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【预习】 部编道德与法治九年级(上)全册图文微课+课件教案

【预习】 部编版语文九年级(上)全册图文微课视频+课件教案
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【预习】人教版初中化学九年级(上下)册 图文微课+课件教案


Unit 1 Leaning to Learn




1. 情态动词may, might的用法

2. 连词if, unless, once的用法

3. 连词的用法

4. 情态动词表达建议

5. 重点词汇和词组


(一)情态动may, might的用法

May 可以表示没有把握的推测,意思是“可能”,但只能用于肯定句,might表示推测时,不表示时态,只是可能性比may小。

May 还可以表允许或请求的意思,用might则语气更加委婉,客气。May 主要用于第一人称,而且要比用can正式的多。

May I ask you a question?

Might I use your eraser for a while?

Yes, please.

Yes, you may.

No, you mustn’t.

No, you had better not.

No, you can’t.

(二)连词if, unless, once 的用法

e.g. If that is true, what shouldwe do?

Give me a call once you arrive atthe airport.

Once I finish my homework, I willcall you.

I won’t remember new vocabulary unless I hear them.

从属连词:只能用来引导从句,不能引导词或词组。这些从属连词包括:that,when, till, after, before, since, if, because, though, although, so…that, sothat…, as soon as, once…等。从属连词一般可以引导名词性从句和状语从句。

1. 引导名词性从句的从属连词:


He said (that) he would come.

That she is still alive is true.

(2)if 是否

I wonder if he is at home.


I asked him whether he would come.

2. 引导状语从句的从属连词:


I have lived in this city since I was born.

He came to China after the war was over.

The war had been over before he came to China.


Where there is smoke, there is fire.


Although/Though Japan is small,the population is big.

Even if it was snowing heavily,we went on running.


I do it because I like it.

Since you know all about it, tellme please.

As you are in poor health, youshould not sit up late.


He works hard that/so that/ inorder that he may pass the exam.


If it rains tomorrow, we won’t goon a picnic.

He will come unless it rains.

Once he comes back, I will let him call you.


He is so kind that everyone likes him.

(三)1. 四个连词词组的使用:

(1)either … or … 或者……或者……,不是……就是……


Here are two bags. You can take either the red one or the black one.


You can either call me or speak to me tomorrow.


Either he or his brother knows the way there

(2)both … and … 既……也,两者都


Both Tom and Jim like playing chess.


The little boy studies both music and dance at the art school.


She can both sing and dance.

(3)neither … nor … 既不……也不……


Their performance was neither entertaining nor educational.


Neither he nor his father isgoing to talk to the police.


Neither Dad nor my brother helps.

(4)not only … butalso … 不仅……而且……


The three-year-old child can not only read but also write.


Yesterday Li Hong not only swept the floor but also took out the trash.


Not only the workers but also their boss was wrong.

2. 并列连词的使用:

but, or, for, and, so

(1)and 表并列

She got up and fell down again.

(2)but 表转折

He is rich but unhappy.

(3)or 表选择

Which do you prefer, tea orcoffee?

(4)for, so表因果

He is absent, for he is ill.

It’s too dark, so I couldn’t see anything.


You can listen to a recording of the lesson.

You shouldn’t study everything in one night.

In this country, you have to drive on the left.

I think it might rain later this afternoon.

You mustn’t eat or drink inclass.


You should know more about yourself.

You can read and listen toEnglish a lot to improve your English.

You should listen to the teacher carefully in class.


Why not…

Why don’t you…

How about …

What a bout …



1. have a hard time doing sth.=have difficulty in doing sth.

I have a hard time learning English.

2. make sb. adj.

It makes me crazy.

3. remember

I can’t remember the name of the film.

I don’t remember singing the contract.

4. forget

I am sorry. I’ve forgotten yourname.

5. try to do

I tried to open the window but couldn’t.

6. a number of

A great number of people go traveling on holidays.

7. go over

Let’s go over our plan once more.

8. concentrate on sth.

He should concentrate on his studies.

9. communicate with sb.

My mother has never communicated with me.

10. rather than

When I’m going out in theevening, I use my bike rather than the car.

11. take charge

I take charge and lead the group.

12. think about

Before you talk, you need to think it about.

13. read through

Let’s read through the text.

14. look up

I have to look up the new words in the dictionaries.

15. be clear about

I’m not clear about the material.

16. find out

Can you find out why he hurt his leg.

17. at t he end of

Go straight on, you will see the post office at the end of the road.

18. receive praise from sb.

I need to receive praise from my teachers, so I have confidence in myself.

19. practice doing sth.

You need to practice speaking English a lot.

20. the +比较级, the+ 比较级

The harder you work, the better you learn.

21. get involved in 卷入,介入,涉及


The country got involved in the war last year


I was involved in something Idon’t understand.

22. be honest with sb/sth.

You should be honest with yourlearning.


Unit 2 Life in the Future


会使用动词一般将来时描述预测将要发生的事件,未来的生活。明白will,shall 和begoing to 的区分。能够正确使用动词不定式。


1. 一般将来时

2 动词不定式的使用

3. 如何表达同意和反对别人的观点。

4. 重点内容、词汇和词组。




 1. 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。

He will go to New York next year.

