Henry Darger
Henry Darger在16歲時逃出了孤兒院,後來在教會醫院當了50年的守門人。81歲逝世時,默默無聞、無親無故的他被房東發現留下了300多幅水彩畫,有的長達3米,而這些歷時40多年創作出來的畫是為了同時被發現的長達15145頁的小說「 In The Realm of the Unreal(不真實的國度)」所作的配圖。相當一部分人對這些作品的面試感到不安,如John M. MacGregor強調Henry Darger具有「連環殺手的人格」,指控那位不在人世的藝術家可能會是一名「兇手和戀童癖」。但Henry Darger的小說中描述的是孩子們與險惡的成年人之間的戰爭,最後孩子們消滅了奴役者們,獲得了自由——這也許不過是作者的童年精神的映射與自我抗爭、救贖,至少能夠很直接地感受到純真的期望。也許對於孩子的形象採用裸體,也只是在他的精神世界中,沒有骯髒慾念的孩子不需要遮蔽自己,不需要為了防衛成年人的傷害而遵從僅僅停留在表面的光鮮道德和被成年人自己需要被隱藏的羞恥心。那麼對在現世奴役、監視、虐待孩子的成年人們,孩子們是否可以依賴人民大眾不知何時就會被遺忘的鬥志來擊敗他們,該用怎樣的智慧和火力來戰勝這個無堅不摧的社會?
Henry Joseph Darger, Jr. (/ˈdɑːrɡər/; c. April 12, 1892 – April 13, 1973) was a reclusive American writer and artist who worked as a hospital custodian in Chicago, Illinois. He has become famous for his posthumously discovered 15,145-page, single-spaced fantasy manuscript called The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What Is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion, along with several hundred drawings and watercolor paintings illustrating the story.The visual subject matter of his work ranges from idyllic scenes in Edwardian interiors and tranquil flowered landscapes populated by children and fantastic creatures, to scenes of horrific terror and carnage depicting young children being tortured and massacred.Much of his artwork is mixed media with collage elements. Darger's artwork has become one of the most celebrated examples of outsider art.