to sb. 给某人写信
29. in your country 在你的国家
30. next month 下个月
31. for three hours 三个小时
32. wear hats 戴帽子
33. take a photo of sb. 给某人照相
34. speak to sb. 给某人谈话

1. Hello,Rick speaking.
2. Hi Rick, It’s Steve.
3. —How’s it going?
—Not bad, thanks.
4.Sounds like you’re having a good time.
5.Could you just tell him to call me back?
6. She is working here and I m going to summer school.
7. 一How s the weather?
—It s cloudy. /It s sunny. /It s rainy.
8.He’s studying at his friend’s home.
9.I’m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.
10.The weather here is cool and cloudy,just right for walking.
11. I m studying English and I m learning a lot.
12. How’s your summer vacation going?

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ?

post  n.邮政
office  n.办公室
post office  邮局
police  n.警察
police station  警察局
hotel  n.旅店;酒店
restaurant  n.餐馆
bank  n.银行
hospital  n.医院
street  n.大街
pay  v.付费
pay phone  付费电话
near  prep.在……附近
acros  adv.过;穿过
across from  在……对面
front  n.前面
in front of  在……前面
behind  prep.在……后面
town  n.镇;市镇
around  adv.&prep.到处;大约
north   n.北;北方  adj.北方的
along  prep.沿着
go along  沿着(这条街)走
turn  v.转向;翻
right  adv.向右边  n.右边
left  adv.向左边  n.左边
rurn right/left  向右、左转
crossing  n.十字路口
neighborhood  n.街区;街坊
spend  v.花(时间、钱等)
spend time  花时间
climb  v.爬
road  n.路
often  adv.时常;常常
air  n.空气
sunshine  n.阳光
free  adj.免费的
enjoy  v.享受;喜爱
enjoy reading  喜欢阅读
easily  adv.容易地
money  n.钱

1. near here 在这儿附近
2. post office 邮局
3. police station 警察局
4. pay phone 付费电话
5. on Bridge Street 在桥街
6. across from 在…对面
7. next to… 在…旁边
8. between...and... 在…和…中间
9. in front of… 在……前面
10. behind… 在…后面
11. on Center Street 在中心街
12. far from … 远离…
13. go along 沿着
14. turn right/ left 向右/左转
15. at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口
16. on one’s left/right 在某人的左边/右边
17. spend time (in) doing 花费时间做某事
18. watch sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事
19. look like 看起来像
20. love the clean air and sunshine 喜爱清新的空气和阳光
21. the best things 最好的事情
22. be free 免费的
23.cross Center street 穿过中心街
24. have to do sth. 不得不做某事
25. a noisy neighborhood 喧闹的街区
26.get to the library easily 很容易到达图书馆
27. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事
28. go shopping 去购物
29. be busy 忙的
30. make the foods 做食物

1.—Where are the pay phones?
—They’re between the post office and the library.
2.How can I help you?
3.I’m new in town.
4.To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road.
5.The best things in life are free!
6. It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.
7.Turn right at the first crossing and the resturant on your left.
8.Thank you very much.
9.You’re welcome.

Unit9 What does he look like?

curly  adj.卷曲的
straight  adj.直的
tall  adj.高的
medium  adj. 中等的
height  n.身高;高度
of medium height  中等身高
thin  adj.瘦的
heavy  adj.重的
build  n.身材
of medium build  中等身材
tonight  adv.&n.今夜
little  adj.小的
a little  一点,少量
cinema  n.电影院
glasses  n.眼镜
later  adj.以后
handsome  adj.英俊的
actor  n.演员
actress  n.女演员
person  n.人
nose  n.鼻子
blonde  adj.金黄色的
mouth  n.嘴
round  adj.圆形的
face  n.脸
eye  n.眼睛
singer  n.歌手
artist   n.艺术家
crime  n.犯罪活动
criminal  n.罪犯
put   v.放
each adj.&pron.每个,各自
way  n.方式,路线
describe  v.描述
differently  adv.不同地
another  adj.&pron另一,又一
end  n.结尾,尽头
in the end  最后
real  adj.真正的;真实的
jeans  n.牛仔裤

1. look like 看起来像
2. short/long/curly/straight hair 短/长/卷/直 发
2. medium height 中等身高
3. medium build 中等身材
4. be a little late 有点儿晚
5. wear glasses 戴眼镜
6. See you later then. 那么回头见。
7. a big nose 大鼻子
8.a small mouth 小嘴巴
9. big eyes 一双大眼睛
10. blonde hair 金黄色头发
11. a long face 一个长脸
12. a round face 圆脸
13. have an interesting job 有一份有趣的工作
14.police artist 警局绘画师
15. draw a picture of the criminal 画一个罪犯的像
16. in newspapers 在报纸上
17. on television=on TV 在电视上
18.each criminal 同一个罪犯
19. describe the same person differently 描述同样的人不同
20. real criminal 真正的罪犯
21. in the end 最后
22. first of all 首先;第一
23. wear jeans 穿牛仔裤
24. wear sports shoes 穿运动鞋
25. have(has) straight brown hair 有一头直棕色头发
26. be short /tall 矮/高的

1.I may be a little late.
2. He isn’t tall or short.
3.—What does he look like?
—He s really tall.
4—What does she look like?
—She has long straight hair.
5.—What do they look like?
—They’re of medium build.
6.—Do they have straight or curly hair?
—They have curly hair.
7. Is he tall or short?
8.He isn’t tall or short He’s of medium height.
9.What does your favorite teacher look like?
10. And he s really handsome.
11.She has blonde hair.
12.Many people don t always see things the same way so they may describe the same people differently.

