





John Lyons (1932-2020) , British linguist, received his Ph.D from the University of Cambridge. He was the founder editor of the Journal of Linguistics. John Lyons was a member of the British Academy and a recipient of honorary degrees both inside and outside the UK. From 1964 to 1984, he was a professor of linguistics at the universities of Edinburgh and Sussex. In 1987, he was knighted for "services to the study of linguistics". He was a master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge for 15 years, before retiring in 2000; he was an honorary fellow at the college. 


Selected works:

Structural Semantics (1964)

Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics (1968)

Chomsky (Fontana Modern Masters, 1970)

New Horizons in Linguistics (1970) (as editor)

Semantics, Volumes 1 and 2 (1977)

Language and Linguistics (1981)

Language, Meaning and Context (1981)

New Horizons in Linguistics 2 (1987) (as co-editor)

Natural Language and Universal Grammar (1991)

Linguistic Semantics: An introduction (1995)

约翰·莱昂斯 &《诺姆·乔姆斯基》



"Chomsky's position not only is unique within linguistics at the present time, but is probably unprecedented in the whole history of the subject. His first book, publishing in 1957, short and relatively nontechnical though it was, revolutionized the scientific study of language; and now, at the age of forty-two, he speaks with unrivaled authority on all aspects of grammatical theory. This is not to say, of course, that all linguists, or even the majority of them, have accepted the theory of transformational grammar that Chomsky put forward some thirteen years ago in Syntactic Structures. They have not. There are at least as many recognizably different 'schools' of linguistics throughout the world as there were before the 'Chomskyan revolution.' But the 'transformationalist,' or 'Chomskyan,' school is not just one among many. Right or wrong, Chomsky's theory of grammar is undoubtedly the most dynamic and influential, and no linguist who wishes to keep abreast of current developments in his subject can afford to ignore Chomsky’s theoretical pronouncements. Every other 'school' of linguistics at the present time tends to define its position in relation to Chomsky’s views on particular issues."



"The second general property of human language to be mentioned here is its creativity (or 'open-endedness'). By this is meant the capacity that all native speakers of a language have to produce and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences that they have never heard before and that indeed never have been uttered before by anyone. The native speaker's 'creative' command of his language, it should be noted, is normal circumstances unconscious and unreflecting. He is generally unaware of applying any grammatical rules or systematic principles of formation when he constructs either new sentences or sentences he has previously encountered. And yet the sentences that he utters wil generaly be accepted by other native speakers of the language as correct and will be understood by them. As far as we know, this creative command of language is unique to human beings: it is species-specific. Systems of communication employed by species other than man are not 'open-ended' in the same way."



"But What exactly is meant by the word 'generate' in this context?"

"But 'generative' for Chomsky has a second and equally important, if not more important, sense. This second sense, in which generative may be glossed as 'explicit,' implies that the rules of the grammar and the conditions under which they operate must be precisely specified. We can perhaps best illustrate what is meant by 'generative' in this sense by means of a simple mathematical analogy (and Chomsky's use of the term 'generate' does in fact derive from mathematical usage). Consider the following algebraic expression, or function: 2x+3y-z. Given that the variables x, y, and z can each take as its value one of the integers, the expression will generate (in terms of the usual arithmetical operations) an infinite set of resultant values. For example, with x=3, y=2, and z=5, the result is 7; with x=1, y=3, and z=21, the result is -10; and so on. We can see therefore that 1, -10, etc., are in the set of values generated by the function in question. If someone else applies the rules of arithmetic and obtains a different result, we say that he has made a mistake. We do not say that the rules are indeterminate should be applied. Chomsky's conception of the rules of grammar is similar. They should be as precisely specified--formalized is the techinical term--as the rule of arithmetic are."




"Like Jakobson, Chomsky believes that there are certain phonological, syntactic, and semantic units that are universal, not in the sense that they are necessarily present in all languages, but in the somewhat different, and perhaps less usual, sense of the term 'universal,' that they can be difined independently of their occurence in any particular language and can be identified, when they do occur in particular languages, on the basis of their definition within the general theory."



"Far more characteristic of Chomsky's thought, and more original, is his emphasis on what he refers to as formal universals; that is, the general principles that determine the form of the rules and the manner of their opertation in the grammars of particular languages. For example, the transformations that relate various sentences and constructions, Chomsky claims, 'are invariably structure-dependent in the sense that they apply to a string of words by virtue of the organization of these words into phrases.'"



"We now come to the philosophical consequences of  Chomsky's notion of universal grammar. If all human languages are strikingly similar in structure, it is natural to ask why this should be so. It is equally natural, or so it might appear to an empiricist philosopher, to answer this question by appealing to such obviously relevant facts as the following: all human languages make reference to the properties and objects of the physical world, which, presumably, is perceived in essentially the same way by all physiologically and psychologically normal human beings; all languages, in whatever culture they might operate, are called upon to fulfill a similar range of functions (making statements, asking questions, issuing commands, etc.); all languages make use of the same physiological and psychological 'apparatus,' and the very way in which this operates may be held responsible for some of the formal properties of language. Now all these facts are, a I have said, relevant; and they may well have exerted an influence upon the structure of language. But many of the universal features of language, both substantive and formal, are not readily explained in this way. The only conceivable explanation, says Chomsky, in terms of our present knowledge at least, is that human beings are genetically endowed with a highly specific 'language faculty' and that it is this 'faculty' which determines such universal features as structure-dependency or the 'A-over-A' principle (to take the two examples mentioned earlier in this chapter). It is at this point that Chomsky makes contact with the rationalist tradition in philosophy."




编辑:马晓彤 王竹叶 訾姝瑶


审校:陈旭 王丽媛

