
理论与方法专栏 |牛津事件结构手册

理论与方法专栏 理论语言学五道口站 2022-06-09


《理论语言学五道口站》(2021年第14期,总第148期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐英国爱丁堡大学语言学及英语语言学高级讲师、加拿大渥太华大学语言学兼职教授Robert Truswell主编的著作:The Oxford Handbook of Event Structure(《牛津事件结构手册》)。该手册于2021年在Oxford University Press出版。


The Oxford Handbook of Event Structure







This handbook deals with research into the nature of events, and how we use language to describe events.

The study of event structure over the past 60 years has been one of the most successful areas of lexical semantics, uniting insights from morphology and syntax, lexical and compositional semantics, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence to develop insightful theories of events and event descriptions. This volume provides accessible introductions to major topics and ongoing debates in event structure research, exploring what events are, how we perceive them, how we reason with them, and the role they play in the organization of grammar and discourse. The chapters are divided into four parts: the first covers metaphysical issues related to events; the second is concerned with the relationship between event structure and grammar; the third is a series of crosslinguistic case studies; and the fourth deals with links to cognitive science and artificial intelligence more broadly.

The book is strongly interdisciplinary in nature, with insights from linguistics, philosophy, psychology, cognitive science, and computer science, and will appeal to a wide range of researchers and students from advanced undergraduate level upwards.


-Robert Truswell-


罗伯特·特鲁斯维尔(Robert Truswell),爱丁堡大学语言学及英语语言学高级讲师以及渥太华大学语言学兼职教授。他的主要研究兴趣为句法、语义及其接口、句法和语义演变,以及语言进化的相关课题。已出版书籍有专著《事件、短语和问题》(OUP,2011年)、《句法及其限制》(OUP,2014年,与拉斐尔·弗利和克里斯蒂娜·塞夫达利合编)和《历时句法中的微观变化和宏观变化》(OUP,2017年,与埃里奇·马修合著)。待出版书籍有《句法-语篇界面的坐标结构提取》(OUP即将出版,与丹尼尔·奥尔特舒勒合著)。

Robert Truswell is a Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and English Language at the University of Edinburgh, and Adjunct Professor in Linguistics at the University of Ottawa. He works on many aspects of syntax, semantics, and their interface, as well as syntactic and semantic change, and topics related to the evolution of language. His previous publications include the monograph Events, Phrases, and Questions (OUP, 2011), and the edited volumes Syntax and its Limits (OUP, 2014, with Raffaella Folli and Christina Sevdali) and Micro-change and Macro-change in Diachronic Syntax (OUP, 2017, with Éric Mathieu). He is the co-author, with Daniel Altshuler, of Extraction from Coordinate Structures at the Syntax-Discourse Interface (forthcoming from OUP).



——G. C. Gamst, CHOICE

"The book contains supporting references and a helpful subject index at the end. Because of its interdisciplinary nature, this book will be of interest to advanced undergraduate students and above in linguistics, philosophy, psychology, cognitive science, and computer science."

-G. C. Gamst, CHOICE


乔姆斯基 | The Minimalist Program in 2021

Pavel Caha & Eulàlia Bonet | Morphology

Stephen Crain:语言研究的生物语言学视角概览

Andrea Moro 教授访谈(上)

 Minimalism: where we are now, 

and where we are going


编辑:王秋梅 王平

排版:王秋梅 王平

审校:王丽媛 李芳芳