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles?

noodle  n.面条
mutton  n.羊肉
beef  n.牛肉
cabbage  n.卷心菜;洋白菜
potato  n.土豆;马铃薯
special  n.特色菜;特价品;特别的;特殊的
would  v.(表示意愿)愿意
would like  愿意;喜欢
yet  adv.(常用于否定句或疑问句)还;仍然
large  adj.大号的;大的
order  n.&v.点菜;命令
take one s order  点菜
size  n.大小;尺码
bowl  n.碗
one(large)bowl of  一(大)碗
tofu  n.豆腐
meat  n.(可食用的)肉
dumpling  n.饺子
porridge  n.粥;面糊
onion  n.洋葱
fish  n.鱼;鱼肉
pancake  n.烙饼;薄饼
world  n.世界
around the world  世界各地
answer  n.答案  v.回答
different  adj.不同的
cake  n.蛋糕
candle  n.蜡烛
age  n.年龄
make a wish  许愿
blow  v.吹
blow out吹灭
if  conj.如果
will  v.会
the UK  n.英国
candy  n.糖果
lucky  adj.幸运的
popular  受欢迎的;普遍的
get popular受欢迎;流行
cut up切碎
idea  n.想法;主意
bring good luck to…  给……带来好运

1. would like sth 想要某物
2. would like to do sth. 想要做某事
3. put on 穿上,戴上
4. take one’s order 点菜
5. in the beef noodles 在牛肉面里
6. mapo tofu with rice 麻婆豆腐外带大米
7. what kind of noodles 什么种类的面条
8. a large bowl of noodles 一大碗面条
9. a medium bowl of noodles 一中碗面
10. a small bowl of noodles 一小碗面条
11. what size 什么尺寸
12.May I take your order? 可以点餐了么?
13. beef noodles with carrots 带有胡萝卜的牛肉面
14. green tea 绿茶
15. orange juice 橙汁
16. around the world 世界各地
17. in different countries 在不同的国家
18. birthday cakes with candles 带蜡烛的生日蛋糕
19. the birthday person 寿星
20.make a wish 许愿
21. blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛
22. in one go 一口气,一次性的
23. come true 实现
24. get popular 变得流行, 受欢迎
25. long noodles 长寿面
26. cut up 切碎/断
27. a symbol of long life 长寿的象征
28. be different 不同的
29. be the same 一样的
30. bring good luck to sb. 带给某人幸运
31. have different kinds of … 有不同种类的......

1. What would you like?
2. I m not sure yet. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles?
3. Yes, there are some tomatoes.
4. OK, I’d like the beef noodles, please.
5. I like dumplings、fish and orange juice.
6. I don t like onions,green tea or porridge.
7. What kind of noodles would you like?
8. I’d like beef noodles, please.
9. What size would you like?
10. I’d like a large bowl, please.

Unit 11 How was your school trip?

milk  v.挤奶
cow  n.奶牛
milk a cow  给奶牛挤奶
horse  n.马
ride a horse  骑马
feed  v.喂养;饲养
feed chickens  喂鸡
farmer  n.农民;农场主
quite  adv.相当;安全
quite a lot(of…)  许多
anything  pron.(常用于否定句或疑问句)任何东西;任何事物
grow  v.种植;生长;发育
farm  n.农场;务农;种田
pick  v.采;摘
excellent  adj.极好的;优秀的
countryside  n.乡村;农村
in the countryside  在乡下;在农村
yesterday  n.昨天
flower  n.花
worry  v.担心;担忧
luckily  adv.幸运地;好运地
sun  n.太阳
museum  n.博物馆
fire  n.火灾
fire station  消防站
painting  n.油画;绘画
exciting  adj.使人兴奋的;令人激动的
lovely  adj.可爱的
expensive  adj.昂贵的
cheap  adj.廉价的;便宜的
slow  adj.缓慢的;迟缓的
fast  adv&adj快地(的)
robot  n.机器人
guide  n.导游;向导
gift  n.礼物;赠品
all in all  总的说来
everything  pron.一切;所有事物
interested  adj.感兴趣的
be interested in  对……感兴趣
dark  adj.黑暗的;昏暗的
hear(heard)  v.听到;听见

