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Report Summary: Social impact investing provides institutional investors in real estate with a compelling opportunity to contribute solutions to major societal challenges addressed by the UN Social Development Goals and at the same time, access investment opportunities that deliver long, certain income streams offering beneficial risk-adjusted returns.
Within real estate, approaches to delivering social impact can be diverse. However, they share an overriding strategic approach that considers the potential impact of investment activity on local communities and wider society. Integrating such considerations throughout the investment approach ensures that each asset has an intentional, net positive impact. Often it is then the role for investor and/or investment managers to simply make room for, facilitate and monitor the social impact activity, while being rewarded with substantial risk management benefits.
The report explores opportunities and challenges for the expansion of social impact investing from the perspective of strategic approach, risk management and capital sources, making recommendations to enable the wider real estate industry to embrace the social impact opportunity to the benefit of all stakeholders in their organizations and across wider society.
The research finds that it is possible to generate social impact by taking a more holistic approach to strategic analysis and expanding the range of stakeholders considered by it to include the wider community affected by an asset. Often, this can be achieved with relatively small adjustments to existing strategies, that can create a disproportionately positive impact, often at minimal cost, and at the same time offers specific risk management benefits that support returns.
The report also finds that a strong social value corporate culture is a pre-requisite to social impact investing as it builds upon existing social value practices at an organizational, portfolio and asset level. The report is global in scope and investigates the spectrum of real estate companies, products and practices incorporating a social value and/or impact approach and determines that every asset has the potential to deliver social impact.
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