
理论与方法专栏 | 省略的派生时间


《理论语言学五道口站》(2022年第24期,总第227期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐德国蒂宾根大学英语语言学系讲师Güliz Güneş 与荷兰莱顿大学语言学中心副教授Anikó Lipták共同编写的著作: The Derivational Timing of Ellipsis(《省略的派生时间》)。该书于2022年3月在Oxford University Press出版。


The Derivational Timing of Ellipsis



The book begins with a detailed introduction from the editors that outlines the current generative syntactic approaches to the derivational timing of ellipsis. In the chapters that follow, internationally-recognized experts in the field address key topics including structure building, the architecture of grammar, the interaction of distinct modules with syntax, the order of operations in the post-syntactic component, and constraints on binding relations. The authors also present novel arguments for and against the derivational approaches to ellipsis, the licensing of ellipsis, and phonological constraints on elliptical sentences. The findings, based on data from English and other languages such as Armenian, Italo-Romance, Ossetic, Spanish, and Turkish, facilitate a deeper understanding of the interaction between syntax and the neighbouring modules in the formation of elliptical utterances.




Güliz Güneş-

Güliz Güneş ,德国蒂宾根大学英语语言学系讲师。她主要研究韵律与句法、形态和话语结构的接口问题。她不仅关注土耳其语的韵律,还对英语、荷兰语、冰岛语和匈牙利语的韵律与省略之间的关系进行了研究。

Güliz Güneş is a University Lecturer in the Department of English Linguistics at the University of Tübingen. Her main area of research is prosody and its interfaces with syntax, morphology, and discourse structure. She has focused primarily on the prosody of Turkish, and has also investigated the relationship between prosody and ellipsis in English, Dutch, Icelandic, and Hungarian.

Anikó Lipták-

Anikó Lipták,荷兰莱顿大学语言学中心 (LUCL) 副教授,理论及实验语言学研究小组成员。她主要研究比较句法和匈牙利语句法,并发表了大量关于“省略”的文章。她目前关注省略话语的句法结构以及省略与形态的接口问题。

Anikó Lipták is an Associate Professor at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), where she is a member of the Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics research group. Her main field of research is comparative syntax and the syntax of Hungarian, and she has published extensively on elliptical phenomena. She is currently researching issues concerning the syntactic structure of elliptical utterances and the interaction between ellipsis and morphology.


人物专栏 | Yoshio Endo教授访谈(下)


理论与方法专栏 | 语言、生物与认知

冯志伟 | 自然语言的计算复杂性研究

人物专栏 | Yoshio Endo教授访谈(上)


编辑:王平 丁子意

排版:王平 丁子意

审校:李芳芳 田英慧


