
Haomo.ai's unmanned delivery vehicle licensed in Beijing

Gabriella GasgooAutoNews 2023-06-21

Beijing (Gasgoo)- On March 28, Haomo.ai, the autonomous driving solution developer backed by Great Wall Motor, saw its terminal delivery vehicles licensed by the Beijing High-level Automated Driving Demonstration Area (BJHAD).

Photo credit: Haomo.ai

The vehicle, named Xiaomotuo 2.0 in Chinese, is Haomo.ai’s proprietary self-driving vehicle targeting the last-mile terminal goods delivery scenario. The licenses give the vehicles permission to conduct normalized tests and operations within the BJHAD. 

According to Haomo.ai, its Xiaomotuo 2.0 gone through stricter than before test requirements to get the permit, due to the BJHAD’s further refined regulations for driverless delivery vehicles. The open road tests now set higher standards for internet connection security, obstacle avoidance, etc. 

As Haomo.ai’s second-generation terminal logistics unmanned delivery vehicle, the Xiaomotuo 2.0 was officially unveiled in April 2022. The vehicle holds such main functions as traffic light recognition, complex intersection passage, active pedestrian and passing vehicle avoidance, etc. It can navigate through mixed traffic, congestion, and other complex traffic scenarios, support low-speed all-road travel on urban open roads and realize contactless delivery. The Xiaomotuo 2.0 is priced at 128,800 yuan per unit, which is the world's first 100,000 yuan-level driverless terminal delivery vehicle.

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