2. 表示将要反复发生的动作或习惯性动作。

We shall have two P.E. lessonsper week this term.


1. shall/ will + 动词原形

shall 用于第一人称。

I shall go to Shanghai aftergraduation.

They will go to Shanghai aftergraduation.



Our teacher will have a meetingtomorrow.

否定句:主语+shall/will not+动词原形+其他

They won’t go swimming thisweekend.

疑问句:shall/will +主语+动词原形+其他?

Will Tom finish his homework ontime?

Yes, he will. /No, he won’t.


2. be going to +动词原形

be 随主语的变化而变化。

It is going to rain.

We are going to swim this weekend.


肯定句:主语+be going to +动词原形+其他

I am going to buy a dictionary this afternoon.

否定句:主语+be not going to+动词原形+其他

We are not going to stay herelong.

疑问句:Be + 主语+going to + 动词原形+其他

Is it going to rain tomorrow?

Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.


3. will/shall 和be going to 的区分:

1)will 表示说话人认为,希望或假定要发生的事。

be going to 表示某事物有迹象要发生。

I am sure that the Olympics inBeijing will be very successful.

Look at the clouds. It is goingto rain.

2)will 表示意图时不指事先考虑的

be going to 指事先考虑的

Tomorrow we will have an exam, soI am going to review the lessons.

3)will 不能用于条件状语从句中,而begoing to 可以。

If you are going to join theparty, please do better.


4. there be

there be 句型常用来表示“某处存在某物”。

1)there be 句型的基本句式

肯定句:there be +主语+其他

There is an apple, a banana and some pears in the bag.

否定句:there be +not +主语+其他

There aren’t many people on thebus.

疑问句:be there +主语+其他

Are there any students on the playground?

Yes, there are. /No, therearen’t.

2)there be 句型的时态

一般现在时:there +be (am, is, are)+主语+其他

There are eight students in theclassroom.

一般过去时:there +was/were+ 主语+其他

There was a group of young people working on the farm yesterday.

一般将来时:there +will + be+主语+其他

There will be a strong wind tomorrow.

There will not be a strong wind tomorrow.

Will there be a strong wind tomorrow?

Yes, there will. /No, there won’t.



结构:to +动词原形


1. 作主语

To learn English well is verydifficult.


It is difficult to learn English well.

2. 作表语

The duties of a postman are to deliver letters and newspapers.

3. 作宾语

I hope to become a teacher after graduation.

跟不定式作宾语的常见动词有:agree, want,refuse, offer, promise, choose, decide, determine, fail, ask, hope, expect,wish, learn, afford, intend, demand, manager, prepare begin, start, forget,remember, like ,love, try, need, …

另外feel, find,think, consider 等动词后接不定式做宾语,补语是形容词时,常用it做形式宾语,把不定式后移。

I find it difficult to learnEnglish.

4. 作宾语补足语(补充说明宾语)

I wish him to win the game.


advise, wish, prefer, order,teach, get, expect, like, want, ask, encourage, invite, require, tell, help,allow, force


see, hear, notice, feel, watch,make, let, have, listen to …

He saw them play on the playground.

5. 作定语

There are a lot of books to read.


He is a nice person to work with.

There are a lot of books to read.

6. 作状语


To pass the exam, I must do mybest to study.

不定式作目的状语时,否定式必须用inorder not to do, soas not to do

Let’s hurry in order not to belate for the class.


She lived to see her grandson go to university.


I am glad to see you.

She was very happy to hear the good news.

7. 不定式常与疑问词连用构成短语:

Eg: what to do / how to do/ whereto go / when to start/ which to buy

Do you know how to use acomputer?





1. You’re right.

1.I don’t agree.

2. That’s true.

2. I don’t think so.

3. I agree.

3. I’m not sure about that.

4. Yes, I think so, too.

4. Of course not.

5. That’s true…..

5. I think you are wrong.


(1)However, somethings will stay the same. 但是,有些事情是不变的。

stay , 系动词,后面接形容词、名词。

e.g. Nothing stays the same for long. 什么都不会一成不变。

The lecture is on how to stay healthy.


类似的动词:look, feel,taste, smell, seem, sound

e.g. They looked worried today. 他们今天看起来很着急。

The cakes taste good. 蛋糕尝起来很好吃。

She felt tired.她感觉累了。

Her face turned red when sheheard it.


Her voice sounded quite sweet. 她的声音听起来很甜。

(2)not… any more=no more不再……(从次数角度……)

not…any longer=no longer  不再……(从时间角度……)

e.g. She didn’t cry any more. 她不再哭了。

They are no longer young. 他们不再年青了。

(3)check out 检查、核查

check up 核对、检验(第十三册)

(4)enough water/food/time/ money 足够的水、食物、时间、钱。enough修饰形容词、副词,后置。

e.g. big enough   足够大

good enough  足够好

well enough 足够好

strong enough 足够壮

old enough 足够老

(5)because of  跟名词或代词

because  跟从句(主语+谓语)

e.g. She didn’t go to school yesterday because of illness.

