Wednesday Comedy Night 9.1日英文脱口秀演员阵容
English STAND-UP
At 8 p.m. next Wednesday, with infinite surprise ahead, the special English comedy is coming soon!
# Let's Get Party Started !
Don’t wait since the tickets sell fast.
Eric Selley
Eric Selley is a comedian from Toronto, Canada. He started doing stand-up comedy in 2017 in Beijing. Since then, Eric has worked hard to improve consistently, performing at mics around the city every week. He has performed on many showcases in Beijing and Shanghai, featured in Wuhan and Xiamen, and performed internationally in Canada, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, and Australia. In the past, he has featured for comics such as Joe Wong, Mike Vecchione, and Dean Edwards. He was also one of five international Comedians to take part in the first-ever Silk Road International Comedy Festival in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.Eric Selley 是一位来自加拿大多伦多的单口喜剧演员。2017年在北京开始他的喜剧表演。此后,Eric通过每周的表演不断磨练自己的能力。迄今为止,他已在北京、上海、武汉和厦门等中国多个城市举办了多次演出。他还通过在加拿大、日本、泰国、新加坡和澳大利亚的演出扩大了他的国际影响力。此前,Eric 曾为多位著名喜剧表演家助演,包括 Joe Wong、Mike Vecchione 和 Dean Edwards。他也是参加蒙古乌兰巴托首届丝绸之路国际喜剧节的五位国际喜剧演员之一。
Charles Pellegrin
Kei Gambit
Kei Gambit是一个来自英国利物浦的配音演员,喜剧演员和音乐家。他的声音就像美猴王一样可以七十二变。您可能在电影八佰和哪吒中听到过他的声音。
Edson is a Mexican comic who spent way too much time in America. During this time, he mastered the language only to use it to explain that he isn't from the USA. He indeed is one of the bad hombres that was so feared would end up getting American daughters pregnant for a green card. Luckily, he is better than that and got a wife and the daughter pregnant. A classic two for one. He now resides in China and is currently mastering Chinese to explain very thoroughly to Chinese nationals why he is not able to speak the language whenever possible. With over two walls on cultural experience his comedy is just about being in the right place at the right time. Charles Pellegrin操着一口美国口音,实际上是法国的脱口秀演员,目前他正在北漂。在搬来北京之前,他活跃在巴黎的英语脱口秀圈,而且是电视节目《什么他妈的法国》的编剧。最起码他妈妈认为他挺搞笑的。
Mystery guest(神秘大咖)
Show Inform
【ADDRESS 地址】Taikoo Li Sanlitun N4-F4北京朝阳区太古里北区N4座4层
Ticket Info
Limited sale of 50 seats
(Only a few Door Tickets available)
198 RMB/person
Include 1 free drink in the following menu
扫描 / 识别 下方二维码购票
●It is not recommended to bring minors into the venue to watch.●不建议携带未成年人入场观看。
●No drinks bringing.●谢绝自带酒水。
●In order to ensure the experience for you and others, please arrive as early as possible.●为保证您和他人的观看体验,请尽量提早到场,不要迟到。
The Humor Section comedy club is a professional comedy platform co-founded in 2014 by the famous Irish comedian Des Bishop (毕瀚生 Bi Hansheng) and Chinese bilingual comedian Tony Chou (周托尼). The Humor Section invites the best comedians around the world to perform at least once a week.
“幽默小区”脱口秀俱乐部是由20年行业经验的爱尔兰著名喜剧演员Des Bishop毕瀚生和中国双语脱口秀演员Tony Chou周托尼在2014年共同创立的专业脱口秀演出平台。“幽默小区”不生产脱口秀演员,只邀请国内外最好的脱口秀喜剧演员和喜剧大咖登台演出,目前每周至少演出一次。
CINKER PICTURES - taking you on a unique journey through frames and moments.
CINKER PICTURES三克映画坐落在潮流时尚地标三里屯,已成为热衷享受的人一再光顾的场所,更是鉴客眼中的文艺消费圣地。