1. school trip 学校旅行
2. go for a walk 去散步
3. milk a cow 挤牛奶
4. ride a horse 骑马
5. feed chickens 喂鸡
6. talk with a farmer 与农民交谈
7. take some photos 照相
8. ask some questions 问一些问题
9. grow apples 种苹果
10. show sb. around splace. 带某人逛某地
11. learn a lot 学到许多
12. pick some strawberries 摘草莓
13. last week 上周
14.In the countryside 在乡村
15. visit my grandparents 拜访我的祖父母
16. go fishing 去钓鱼
17. sound good 听起来很好
18. climb the mountains 去爬山
19. play some games 玩一些游戏
20. visit a museum 参观博物馆
21. visit a fire station 参观消防站
22.draw pictures 画画
23. go on a school trip 去旅行
24 visit the science museum 参观科技博物馆
25. how to make a model robot 如何制作机器人模型
26. gift shop 礼品店
27. buy sth for sb. 为某人买某物
28. all in all 总得来说
29. be interested in... 对…感兴趣
30. be expensive 昂贵的
31. not...at all 一点儿也不

1.—Did you see any cows?
一Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot. 
2.—Did Carol take any photos?
—Yes, she did.
3.—Hi, Eric, How was your trip last week?
一It was excellent. I visited my grandparents in the countryside.
4.We had so much fun!
5.I took a lot of great photos, too.
6. All in all, it was an exciting day.
7. I’m not interested in that.

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?

camp  v.扎营;扎帐篷
lake  n.湖,湖泊
beach  n.海滩,沙滩
badminton  n.羽毛球运动
sheep  n.羊,绵羊
as  adv.&pron.作为,当做
natural  pron.自然的
butterfly  n.蝴蝶
visitor  n.游客;访问者
tired  adj.疲倦的
stay  v.停留
stay up late深夜不留
away  adv.离开
run away  跑开
mouse  n.老鼠
baby  n.幼小的
shout  v.呼叫,喊叫
shout at…冲……大声叫嚷
woof  v.(狗叫声)汪汪
language  n.语言
fiy  v.飞
kite  n.风筝
fiy a kite  放风筝
high  adj.&adv高的(地)
high school中学
ago  adv.以前
India  n.印度
tent  n.帐篷
put up  搭起,举起
moon  n.月亮
surprise  n.&v.惊奇,惊讶
get a surpris  吃惊
snake  n.蛇
scared  adj.惊慌的
move  v.移动
shout to…  对……大声喊叫
start  v.开始,着手
jump  v.跳跃
up and down  上上下下
wake  v.弄醒,醒
into  prep.到……里面
forest  n.森林
ear  n.耳朵
1. last weekend 上周末
2. do one’s homework 做作业
3. go to the cinema 看电影
4. go boating 去划船
5. camp by the lake 在湖边露营
6. go to the beach 去海滩
7. play badminton 打羽毛球
8. on Saturday morning 在周六的早上
9. study for the English test 为了英语考试学习
10. feed some cows 喂一些奶牛
11. work as a guide 做为一个导游工作
12. Natural History Museum 自然历史博物馆
13. butterfly house 蝴蝶馆
14. over 200 kinds of butterflies 超过200多种蝴蝶
15. tell sb about … 告诉某人关于…
16. living habits 生活习惯
17. be kind of tired 有点儿累
19. stay up 熬夜
20. play with sb. 和某人玩
21. lose things 丢东西
22. run away 跑开
23. fly a kite 放风筝
24.as a special gift 作为一个特殊的礼物
25. take sb. to sp. 把某人带到某地
26. go camping 去露营
27. put up the tents 搭建帐篷
28. make a fire 生火
29. keep sb. warm 使某人保持温暖
30. on the first night 在第一天晚上
31.so...that... 如此…以至于…
32. go to sleep 去睡觉
33. get a surprise 吃惊
34. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事
35. jump up and down 上蹦下跳
36. climb onto one’s back 爬到某人背上
37. shout at/shout to 大声喊叫
38 wake …up 把...弄醒
39. move into… 移入,爬进…中
40. a useful lesson 有用的一课

1.—What did you do last weekend?Lucy?
—Well, on Saturday, I played badminton.
2.—Hi,Lisa, How is your weekend?
—Great, thanks.
3.I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.
4.They have a beautiful house with over 200 kinds of butterflies!
5.—Did you have a good weekend?
—Yeah, it was good, but I m kind of tired now, I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.
6.Where did she go last weekend?
7. She went to a farm.
她去了 一家农场。
8.—When did he lose them?
—I heard it was yesterday.
9.As a special gift, our parents took us to India.
作为一份特殊的礼物 我爸妈带肴我们去了印。
10. Well, son,that’s why it s important to learn a second language.
所以嘛,儿子 这就是为什么学习外语的重要性啦。
11.There we put up tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on。













9年级 化学(上下)册图文微课

1~9年级 美术(下)册全册微课