She didn’t go to school yesterday because she was ill.

(6)lead to 通向、引起、导致

Too much work and too little rest will lead to illness.


I know a short-cut leading to theparking lot.



1. a popular type of writing 一种流行的文学体裁

2. think of 认为

3. want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事

want to do sth. 想做某事

4. decide to do 决定做某事[来源:学科网]

5. encourage sb. to do 鼓励某人做某事

6. such as …..例如

7. be interested in ….对……感兴趣

8. as a result …..结果;由于……结果as aresult of

Eg: He was late for school thismorning as a result of the snow. 由于下雪他今早上学迟到了。

He worked hard, and as a result,he got promoted quickly. 他工作努力,被提拔得很快。

9. come true 成为现实

Eg: He said that I would become adoctor and it has come true now.


10. make sb. + rich  使某人……富有

make sb. do 使某人……做某事

Eg: What you are doing will onlymake things worse.


It’ll make me so happy if youaccept it.


The boss made the workerswork  ten hours a day.


11. base on  基于……    以……为基础

12. Englishman  Englishwoman Frenchman

Englishmen  Englishwomen Frenchmen

German      Germans

Chinese   Japanese  Viennese

13. come / go 常用的动词,也常用来组成词组


(1)come from  来自             (2)come in 进来

(3)come back 回来              (4)come down  下来,降落

(5)come on  加油               (6)come after  跟随

(7)come along  快点             (8)come by 从旁边走过,经过

(9)come first  在前面,名列第一  (10)come home  回家

(11)come into 进入              (12)come over 过来,来访

(13)come across  (偶然)碰到   (14)come out 出来

(15)come to 达到,合计          (16)come round 来访,到来

(17)come up  上来,走近        (18)come and go 来来往往

(19)come at  攻击,袭击


(1)go about  走来走去           (2)go abroad  出国,出门

(3)go after 追随,跟随           (4)go against 反对,违背

(5)go ahead  前进,进展         (6)go along  沿着,前进

(7)go around  四处走动          (8)go back  回去

(9)go down 下去,下沉          (10)go easy 仔细一点

(11)go for apicnic  去郊游       (12)go fornothing   徒劳

(13)go forward  前进,进展      (14)go from….to  从…变成

(15)go home  回家              (16)go in  进入

(17)go into  走近,加入         (18)go on  继续,

(19)go on with  继续,把…进行下去(20)go over 查看,复习,走过去

(21)go to bed  上床睡觉           (22)go toschool  上学

(23)go up to town 去城里,进城     (24)go wrong 走错路


Unit 3 The Media




1. 形容词,副词的比较级和最高级。

2. 形容词,副词的双重比较

3. 形容词性和名词性物主代词

4. 重点词汇和词组。




1. 同级比较时(a=b),用“as +形容词,副词原级+as”,表示……和……一样

This newspaper is as expensive as that one.

Today is as cold as yesterday.

They have as many things to do as we do.

2 . 如果a=b,用not as/so …as , 表示。。。不及。。。。

Your bag is not as/so big as his.

There is not as/so much rain this year as last year.

It is not as/so cold in Nanjing as in Beijing.

3. 两个人或事物进行比较,a>b 或a<b,< span>用形容词,副词的比较级+than,表示……比……更……

The earth is bigger than themoon.

I think listening to songs is more exciting than reading.

There are more houses in this area than in that one.

4. 在形容词,副词的比较级前,可加某些程度副词或词组来修饰,如much,far, a lot, a great deal, even, still, a little, a bit等。

I can believe your son is even taller than you.

He is much younger than I.

5. 双重比较


T he weather is getting warmer and warmer.

I believe our country will become stronger and stronger.

(2)the+比较级……,the +比较级……表示越……就越……

The more you read and listen to English, the fewer you make mistakes.

The harder you work , the better you get.

6. 表示倍数,百分数和分数的比较级与程度副词一样,要把倍数,百分数和分数放到比较级前。

The road is one third longer than that one.

He is 6 years older than  you.


1. 三个或三个以上的人或事物进行比较用最高级。其结构是:the+最高级+范围

Peter is the cleverest boy in ourclass.

Which is the most interesting movie you have seen?

Who is the youngest of all the teachers in your school?

2. 形容词的最高级前表示‘第几’,用the+序数词+形容词的最高级+名词

Mike was the second tallest basketball player in our school.

3. 形容词的最高级前有物主代词时,不再加the

He showed me his best stampcollection.



1. the +比较级, the+比较级

The bigger the product is, the more expensive the ad is.

The more famous the person is,the more the ad has to pay.

2. 比较级+and+比较级

Our life is getting better and better.

In autumn the weather becomes colder and colder.

3. 句型互换

1)He is taller than she.

She isn’t as tall as he.

2)He is taller than any other boy in the class.

He is the tallest boy in the class.

3)Mary sings better than any other girl in her class.

Mary sings the best in her class.



