Cerebus: 人類歷史上持續時間最長的敘事
Dave Sim (Canadian)
1977.12-2004.03 共300期
1977年Dave Sim獨立出版2000本『Cerebus the Aardvark』,成為獨立漫畫的先驅。Cerebus是由個人團隊出版的最長的英文原創系列漫畫。Sim稱其為「人類歷史上持續時間最長的敘事」。
Sim: "Put as simply as possible, CEREBUS is my attempt to document a life for twenty-six years and three hundred issues. CEREBUS began in December 1977 and concludes in March 2004 at issue 300...... I create the book consciously this way because that is the way I see my life; my life and the lives of those people that I know. In some story-lines, Cerebus is a central figure and a driving force behind the events taking place. At other times he is a secondary figure, observing rather than participating. Again, this is very much like my own life and the lives I see around me. "
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Winsor McCay: Little Nemo in Slumberland