理论与方法专栏 | 语言与大脑
《理论语言学五道口站》(2022年第07期,总第210期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐美国密歇根大学言学和心理学副教授Jonathan R. Brennan 的著作:Language And The Brain (《语言与大脑》)。该书将于2022年5月在Oxford University Press出版。
Language And The Brain
This book introduces readers to the state-of-the-art neuroscientific research that is revolutionizing our understanding of language. Interest in the brain bases of language goes back to the birth of the modern neurosciences in the late nineteenth century. Today, tools such as fMRI and EEG allow us to study brain activity non-invasively as people perform complex cognitive tasks like talking or reading. In this book, Jonathan Brennan shows how brain signals are connected with the intricate cognitive structures that underlie human language. Each chapter focuses on specific insights including the neural codes for speech perception, meaning, and sentence structure. The book also explores larger themes such as how to connect abstract notions like "knowing a language" to concrete signals that are measured in a laboratory, and how to reconcile apparently conflicting pieces of data that arise from different experiments. Written in an accessible, conversational style, and featuring a glossary of key terms, this slim guide will appeal to a wide range of readers interested in how the human brain allows us to use language.
该书向读者介绍了神经科学的最新研究成果,这些研究对语言理解意义重大。人们对语言的大脑基础研究可追溯到19世纪晚期现代神经科学诞生之时。如今,功能磁共振成像和脑电图不仅可以研究人们执行复杂认知任务(如说话或阅读)时的大脑活动,而且不损伤人体。该书中,Jonathan Brennan 展示了大脑信号与人类复杂认知结构的关联性,对语音感知、意义和句子结构的神经代码等进行了详述。该书还探讨了如何将类似于“了解一种语言”这样的抽象概念与实证研究相结合,以及如何解释不同实验带来的矛盾结果。该书通俗易懂并附有术语表,对语言与人脑问题感兴趣的读者将从中获得启发。
- Jonathan R. Brennan -
Jonathan R. Brennan, 美国密歇根大学语言学和心理学副教授,计算神经语言学实验室主任。该实验室利用形式语言学、认知神经科学和计算语言学的理论模型,对心理结构和单词句子理解运算进行研究。Jonathan R. Brennan2019年曾获语言神经生物学协会早期职业奖。
Jonathan R. Brennan is Associate Professor of Linguistics and Psychology at the University of Michigan.He is the Director of the Computational Neurolinguistics Laboratory, which uses theories and models from formal linguistics, cognitive neuroscience, and computational linguistics to study the mental structures and computations used to understand words and sentences. He received the 2019 Early Career Award from the Society for the Neurobiology of Language.
人物专栏 | Adriana Belletti教授访谈(下)
David Pesetsky and Susanne Wurmbrand | Complementation(补语化)
编辑:王平 丁子意
排版:王平 丁子意
审校:李芳芳 田英慧