Things are much heavier on the earth than they are on the moon.

Little Tom is now happier than he was two years ago.

It’s colder in winter in Shanghai than it is in winter in Guangzhou.


Her house is the same size as mine.



This is my/our room.

These are their /our classrooms.


This room is mine/ours.

These classrooms are theirs/ours.










his her its







his hers its





主 + 系动词 + 表语

I am a teacher. (ill, tall, atschool,…)

He feels tired when he wakes up.

The soup tastes delicious.

She looks beautiful.

感觉 look, seem,smell, taste, sound, feel

变化 turn, become,go, get, grow

保持 stay, keep

其它 fall

以上动词做系动词 + 形容词


1. You can move from one newssite to other sites with similar information.

similar to sb./sth.

We have very similar interests.

Gold is similar in color tobrass.

2. On average, I look at news websites twice as often as TV programs.

On average, there are about 10 classes in Grade 1 every year.

3. However, some news channels are on TV all day and so, in this way, they are the same as Internet websites.

the same as 表示和……一样,相当于as…as

This book is the same as thatone.

These pens are not the same asthe others.

4. Websites sometimes have shortvideos but often these are too large to open.

She is too excited to speak.

You are too young to go toschool.

5. at any time

This is a 24-hour fast food restaurant. You can go there at any time.

You can call me at any time.

6. at certain times

The news is on TV only at certaintimes, so it is not as recent as the Internet news.

7. instead of

Could I have chicken instead ofpork?

8. as 的用法

1)as  像……, 按照……, 像……一样的

Study as Lenin studied.

I have changed it as you suggest.

The work is not as easy as you think.

2)As time goes on,he can get on well with the new classmates. (随着时间的推移)

3)As he was not very well, I decided to go without him. (表示原因)

4)He went by as if he didn’t see me. (好像)

5)He works as an assistant in the shop. (作为)

6)Young as he is,he is quite experienced.       (尽管,虽然)

7)As I was coming here,I met Mr. Green.      (表示时间)

9. similar

As far as construction isconcerned, the computer is similar to the human brain.

This book is similar to that one.

10. comment

He commented on current events.

Has anyone commented on thepicture?

Tell me your comment.

11. disadvantage

be at a disadvantage 处于不利地位

take one at a disadvantage 突然打击某人

to one’s disadvantage 对某人不利

His illiteracy is a great disadvantage to him.

12. influence

My advice has no influence onhim.

Don’t be influenced by bad habit.

13. hit

Jack got three hits in thebaseball game.(击中)

The play is a great hit.(成功)

Tom kicked the ball and hitfather’s shoe.(碰撞)

14. persuade

I found it impossible to persuade him.

I don’t like music. She persuaded me to go to see the concert.

15. the same as

Aunt Lucy got the same present as her husband on Christmas.

Their answers are the same asours.

Unit 4 Inventions and Inventors




1. 被动语态

2. 动词一般现在时被动语态。

3. 动词一般过去时被动语态。

4. 动词一般将来时被动语态。

5. 情态动词的被动语态

6. 情态动词表达怀疑、确定和可能。

7. 重点词汇



1. 一般现在时被动语态基本结构:


The food is placed in the oven.

They are turned into heat.

2. 一般过去时被动语态基本结构:


Ma gic Squares were invented in China.

Paper making was introduced into Japan in 610.

3. 情态动词被动语态基本结构:


School uniform must be worn atall times.

4. 一般将来时被动语态基本结构:


It can’t be a radio because it’stoo big to be a radio.

The report will ______ (finish)in two days’time.

Milk should _______ (keep)in the fridge.

White clothes and colored clothesshould not _______(wash)together.

School uniforms needn’t ______(wear)at all times.  




e.g. Printing was introduced into Europe from China.

A new bridge will be built here next year.


e.g. The town was destroyed by an earthquake.



1. 一般现在时:

Football is played all over the world.

English is spoken in Britain, the US and some other countries.

Roger, you are wanted on the phone.

2. 一般过去时:

The Great Hall of the People was built in 1959.

His leg was broken in an accident.

The International was written in 1871 by Eugene Potter, the French worker-poet.

3. 一般将来时:

More schools will be built in my hometown.

He wil l be taken to hospital tomorrow.

4. 情态动词的被动语态

The meat should be kept in afridge.

Rice can be boiled or steamed.

This material must be handled carefully.


当不是很确定时,用might或may. (might比may更不确定)

Who knows what will happen. Youmay even have married by then.

It might be a tool for cutting things. I don’t know.


It must be some sort of toy.


It cannot be a radio because it’stoo big to be a radio.

Ex. Complete the sentences withmight be / may be, cannot be, or must be.

1. This exam _________ toodifficult for the students. I don’t think they can finish it.

2. It _________ a book for children. There are many cartoons in it.

3. It _________ true. I think youmade a mistake.

4. Mr. Smith ________________ inLondon, Paris, or Tokyo. No one knows for sure.

5. That _________ John. He is in New York now.

6. Did you hear the doorbell? It_______ Nicholas. I am expecting him.



1. switch on

Switch the light on, please.

