
CATL to launch condensed matter battery at Auto Shanghai 2023

Monika GasgooAutoNews 2023-06-21

Shanghai (Gasgoo)- CATL is about to launch its condensed matter battery technology and zero-carbon strategy at the forthcoming Auto Shanghai 2023 next week, according to a local media outlet.

It is reported that one of the main advantages of condensed matter batteries is their high energy density. Compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries, condensed matter batteries can store more energy per unit volume or weight, making them suitable for electric vehicles that require high energy storage capacity.

Photo credit: CATL

In addition, condensed matter batteries also feature fast charging capabilities. Compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries that typically take several hours to be fully charged, condensed matter batteries can be charged much faster, typically completing a charge session in just a few minutes. This makes them an ideal option for electric vehicles and consumer electronics that require fast charging.

Earlier, Zeng Yuqun, the chairman of CATL, revealed that, in addition to the CATL's current products, such as the "Qilin Battery", they are also working on developing more new types of batteries, such as full-solid-state batteries, semi-solid-state batteries, and even the condensed matter batteries that most people have never heard of.

Wu Kai, chief scientist of CATL, also revealed CATL planned to introduce this year the new-generation cell, namely, condensed matter battery.

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