
词汇 | 40篇英文小故事,搞定基础词汇3500 (1)

2018-04-26 秦秦英语

1. Fall in Love with English 爱上英语

      Hiding behind theloose dusty curtain, ateenager packeduphisovercoatinto thesuitcase. He planned to leave homeat duskthough there wasthunderandlightningoutdoors. Hehad got to dothis because hewas tired ofhis parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want togo throughit any longer. He couldn’tget alongwellwithEnglish anddislikedjoininginEnglish classes because he thought his teacherignored himon purpose. As a result, his score in each exam neveraddeduptoover 60.

       Hispartner was concerned abouthim very much. She understoodexactlywhat he wassufferingfrom, butentirely disagreedwithhis idea.In order to calmhimdownandsettlehis problem, she talked with himface to faceandswappeda seriesoflearningtips with him. Theitems sheset downhelped him find thehighwayto studying English well.

       The teenager wasgratefuland got greatpowerfrom his friend’s words. Now, he hasrecoveredfrombeingupsetand hasfallenin love withEnglish.





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