“句法制图丝路之约”之Masatoshi Honda篇
《理论语言学五道口站》(2020年第64期,总第128期)继续与大家分享 “Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography(句法制图丝路之约)” 系列线上讲座。句法丝路系列讲座由北京语言大学语言学系、意大利帕多瓦大学及句法制图国际研究协会(澳门)共同组织。第二场讲座时间为2020年11月27日,日本横滨商学院Masatoshi Honda博士作为特邀主讲人,进行了题为“Two Types of Focus Fronting : Evidence from Particle Fronting”的报告,北京语言大学语言学系教师Giuseppe Samo博士担任主持。
Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography
20/11 Linda Badan
27/11 Masatoshi Honda
04/12 Caterina Bonan
11/12 Aquiles Tescari Neto
此系列讲座于zoom平台直播(发送邮件至samo@blcu. edu. cn, 您将在每场讲座开始24小时前收到会议链接及相关信息通知)。
The cycle of webinars entitled "Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography" organized is between the Beijing Language & Culture University and the University of Padua and co-organized with the International Association of Syntactic Cartographic Studies (based in Macao). During these events, held on a weekly basis on Fridays (19h Beijing Time, 12h Padua Time), researchers will discuss (advanced) presentations in Cartography.
The calendar is set as follows.
20/11 Linda Badan
(Ghent University)
27/11 Masatoshi Honda
(Yokohama College of Commerce)
4/12 Caterina Bonan
(University of Cambridge)
11/12 Aquiles Tescari Neto
The event will be broadcast live on the zoom platform (send an email to samo@blcu.edu.cn, to be added to a mailing list which will provide the link 24 hours before the talk).
Introduction to the Speaker
Masatoshi Honda is an assistant professor of the English Education Center, Yokohama College of Commerce.He obtained a Ph.D. in Linguistics at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tsukuba. His primary research focus is on the syntactic articulation of the clausal and nominal domain within generative grammar, especially the cartographic framework.His current areas of interests are discourse-related word order alternations such as contrastive/non-contrastive focus fronting, clause typing (e.g. wh-exclamatives), exclamatory/optative sentences, linguistic realization of evidentiality and mirativity, and predication.He worked as a researcher at the Center for Teaching English to Children at Kanda University of International Studies.
Two Types of Focus Fronting : Evidence from Particle Fronting
摘要:语法-信息结构接口的核心问题之一为焦点的概念是如何跨语言进行语法编码和指定的。通过研究相关的语言学文献,发现某些前置操作在句法上指定焦点,更确切地说,是对比焦点。在句法制图框架内,Rizzi(1997)假设CP域内有一个焦点功能投射。而Cruschina(2011)在观察到罗曼语(如西西里岛语)中的非对比焦点前置现象后,提出了CP分裂假说。根据该假说,CP域包括两个焦点功能投射:对比焦点和信息焦点。信息焦点投射为学者们研究跨语言焦点现象提供依据。例如,Trotzke和Quaglia (2016)观察到,具有前置非对比动词小品词的“动词第二现象”在德语中起着为“情感评估情境”命名的作用;此外,他们认为前置小品词的相关类型与Morzycki (2011)所认为的“极端性”相关。本研究扩展了Trotzke和Quaglia处理英语中前置小词的方法(例如,命运之轮一圈圈地旋转!(埃蒙兹(1976: 29)),旨在探索焦点理论的实证和理论意义。在实证方面,证明了英语中某些形式的前置小词的作用是命名“情感评估情境”;在理论方面,主张触发相关焦点前置的操作是为了满足焦点层面的极限准则。
Abstract: One of the central issues on the syntax-information structure interface is how the notion of focus is grammatically encoded and specified across languages.It has been observed in the literature on linguistics that certain fronting operations syntactically specify focus, more precisely, contrastive focus.Within the cartographic framework, Rizzi (1997) hypothesizes that there is a unique functional projection dedicated to focus in the CP domain.In contrast, observing non-contrastive focus fronting phenomena in Romance languages (e.g., Sicilian), Cruschina (2011) proposes his original split CP hypothesis, according to which the CP domain includes two functional projections for focus: Contrastive Focus and Information Focus.The assumption of the latter focus projection has allowed scholars to examine focus-related phenomena cross-linguistically.For example, Trotzke and Quaglia (2016) observe that the verb-second phenomena with fronted non-contrastive verb particles function to name emotionally-evaluated situations in German;they, furthermore, argue that the relevant type of particle fronting is associated with "extremeness" in the sense of Morzycki (2011).Extending Trotzke and Quaglia's approach to particle fronting in English (e.g., Round and round spins the fateful wheel!(Emonds (1976: 29)), this study aims to explore empirical and theoretical implications for the theory of focus.On the empirical side, it demonstrates that certain forms of particle fronting in English function to name emotionally-evaluated situations.On the theoretical side, it argues that the relevant focus fronting operation is triggered to satisfy the Extreme Criterion in the Focus layer.
“现代语言学之父”乔姆斯基的批判与期望合并 —(多主)句法中的二元性
Viviane Déprez & Hedde Zeijlstra | 否定
编辑:王秋梅 王平
排版:高洁 王平
审校:李芳芳 王丽媛