周末活动预告:美酒,爵士二重唱 This weekend: Wine and jazz night
Planning your weekend in advance? Check out what’s happening this weekend at CINKER PICTURES!
For a classy night out, our JAZZ DUO Liu Kefu & X will be on hand this Saturday night to accompany you for those late-night drinks (9pm until midnight). No entry fee ! Limited seats, please call and book your table in advance!
2005年考入维也纳马勒音乐学院跟随Leila Thigpen开始学习爵士演唱 , 2008年七月在意大利参加Veneto JAZZ接受歌手Amy London的指导并在Veneto JAZZ音乐节表演。他在2010年的北京九门爵士音乐节、2011年上海爵士音乐节都留下了印记。2016年底在纽约,他开启了自己的爵士乐“朝圣”之旅,在那些富有历史的爵士酒吧他近距离观看了多名爵士大师的演出,并同Kurt Elling、Marion Cowings两位著名爵士歌手进行学习。2017年同“Seesaw”乐队赴埃及参加第十届心灵与歌唱艺术节并在开罗进行了四场演出。2018年发行爵士单曲《爱情,走好》。2019年四月在广州参与腾讯音乐人主办的“爵士起来”专场演出,反响热烈。2019年五月参与CMA爵士大乐队《当民歌遇到爵士乐》专辑录制。2020年七月发布新单曲《Goodnite》。他富有感染力的声音和特色的即兴演唱方式令人印象深刻,现在,他活跃在北京的爵士圈并在北京现代音乐学院任教。
Liu Kefu, a jazz vocalist in Beijing. He started his music education at 6, and showed a great passion for music. He directed the school choir and organized his first band in high school.It’s in Vienna Austria that he met his tutor Leila Thigpen, who taught him jazz singing. He’s enrolled in Gustav Mahler Music Institute in 2005 at the age of 19. He was the leader of the Vienna University school choir ‘s tenor part from 2007 till 2009.He attended Amy London’s master class at Veneto Jazz Fest in Italy in 2008 and performed at the fest.He returned to China in 2010, and started his music career in Beijing.Together with his band ”Kefu jazz group”, he became a regular at the local jazz scenes and jazz festivals.He won a monthly championship in a major music competition hosted by CCTV early 2013.As a tutor, he’s now teaching jazz singing techniques at Beijing Modern Music Institute.In 2017, gave four special concerts with Seesaw Jazz Band for the 10th Samaa international Festival for Spiritual Music and Chanting in Cairo, Egypt.Released a jazz single “Good bye, Love” and received positive response in 2018.In April, 2019, gave a jazz concert for “k11 music fest” sponsored by Tencent Musicians in Guangzhou.Sang for CMA jazz big band’s “When Folk Meets Jazz” album in May, 2019.
毕业于北京现代音乐学院,在校期间师从意大利钢琴家Moreno Donadel学习爵士钢琴师从著名爵士长号演奏家、世界音乐教育家、爵士作曲家杨明学习爵士理论、贝斯演奏家Dan Callaghan、小号演奏家Kyle Gregory博士学习乐团合奏。2014年作为钢琴手跟随乐队在蓝溪club演出。2015年当任苟乃鹏现场乐队键盘手。范冰冰电影《王朝的女人》北京首映发布会当任现场钢琴手2016年与格莱美得主、林肯中心爵士乐团(The Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra)成员、著名爵士萨克斯演奏家Ted Nash合作参加北京UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心举办的即兴创作工作坊。作为钢琴手加入The Faith Ensemble爵士九人乐团、杨明爵士乐团。在北京各爵士club演出。2017年参加CMA大乐队担任钢琴手。作为队长组建X Trio, 至今活跃在北京现场演出平台。2018年与爵士歌手雷娜合作,献艺于清华大学音乐厅和北京各爵士club。2019年新年之际作为丁睿三重奏钢琴手赴西安 Meeting Jazz club、Solar club献艺。参加Flow Fluence爵士厂牌举办的“从古典到爵士”暑期夏令营,作为节奏组钢琴手与爵士萨克斯演奏家粟畅博士、中国著名爵士小号演奏家李晓川合作演出。参加第五届丝路萨克斯艺术展,与中国著名爵士乐教育家、萨克斯演奏家陆廷荃老师同台演出。作为钢琴手参加Arc Stone乐队。2020年加入加大先生乐队担任键盘手,参与《街头音浪》节目录制。
Don’t forget, from 9pm onwards every night, yes, EVERY NIGHT. With every drink. Ordered, we’re giving you a small snack plate to nibble on.
Weekend plans, sorted!