

理论与方法专栏 理论语言学五道口站 2022-06-09


《理论语言学五道口站》(2021年第38期,总第172期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐美国约克佐治亚大学Vera Lee-Schoenfeld加拿大渥太华大学Dennis Ott主编的著作:Parameters of Predicate Fronting(《谓词前置的参数》)。该书将于2021年8月在Oxford University Press出版。


Parameters of Predicate Fronting






Many of the world's languages permit or require clause-initial positioning of the primary predicate, potentially alongside some or all of its dependents. While such predicate fronting (where "fronting" may or may not involve movement) is a widespread phenomenon, it is also subject to intricate and largely unexplained variation.

In Parameters of Predicate Fronting, Vera Lee-Schoenfeld and Dennis Ott bring together leaders in the field of comparative syntax to explore the empirical manifestations and theoretical modelling of predicate fronting across languages. There exists by now a rich literature on predicate fronting, but few attempts have been made at synthesizing the resulting empirical observations and theoretical implementations. While individual phenomena have been described in some detail, we are currently far from a complete understanding of the uniformity and variation underlying the wider cross-linguistic picture. This volume takes steps towards this goal by showcasing the state of the art in research on predicate fronting and the parameters governing its realization in a range of diverse languages. Covering topics like prosody, VP-fronting, and predicate doubling across a wide arrange of languages, including English, German, Malagasy, Niuean, Ch'ol, Asante, Twi, Limbum, Krachi, Hebrew, and multiple sign languages, this collection enriches our understanding of the predicate fronting phenomenon.


-Vera Lee-Schoenfeld-

Vera Lee-Schoenfeld,佐治亚大学语言学副教授,理论语言学家,其研究领域为德语句法。她的早期研究成果主要集中于《超越连贯:德语中的不透明句法》(2007年)一书中,该书的主要研究有:领属与格、带有不定式从句或其他从句类短语的句子的反身代词和非反身代词的分布。目前,她的研究兴趣为动词短语前置的句法-语音-语用接口、与格和宾格的对比、被动化、双宾结构中的约束。她与斯沃斯莫尔学院的Donna Jo Napoli合著的《语言问题:关于语言的日常问题指南》第二版(2010年)涵盖了更为广泛的语言学主题。

Vera Lee-Schoenfeld is Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Georgia. She is primarily a theoretical linguist with a research focus on German syntax. Her early work on constructions involving possessor datives and the distribution of reflexive and non-reflexive pronouns in sentences with embedded infinitive clauses and other clause-like phrases was published in her book Beyond Coherence: The Syntax of Opacity in German (2007). In more recent work, she has been investigating the syntax-phonology-pragmatics interface in the context of verb phrase fronting as well as dative vs. accusative case, passivization, and binding in double-object constructions. Covering more general topics in linguistics, her second book is titled Language Matters: A Guide to Everyday Questions about Language, Second edition (2010) and is coauthored with Donna Jo Napoli from Swarthmore College.

-Dennis Ott-

Dennis Ott,加拿大渥太华大学语言学副教授。他致力于研究人类不同于不具备语言能力的其他生物的原因,以及不具备语言能力的其他生物的交流系统与人类语言的差异。确切地说,他的研究兴趣是形式运算如何导致世界所有语言的句法的统一性和差异性。

Dennis Ott is Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He’s interested broadly in the question of what makes linguistic creatures like us humans different from non-linguistic creatures, and in what ways the structure of their communication systems differ from that of human language, which appears to be an evolutionarily unique cognitive faculty. More narrowly he’s interested in how formal operations yield the unity and variation in the composition of sentences (syntax) we find in the languages of the world.


Krashen 与 Chomsky教授谈现代语言学发展
 Belletti & Alexiadou | Voice


编辑:王秋梅 王平

排版:王秋梅 王平

审校:王丽媛 李芳芳

