理论与方法专栏 | 探究接口
《理论语言学五道口站》(2022年第37期,总第240期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐美国洛约拉马利蒙特大学现代语言与文学系副教授Mónica Cabrera与美国罗格斯大学西班牙语言学教授José Camacho的合著:Exploring Interfaces(《探究接口》)。该书于2022年6月在Cambridge University Press出版。
Exploring Interfaces
Models of theoretical linguistics now emphasize the meeting points, or interfaces, between different aspects of our language capacity. Syntactic operations include structure-building, checking long-distance relationships between units, and connecting alternative word orders. This volume presents a collection of original studies that explore the mapping between these operations and other language-related areas such as word meanings, discourse contexts, the construction of meaning for larger units, and the alternative expressions of word order. It differs from previous traditional research on interfaces by bringing together studies and analyses from a range of languages, using monolingual varieties that include second language phenomena. Case studies of different types of interfaces, as well as studies based on lesser known sets of linguistic data, provide important examples that propose a new view of the connections between syntactic processes and other areas of grammar.
-Mónica Cabrera-
Mónica Cabrera ,美国洛约拉马利蒙特大学现代语言与文学系的副教授。她的主要研究兴趣是语言学和二语习得。曾在国际期刊上发表多篇文章。
Mónica Cabrera is an Associate Professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Loyola Marymount University. Her major interests are Linguistics and second language acquisition. She is author of several articles in international collections and journals.
-José Camacho-
José Camacho ,美国罗格斯大学的西班牙语言学教授。他的主要研究兴趣是西班牙语句法、二语习得、语言接触等。他在国际期刊上发表了四十余篇文章。
José Camacho is a Professor of Spanish Linguistics at Rutgers University. His major interests are Spanish syntax, second language acquisition, language contact. He is author of over forty articles in international collections and journals.
编辑:王平 丁子意
排版:王平 丁子意
审校:李芳芳 田英慧