The oven  is programmed for the correct time and then switched on.

2. absorb

Water is absorbed into the soil.

He was so absorbed by the book that he failed to hear the doorbell.

3. copy

This picture is a copy from XuBeihong.

Copy the following words intoyour exercise books.

4. make one’s appearance

She made her first stage appearance at the age of 16.

He has made a number  of appearances on television.

5. turn into

The microwaves are absorbed by the food and they are turned into heat.

6. no matter

常与what, who, when,which, whose, how 连用

No matter when he comes again, he will be welcomed.

No matter who knocks, don’t open the door.

No matter what problem you have,turn to me.

No matter whose bag it is, itwill be kept here until the owner returns.

7. be made of/from

This bottle is made of glass.

The bag is made of cloth.

Butter is from milk.

Paper is mad e from trees.

8. be used for/by

A saw is used for cutting wood.

A microwave oven is used forheating food.

Chalk is used by teachers.

This notebook was used by mymother.

9. In many big cities in the world, the overuse of cars is thought to be one of the major causes of airpollution.


The over-load truck caused aserious road accident.

She always works overtime, so shehas to leave her baby cared for by her mother.

be thought to be 被认为,被看作

She is thought to be the top student in our class.

Jane is thought to be busy preparing for the exam.

10. However we are also warned not to ask for pretty colors, because the car will come in gray only.


No one warned him of the danger.

I warned her not to get close to the dog but she wouldn’t hear of it.

11. Other experts are sure that the future will be happy.

be sure that…

I am sure that smoking will hurt you.

Are you sure that John will come this afternoon?

12. If gas is in short supply,the super car will run on water.

be in short …

The cheaper it is, the better.I’m short of money.

on 靠

He finds it difficult to live on his salary .

They live mostly on vegetables from their garden.

13. As a rule, soft fruits l ike strawberries, etc, are difficult to freeze.

as a rule 一般来说,通常是

As a rule, she goe s out early every evening looking for work.

As a rule, we get home at 6.

14. You should be careful the first time you wash your shirt because the blue color might come out and markthe white part.

come out 开花,出版,退色,计算出来

This magazine comes out monthly.

Some flowers have begun to comeout.

I washed the shirt twice but the ink still hasn’t come out.

15. observe 观察

I observed a letter on the table.

Did you observe anything strangein that boy’s behavior?


Unit 5 English and English-speaking Countries











What +名词(或形容词+名词)+陈述句(主语+谓语)!


1. What +  a/an +adj. + n. (single) + S. + Predicate !

What a lovely boy he is!

What an easy question it is!

2. What + adj. + n. (pl.)/ n.(U.) + S + Predicate !

What good ideas you have!

What bad weather it was yesterday!

3. How + adj. + a/ an + n.(single) + S + Predicate !

How difficult a problem it is!

How big an egg it is!

4. How + adj./ adv. + S +Predicate!

How beautiful the city is!

How hard they work!


How cold!

What  heavy traffic!


How busy you are!

How busy are you?

(二)Tag Questions—反意疑问句









Your brother has gone to the library, hasn’t he?


That isn’t  a useful book, is it?

These are important reading materials, aren’t they?

(3)当陈述句部分是I am…时,反意疑问句部分通常要用aren’tI;如陈述句部分的主语是I amnot时,反意疑问句部分通常要用am I。

I’m late for the meeting, aren’tI?

I’m not doing well, am I?

(4)当陈述部分是everyone/ everybody, someone / somebody, no one / nobody, none等表示人的不定代词时,反意疑问句部分的主语多用they,但也可用he;当陈述部分的主语是everything,anything, something, nothing等表示物的不定代词时,反意疑问句部分的主语用it。

Nobody came when I was out, didthey?

Everything has gone wrong today,hasn’t it?

(5)当陈述部分有hardly,scarcely, barely, rarely, seldom, few, little, no, never, nothing, nobody,nowhere等否定词或半否定词时,或有包含否定前缀或后缀的词时,反意疑问句部分要用肯定形式。

It’s impossible for him to make such a mistake, is it?


What a foolish child (he is),isn’t he?





shall we?

Let us[来源:学科网]

will you?

Let me

all right/

Let’s not


will you

Let’s go, shall we?

Let us go, will you?

Pass me the sugar, will you?



He likes playing football,doesn’t he?

Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

His sister didn’t attend the meeting, did she?

Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.


1. 在复合句中作定语,修饰主句中某一名词或代词的从句,叫定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词,通常位于定语从句之前。引导定语从句的是关系代词that,which, who, (whom ,whose)和关系副词when,where, why。关系代词和关系副词位于先行词和定语从句之间,它既起联系作用,又充当从句中的一个成分。






that, who whom(只做宾语)


Do you know the girl who/that is standing  under a tree?你知道站在树下的女孩是谁吗?


that, which



She got a computer which/that her parents  bought for her.她有一台父母买给她的电脑。



The boy whose father is a doctor studies  very hard.他爸爸是医生的男孩学习非常刻苦。

This is the man who helped me.who 代表人,可做主语或宾语。

The doctor whom you are lookingfor is in the room. whom 代表人,做宾语。

Do you know the man whose name is Wang Yun? whose 表示……的,作定语,既可以指人,也可以指物。

The building which stands nearthe river is our school.

