
全球植物保护战略都江堰共识 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Consensus

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)


Dujiangyan, China, 2019

An International Forum on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) was held from 28-30 October, 2019, in Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, China, organized by the China Wild Plant Conservation Association (CWPCA), and co-organized with the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC), Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the Biodiversity Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (BS-CAS), Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology (SEE). More than 260 participants, including experts, colleagues and other guests from all over the world and China, attended this meeting.



The Forum noted that the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15) will be held in China in 2020. It is expected that conference will establish a global strategic framework for biodiversity conservation to be achieved over the next decade, incorporating global biodiversity conservation targets for the period 2021-2030, within the broader framework of a vision for the world’s biodiversity up to 2050. The year before the CBD COP 15, the World Forum on the GSPC was organized within the context of international stakeholder consultations on this proposed global biodiversity framework to discuss and review:

1.The current status on progress in the achievement of plant conservation worldwide, as guided by the GSPC (2011-2020);

2.Experience and lessons learnt from GSPC implementation, which may inform future priorities and approaches to plant conservation worldwide;

3.Views, positions and perspectives on the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, and;

4. A possible GSPC framework for the post-2020 period, linked to the over-arching global biodiversity framework.

全球植物保护伙伴(GPPC)主席、密苏里植物园主任Peter Wyse Jackson作“制定2021-2030全球植物保护战略草案”的报告

国际植物园保护联盟(BGCI)秘书长Paul Smith作“全球植物保护战略(GSPC)总体实施进展”的报告


After in-depth discussions with the stakeholders, the consensus is as follows.

The participants of the World Forum on the GSPC, Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, China pointed out that planet Earth is the only home for mankind, mountains, waters, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands are a community of life, in which plant diversity is of inestimable value to humanity, supporting all aspects of life on Earth. They recognized and acknowledged that the international botanical community, including a vast diversity of governmental and non-governmental organizations, institutes, botanic gardens, universities, museums, protected area managers and innumerable scientists and other citizens worldwide are undertaking actions that safeguard plant species and their habitats, including through measures related to conservation, horticulture, scientific research, promoting ecological civilization, sustainability and environmental education.

英国纽卡斯尔大学教授Philip McGowan作“最大限度地提高物种保护科学对2020年后全球生物多样性框架的贡献”的报告

法国自然历史博物馆Maïté Delmas作“GSPC在法国的实施进展”的报告

国际野生物贸易研究组织(TRAFFIC)负责人Anastasiya  Timoshyna作“可持续利用与人类的生计和健康”的报告

They expressed their strong support for the development and adoption by the Parties to the CBD of a global plant conservation strategy for the post-2020 period. They resolved to provide the results of the Forum to the CBD as a contribution towards future plans for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, contributing to the achievement of the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development Goals (the SDGs). They noted the importance of plants and their conservation in helping to address many of the global challenges identified by the SDGs.

Furthermore, they reiterated their strong support for and commitment to the achievement of the GSPC under the CBD and recognized that the continuation of the GSPC, within the context of the CBD, is essential for continued success in plant conservation at all levels. They highlighted the particular and unique roles of the botanical community, including botanic gardens, in conservation and the remarkable progress achieved since 2002, supported through the guidance and framework provided by the GSPC first adopted in that year.


They noted that the CBD had recognized the special importance of plants for sustaining life on earth, as the basis of most terrestrial ecosystems and their importance for ecosystem services, food security and for the provision of many other resources for humanity. Therefore, there is a continuing need to have specific measures adopted to safeguard the tens of thousands of plant species worldwide that are threatened and to ensure that these plants remain available to support future generations.

They also noted their continued support for the CBD and its objectives and pointed out that the GSPC has played an important role in ensuring that the botanical community is closely aligned with the CBD, which the renewal of a GSPC framework in the post-2020 period will continue to sustain and further develop.

They expressed the hope that the GSPC could be increasingly mainstreamed into national biodiversity frameworks so that it becomes effectively nested into a post-2020 global biodiversity framework which will be adopted by the world community. In this regard, they suggested that links between a post-2020 GSPC and the SDGs be explored so that objectives and actions can be harmonized with the Sustainable Development Agenda (United Nations), while at the same time ensuring that effective species conservation measures continue. Similarly, synergies should be explored with complementary Conventions such as the Convention on Climate Change (United Nations) and the Convention to Combat Desertification (United Nations). However, care should be taken not to dilute or lose the species conservation focus of targets of the GSPC, particularly where species have no immediately demonstrable use to humans.

南非国家生物多样性研究所濒危植物保护项目负责人Domitilla Claudia Raimondo作“GSPC在南非的实施进展”的报告

世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)首席科学家Thomas Brooks作“逆转植物多样性的损失”的报告

英国皇家植物园教授Hugh Pritchard作“沿海物种保护”的报告


They pointed out the need for the CBD and its Nagoya Protocol to address the current challenges and constraints on achieving access to plant material to support urgent conservation, sustainable use and research needs worldwide.

These botanical leaders also supported the IUCN Species Survival Commission in calling for more emphasis on, and resources to support, species conservation, including the need for species conservation and recovery action plans, the establishment and effective management of protected areas, greater accountability and enforcement by Governments and sufficient funding and political support for species conservation.

They pointed out that botanical institutions contain collections of millions of accessions (of living plants, herbarium specimens and other biological material) of immense value to support conservation and ecological restoration. Furthermore, their scientific and horticultural expertise, experience and networks in all regions are a remarkable global resource available to undertake and support plant conservation and restoration actions throughout the world. They reiterated the importance of renewed efforts in capacity building and resource mobilization. 


英国皇家植物园教授André Schuiteman作“新几内亚的兰花保护:挑战与机遇”的报告


The Forum recognized the important leadership being offered by China in hosting this Forum and for the upcoming CBD COP 15 in 2020 and they expressed the hope that the Chinese government would continue to play a leadership role in relation to a future post-2020 GSPC. 

