今 道子 Kon Michiko
今 道子
Michiko Kon (今道子 Kon Michiko, born 1955) is a Japanese photographer. She was born in Kanagawa Prefecture and graduated from Sokei Art School in 1978. She attended Tokyo Photographic College from 1978 to 1980, after studying mainly painting and printmaking during her years at Sokei. The majority of her photographs are black and white prints with a minimalist background, and often mediate on themes such as death, sexuality, and beauty. She uses unique multimedia and is primarily recognized for her incorporation of sea creatures in her photographs, ranging from salmon roe, fish, octopus, and crabs. Her first exhibition, Still Life, took place in Tokyo at the Shinjuku Nikon Salon in 1985.
幽徑短詩——山本昌男 Yamamoto Masao
產幻於細微——水谷吉法 Yoshinori Mizutani
被描摹的古典——Tom Hunter
銀鹽與紀念碑——新井 卓 Takashi Arai
想象的完成——志賀理江子 Lieko Shiga