This is the book which you want.

This is the pan in which I boiled the milk.

That is the dictionary which youare looking for.

which 代表物,在句中可做主语,宾语和介词宾语。


All the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs.

This is the best hotel that I know. that 既可以指人也可以指物,在从句中做主语或谓语动词的宾语,但不能直接放在介词后面做介词宾语。

注:which/that 在从句中作宾语时,可以省略,做主语不可省。







The classroom whose window is open is  mine.窗户开着的那个教室是我的教室。




I still remember the day when you leave  for Beijing.我仍然记得你去北京的那一天。




This is the school where my mother works.  这就是我妈妈工作的学校。

2. 限定性定语从句是对先行词进行修饰、限制说明的,是句中不可缺少的组成部分,主句和从句之间不用逗号隔开。

e.g.  I have a brother who is a student.

非限定性定语从句是对主句先行词的补充说明。没有从句不影响主句意思的完整,一般用逗号把主句和从句分开。引导非限定性定语从句的关系代词有who,whom, whose, which等。这些关系代词都不能省略,通常不用关系代词that。

e.g.  I have a brother, who is a student.

I have lost a pen, which I like very much.

3. 在下面几种情况中必须用that引导定语从句


I need something that can help me finish the work.


The  first lesson that I learned will never beforgotten.

She is the cleverest girl that Ihave ever known.

先行词被all, few, every,any, little, no, some等修饰

I have read all the books that you gave me.

There was no one that I could ask for help.


1. one…the other =    一个…另一个

some…others = 一些…另一些

another = 另一个 (同一类)

other = the remaining ones

none = not one ,not any (人或物)

neither = not one and not theother

both = the two together

any = one , no matter which

all = every thing or every person

every = all possible

each =  one  ortwo or more         persons orthings  considered   separately

no one = nobody, n o person (人)

2. something, somebody, someone 用于肯定句

Somebody/ Someone rang you upjust now.

Something is wrong with my watch.


Would you like something todrink?

Can you carry something for me?

3. anything, anybody, anyone


You mustn’t tell it to anybody.

I can’t see anything.

not +any 可转换为no-的复合不定代词。

You must tell it to nobody.

I can see nothing.


Can’t you hear anything?


Anybody will tell you the way.


1. b e used as   被作为……使用

This book is used as our textbook.

This song will be used as the national Anthem in that country.

2. as for     至于,就……方面说

As for you, I never want to seeyou here again.

3. apart from       除去,撇开

Apart from the food and drink,there are also differences in the names of items of clothing.

4. what is more    而且,此外

She is a very excellent student.What is more, she is always ready to help others.

5. not only…but also… 放句首,需倒装。

Not only did he speak more correctly, but also spoke more fluently than before.

6. depend on   取决于, 决定于

He is a grow-up and doesn’t want to depend on his parents.


Good health largely depends on proper diet.


7. give up   放弃, 不再做某事

They have already given up all hopes of seeing me again.


All the people swam across the   lake expect two gave up halfway.


8. Look forward to +名词     盼望(做)某事

We are all looking forward tovisiting your beautiful country.


9. what is more 更重要的,更有甚者

10. as for…至于,就……方面

As for you, I never want to seeyou here again.

11. apart from除去,撇开

Apart from this consideration,there is no reason why we should not do so.


Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports











Grammar: Object clause  宾语从句




He has given up smoking. Shesaid…→

She said that he had given upsmoking.

2) 一般疑问句变为宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,语序变为陈述句语序。

Is he doing his homework? I asked him… →

I asked him if he was doing his homework.


Where are you going? She askedme…→

She asked me where I was going.

4) 如果宾语从句表示的是科学真理、客观事实或格言警句等,从句一律用一般现在时。

Granny told me that the earth moves around the sun.

5)当主句的主语为I, we , 谓语为think,believe, guess, suppose 等词时,其后的宾语从句的否定应该转移到主句上。

I don’t think he can come this morning.




China had never won so many medals before.

They had predicted that the team would win many medals in Athens.


by the time I started junior highschool    到我开始上初中时为止

by the year 2000   到2000年为止

by this time last month yesterday   到上个月昨天的这个时候为止

by the time I was ten yearsold  到我十岁时为止

by the end of last year   到去年年末为止

by 12 o’clock    截止到12点


句子结构A:肯定句:主语+was/weregoing to +动词原形

否定句:主语+was/were notgoing to  +动词原形

疑问句:Was/Were +主语+goingto +动词原形


否定句:主语+would(should)not +动词原形


e.g. I didn’t kn ow if he wouldcome.=Ididn’t know if he was going to come.

They didn’t think he wouldcomplete the run.

He said he was going to take partin the 5-kilometer run.

She said that she would attend the meeting.

She said she was going to participate in the competition.


