
C-go parenting 致C-go父母们的一封信

Candy cgokids英语 2019-06-20

Everything we do is directed toward improving kids and families in our society. Our examples and analysis will all be serving our purpose to focus on kids and families in China. Reasons being that, we have studied the situation in the country for sometime now and know the specific needs of kids and families. Equally, the challenges of any fast-paced development, solicits the support of many to obtain sustainability. We hope to support the many parents around the country who are lost about what to do in so many situations in the process of raising kids.


After working with kids and parents for many years, We have decided to work as a team to handle some of the key determinants of our children's performances.  These performances are the key values that determine the quality of the person we are raising in a “three-facet-circle”family-institutions-society.


Most of what we will be sharing is based on the Chinese experience. The Chinese family situation, the institutions and how they blend in with each other and finally the society, surrounded by its many cultural values,societal challenges and it’s   fast-paced development.


Getting Kids to Listen To You


My kids don’t listen to me! That’s the number one parenting challenge we get often from parents.
Although different words are used to describe the problem, most say something like “Getting the kids to listen to me and do what I ask the first time.” When you talk about your kids listening to you, it’s more than just being able to parrot back what you said.



Listening is an active process which involves:

·        Paying attention to what is being said

·        Observing the tone of voice and gestures

·        Thinking about what is being communicated

·        Responding

·          倾听是一个积极的过程,包括:

·          注意说话的措辞;

·        观察说话的语气声音和身体语言;·        思考沟通内容。


When your kids are listening to you, they understand what you are communicating. Whether they respond as you would like is another matter!


                                    Controlling Listening

If you try to force your kids to listen to you and obey your request, you’ve set yourself up for a power struggle. You may say to yourself “Well I’m the parent! My kids should listen to me and do what I ask the first time I ask!”
You’re right. You are the parent and the person in authority. However, your kids are independent beings who choose their own behavior. Ultimately you control your own behavior, not theirs.
Being crystal clear about who controls what allows you to focus your energy where it counts – changing your own behavior. One of the natural responses to kids not listening is to raise your voice and repeat yourself. This teaches your kids to wait until you are screaming like a maniac before they actually dow hat you’ve asked. This is not the lesson you want your kids to learn!





       Making them listen  

How can you increase the chances your kids will listen to you the first time? Your kids are more likely to listen when you are:

·physically near to them, not speaking from across the room or another room

·touching them lightly on the shoulder or arm as you speak

·asking them to confirm their understanding of your request

Doing these three things reinforces the importance of your message. If your kids do not do what you have requested, then you help them do it instead of repeating your request. 



 ·  说话时轻轻地触摸他们的肩膀或手臂;




For example, a mom and her daughter were out for a walk.There was a grassy bank next to the sidewalk and the girl walked up on the hill. The mom told her “Don’t walk in the wet grass!” The girl continued walking along the hill. After a couple minutes the mom exclaimed “I asked you to get off the wet grass!” The girl still didn’t respond. The irritated mom began counting “That’s 1, that’s 2”, before she hit “3” the girl was back on thesidewalk. 


If you make a request like this and your child ignores it, you need to take action. In this example, the mother could have walked up the hill, taken her daughter’s hand and led her back to the sidewalk. Her daughter would have received a clear message that if she doesn’t follow her mother’s request, her mother will intervene to help her do it.





         Allowing Natural Consequences To Teach

When you teach your children to listen the first time,you are giving them responsibility for remembering and acting. Continually reminding your children puts the responsibility back on you. 


Suppose your child’s library book is due at school tomorrow and you’ve asked him to put it in his backpack. At this point, it’s upto him to take action. If he forgets, he won’t be able to check another book out of the library. As long as you can stop yourself from reminding him again,he will learn from the consequences. 


Natural consequences are powerful teachers. Sometimesthere isn’t a natural consequence so you may need to impose a consequence. Forexample, if you’ve asked your child to turn off the TV and she has not done it,you can turn off the TV for her. 


You can change your behavior to increase the chances your kids will listen the first time. Try to set up the situation so they can successfully listen to you.If they don’t do what you’ve asked, do not repeat yourself or start yelling.Either take action to help them do what you’ve requested or let a natural consequence happen. Soon they’ll learn that listening the first time is their best choice!


Together with C-go parents, we invite parents all over China to learn together and  understand the needs of children and how to raise them in a way that is less stressful but yet yielding the results of the great person our world so desires. 


