
影像信项目#0 | 我们期望另一种影像可以带来更真实的声音

VCD影促会 VCD影促會 2021-09-05




  • 你今天感觉怎样?身体或思想?

  • 你在什么地方?

  • 你目前的处境如何?

  • 你正在注视什么?

  • 这几天想得最多的问题?

  • 你最近的时间感有变化吗?


Dear friend,

How are you?

Due to Covid-19, the offline activities of VCD have been suspended for more than two months, and now we are still working from home. In this period of isolation from each other, we've experienced many emotional ups and downs. There were so much anxiety and panic, anger and sadness. The pandemic has brought us back to the very essential mutuality of being human, but also has exposed the differences and prejudices that had been masked in peacetime. In such a life threatening situation, people are pushed to re-consider values and even yield certain rights we were once determined to defend. It seems that we are facing the same enemy, however our different cultural backgrounds, social environments and economic conditions determine that each one of us is facing a completely different reality.

As an organization for the moving images, we noticed that videos&films have played a variety of roles in this outbreak - daily communication with friends, live-streaming lectures though usually unwillingly, vlogs documenting realities, as well as mainstream media instrumentalized for certain purposes. Over this period, we've been getting videos/films from artist friends too. This reminds us of the touching work, Video Letter, exhibited during the very first season of VCD's Lumen Quarterly, "Prism Reality". Terayama Shuji and Tanigawa Juntaro exchanged videos as letters to each other, recording their everyday, discussing life and death, until one of them departed.

What are real individuals facing, thinking and doing in such a disaster? Those alternative moving images that are different from the mainstream ones, where are them and how will they look? VCD would like to take the role of a messenger, passing on the moving-image works of this particular time, thoughts about this medium, thoughts about moving images under the pandemic / the pandemic in moving images...

If you're willing to participate in this video letter 'writing', please reply to this email and let us know. We will add you to a list of recipients, and send you a video letter from another moving-image maker from the list. We hope you can respond with moving images, to either the video/film that you'll see, or simply to our questions in general. VCD will translate the subtitles for your work and pass it to another video/film maker somewhere in the world. Meanwhile, all the letters will be published onto VCD's platforms and shared with everyone. If there might be any income in the process of showcasing, it will be transparently reported immediately and all the revenue will be used to support moving image makers.

 Here are our questions: 
  • How do you feel today, physically/mentally?

  • Where are you?

  • How is your current situation?

  • What are you staring at?

  • What questions are in your mind recently?

  • Do you have any different sense of time lately?

Look forward to hearing from you!

VCD team

国际影像文化促进会World Organization Of Video Culture Development国际影像文化促进会(以下简称:VCD 影促会)于 2017 年夏天在北京正式成立。作为一个非营利机构,它致力于搭建一个观影、学习和交流的平台,向公众普及和推广艺术影像。一方面,VCD 影促会以举办影像资料展、文献展、讲座和学术研讨会等方式为更多人提供影像艺术教育;另一方面,它也通过自身平台挖掘更多优秀的影像艺术作品,在为其提供放映机会的同时助力青年影像艺术家持续创作。⬇️点击在B站看高清版影像信项目#0
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