1. Let’s go to school together.

Let’s watch the football match.

2. Shall we listen to the radio?

Shall we go and fly a kite?

3. Why not have a dinner together?

Why not play computer games?

4. Why don’t we go to the beach?

Why don’t we have a rest?

5. We should wash our hands before meals.

We should listen to t he teachers in class.

6. We’d better hurry up.

We’d better find a doctor to do this.

7. How/What about going fishing?


Part  1

1. one of the most popular sports


one of the +最高级+ 名词复数

2. the second oldest basketball-playing country


序数词+最高级+名词    表示“第几最……的”

The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.

3. in the 1980s 在二十世纪80年代

4. over 7-feet tall   7英尺多高

over=more than

数词-名词 +形容词      20-feet high 20英尺高

5-metre wide 5米宽      10-metre long 10米长

5. involve with (in)


Don’t involve me in your quarrel.不要把我卷入你们的争吵。

He was involved with the Mafia. 他和黑手党有牵连。


He is now involved in stocks. 他现在热衷于股票。

6. be similar to …与……相似的,相像的

Her ideas are quite similar tomine.

7. come from behind    追上,后来居上

In the relay race, the laststudent of Class Two came from behind to win the match.

8. in good health   身体好

He was 44 years old and he was not in good health.

9. by the end of    到……末

By the end of the war, the small workshop had become a large factory.

10. by the year 2000  到2000年为止

By the year 2000, my family hadseen films quite a few times.

11. prove  证实,证明

They will prove to you  that I am not lying.

Part  2

1. jump  ball跳球

2. jump shot跳投

3. the number of关于……的数字

4. in the 1980s在20世纪80年代

5. be involved in被卷入

6. play against和……打对抗赛

7. over 7-feet tall超过7英尺高

8. take place发生

9. gold medals金牌

10 .win the game取得胜利

Part  3

1. set a new Olympic record  创造了一项新的奥运纪录

2. the shooting events  射击事件

3. …be similar t o …  与……相同

4. be in the first place  处于第一的位置

5. come from behind  后来居上

6. imagine doing  假设做某事

7. achieve the amazing success  获得惊人的成功

8. have sb. in …team 使得某人成为……队员

9. be in good health  身体好

10. become a member of national team 成为国家队队员

11. the World Table Tennis Championship世界乒乓球冠军

1. complete the run

2. take part in

3. lose one’s home

4. collect money for sb.

5. plenty of

6. feel embarrassed

7. for the two weeks before the run

8. encourage sb.

9. catch up with

10. It takes sb. sometime to dosth.

11. leave sb. behind

12. wait for

13. do one’s best

14. keep healthy

15. do regular exercises

Part  4

1. host the 2008 Olympics

2. be crowded with

3. celebrate the success

4. the Olympic movement

5. have special influence

6. in contrast

7. two thirds of the people

8. compete for hosting Olympic

9. understand the spirit ofOlympics


1. be angry with

2. be good at

3. be proud of

4. be tired of


Unit 7 Storytelling




1. 结果状语从句

2. 原因状语从句

3. 让步状语从句

4. 时间状语从句

5. 重点词组



1. 结果状语从句:表结果,其关联词有: so…that, such …that,它要放在主句的后面. e.g. She was so excited that she laidout all  the jams.

She was so worried that she couldn’t sleep.

It was such a wonderful story that I read twice.

There will be such a lot  of people that there won’t be enough spaces.


1)such  +a/an +形容词+单数可数名词+从句

This is such an interesting book that I want to read it again.

2)such +形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+从句

He told us such funny stories that we all laughed.


He spoke so fast that I couldn’t follow him.

4)so+ many /few +可数名词复数+从句

So +much /little +不可数名词+从句

They made so much noise that the teacher got angry.

I had so many falls that I was black and blue all over.

2. 原因状语从句:表原因或理由,其关联词主要有because, as, since.

e.g. Since Goldilocks was a very impolite girl, she didn’t ask for permission.

 As she was very  tired, she fell asleep.

She didn’t like the porridge because it was too salty.

表示原因强弱依次为because>since>as.because 表示必然的因果关系,它引导的从句是整个句子的重心,一般放在主句的后面。回答why引起的特殊疑问句,只能用because回答。

Tom didn’t go to school becausehe was ill.


Since it is raining, you’d better take an umbrella with you.


As it was late, we came backsoon.

3. 让步状语从句,常用although, though, no matter how/what/who=however/whatever/ whoever, although/though可与yet连用,不能和but连用.

Although /Though it was snowing,it was not very cold.=It was snowing, but it was not very cold.

= Although /Though it was snowing, yet it was not very cold.

No matter what (=Whatever) the weather islike, you can always find surfers out riding the waves.

You can’t go in no matter who (=whoever) you are.

4. 时间状语从句,常用while,when, as soon as, until, not …until, before, after, since 等引导。


My father fell asleep when/while/as I was watching TV.

When /As you leave, please take a raincoat with you.

He was watching TV while hissister was doing homework.

She dances as she sings.

