智能超表面(Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface, RIS)是最具潜力的6G变革性使能技术之一,具备灵活调控电磁波和构建智能无线环境的能力,有望以低成本、低能耗的方式增强无线通信系统的性能,是学术界和产业界关注的热点领域之一。为突破传统无线信道的不可控特性,实现信道特性的主动调节,迫切需要在智能超表面基础理论、设计技术、系统架构、算法优化等方面不断演进和创新,加速其产业应用和商业化进程,为未来无线通信技术的发展提供新的技术路径。
RIS System Implementation and Applications to Wireless Communications
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) is one of the most promising and revolutionary enabling technologies for the sixth-generation mobile communication system (6G). RISs provide a powerful tool to manipulate electromagnetic waves flexibly and construct intelligent wireless environment, which are expected to enhance the performance of wireless communication systems in a low-cost, low-power manner; thus, RISs attract extensive attention from both academia and industry. To overcome the random and uncontrollable characteristics of the traditional wireless channel and enable active modulation of the channel properties, it is urgent to speed up the evolution and innovation in the fundamental theory, design technique, system architecture, and algorithm optimization of RISs, so as to accelerate industrial application and commercialization process and provide new route for future wireless communication systems.
To maintain an advantage in research, standardization, and industry competition in the RIS area, and to provide important results in theoretical and application studies for future wireless communication, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (FITEE) launches a special feature of “RIS System Implementation and Applications to Wireless Communications.” Prof. Tiejun Cui, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is invited to serve as the Chief Editor. We call for papers on the following topics (but not limited to):
Physical and Electromagnetic Modeling of RIS RIS Devices RIS Architectures and Interfaces Channel Measurement and Modeling of RIS Integration of RIS-Enabled Communication and Sensing Fundamental Theory for RIS-Enabled Wireless Communication Transmission Scheme and Optimization for RIS-Enabled Wireless Communication Prototype Implementation and Measurement for RIS-Enabled Wireless Communication
Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief:Prof. Tiejun Cui, Southeast University, ChinaExecutive Lead Editors:Prof. Shi Jin, Southeast University, ChinaProf. Qiang Cheng, Southeast University, ChinaEditors (in alphabetical order by last name):Prof. Qammer Abbasi, University of Glasgow, UKProf. Linglong Dai, Tsinghua University, ChinaProf. Marco Di Renzo, Paris-Saclay University, FrenchProf. Vincenzo Galdi, University of Sannio, ItalyProf. Yue Gao, Fudan University, ChinaProf. Lianlin Li, Beijing University, ChinaProf. Long Li, Xidian University, ChinaProf. Jianhua Zhang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, ChinaProf. Jun Zhang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, ChinaSubmission Instructions:
All submitted manuscripts must be written in English and must not be under consideration elsewhere for publication. Guidelines for authors are available at Either Word or LaTeX format is acceptable. When Word is used, the layout of the text should be in single column, 1.5 lines spacing, 10.5 pt font size, and Times New Roman font. A template is available at Manuscripts should be submitted via under the article type “S.I. - RIS”.
Important Dates
Manuscript submission by Jan. 1, 2023Acceptance notification by Mar. 31, 2023Publication date: May/June, 2023 (online first once accepted)FITEE is a peer-reviewed journal launched by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and Zhejiang University, and co-published by Springer & Zhejiang University Press. It is SCI-E indexed, with an IF of 2.526 (2021 JCR). FITEE aims to publish the latest implementation of applications, principles, and algorithms in the broad area of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. All articles will undergo international peer review and crosscheck processes before they are accepted to ensure high quality.
For inquiries regarding this special issue, please contact:
Prof. Shi Jin, Qiang Cheng,
Editorial Office, Ziyang Zhai (managing editor),, +86-571-88273162
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering(简称FITEE,中文名《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》,ISSN 2095-9184,CN 33-1389/TP)是信息电子类综合性英文学术月刊,SCI-E、EI收录,最新影响因子2.526,位于JCR Q2分区。前身为2010年创办的《浙江大学学报英文版C辑:计算机与电子》,2015年更为现名,现为中国工程院信息与电子工程领域分刊。覆盖计算机、信息与通信、控制、电子、光学等领域。文章类型包括研究论文、综述、个人视点、评述等。现任主编为中国工程院院士潘云鹤、卢锡城。实行国际同行评审制,初次转达意见一般在2~3个月内。文章一经录用将快速在线。