2)before /after 意为“在……之前/后”意思相反,从句动作发生在主句动作之前/后。



I went to bed after I finished my homework.

I stayed there until he came back.

We won’t go to the Great Wall until the rain stops.

I haven’t  seen him since he came back.


1. lay out展开,铺开;设计。布置;花费

He laid out the map on the table.

How much did you lay out for yournew car?

The gardens are beautifully laid out.

2. asleep adj.  sleep n. &v.  sleepy adj.

fall asleep =be asleep

He had  a good sle ep.

Last night he slept very well.

I feel very sleepy now.

Soon he felt asleep.

3. be busy doing sth.

be busy with sth.

A little tailor was busy sewing in his house.

My mother is busy with the housework now.

4. bet on sth. 对某事打赌

bet against sth.打赌某事不能发生

take up a bet同意打赌

make a bet with sb.与某人打赌

I bet you can’t do that.

5. point to 指向

point at 表明,暗示,指近处的事物

a point of sight视点

five point two 5.2

a full point句号

He pointed to the high mountains far away.

The mouse is used for pointing at different parts of a screen.


unit 8 keeping safe




3、must, mustn’t 和have to 的使用





1. do 型(即:动词原形(+宾语)+其他成分)

please have a seat here.

2. be 型(即:be+表语+其他成分)

be a good boy!

3. let 型(即:let +宾语+动词原形+其他成分)

let me help you.


1. do 型和be 型的否定形式都是在句首加don’t构成.

don’t forget me!

2. let 型的否定形式有两种:don’t + let +宾语+动词原形+其他成分

let +宾语+not+动词原形+其他成分

don’t let him go./ let him notgo.

3.有些可用 no 开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句.

no smoking!

no fishing!


1、祈使句为肯定句式,其反意疑问句表示请求时,用will you,表示邀请、劝说时,用won’tyou

Be sure to write to us,will you?

Come to have dinner with us this evening, won’t you ?


Don’t smoke in the meeting room,will you?

3.let 开头的祈使句在构成反意疑问时,除let’s用shall we外,其他都有will you。

Let the boy go first,will you?

Let’s take a walk after supper,shall we?


1. 一般现在时:am/is/are +done

The book is read by children.


He was taken to the hospitalyesterday.

3、一般将来时:will be+done/begoing to be+done

The strawberry will be frozen inthree hours.

Dinner is going to be cooked at 6 o’clock.

4. 情态动词+be+ done

the meat should be kept in afridge.



We are taught English by her.

English is taught to us by her.

The coat was bought for me.


The boss made him work over 12 hours a day.

He was made to work over 12 hours a day.


The meeting has been put off.

(三)语法要点:have tomust的区别

have to 的用法

have to 常表示因客观需要(由于外界因素的限制被迫)必须做某事,有“必须,不得不”的意思.

1. have to 有时态,人称和数的变化.

Mary had to go to school with her teacher yesterday.

2. have to 的否定形式是don’thave to,译为“不必”.

You don’t have to go shopping now.


情态动词must是表示人的主观看法. 有“必须,应当”的意思.

1. must 没有时态,人称和数的变化.

2. must 的否定形式是mustnot,表示“不可,不许”的意思.

You mustn’t waste your time.

3. must 还可表示说话人对事物的肯定推断,含有“一定,准是”的意思.

Mr. Yin must be over forty now.



1.keep away from 远离

Mother told him to keep away from drugs.


2.short-cut 捷径

Don’t take short-cut through empty buildings or parking lots.


3. avoid doing… 避免做……

they all avoid mentioning that name.


4.knock dowm 撞到,击倒

Jim knocked dowm a little girl when he was running in the street.


5. on the right-hand side of  在(靠)……右手边

In China, cars must be driven on the right-hand side of the road.


6. play with  玩,玩耍

Children shouldn’t play with knives.


7. as quickly as  尽快

Telephone the police as quickly as possible when you see a traffic accident.


8.   not … until  直到……才

We didn’t go to sleep until mother came back last night.


9. as well as 也,又

Workers as well as farmers are working hard for the country.


10. take a bath 洗澡

I take a bath every day.


11. be likely to  可能

The train is likely to be late.


12. hit someone (in, on…)   打在某人……

He hit me in the stomach.


Should we hit the person on the back?



Part  1

1. on the right-hand side of               15. be likely to do

2. block the hallways                    16. get older

3. at least                             17. have anaccident

4. first aid kit                          18. far away

5. be allowed to do                      19. take drugs

6. play with                           20. avoid doing

7. at anytime                           21. in case of

8. keep clam                          22. as quickly aspossible

9. not until                            23. wait for

10. take a bath                          24. get hurt

11. hit sb. on the back                    25. lose control

12. in fact                             26. happen to do

13. in daily life                         27. as well as

14. get a head injury                     28. follow/obey the rules

Part   2

1.encourage sb.to do                2.stand for

3.be based on                     4.according to

5. 参加                          6. do a survey

7.take short-cuts                   8.即使

9. in hospital                     10. keep safe

11.pick sb up                     12.send to

13. knock dowm                 14.all the way


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