

向前走别回头 数据Seminar 2021-06-02

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import pandas as pdimport numpy as npfrom pandas import Series, DataFrame
# 随机生成一段成绩score_list = np.random.randint(25, 100, size=20)score_listOut[5]: array([53, 67, 36, 37, 30, 63, 83, 83, 54, 97, 32, 74, 52, 47, 82, 71, 59, 59, 97, 25]) # 进行cut分箱, bins为剪切范围bins = [0,59,70,80,100]pd.cut(score_list, bins)Out[7]: [(0, 59], (59, 70], (0, 59], (0, 59], (0, 59], ..., (70, 80], (0, 59], (0, 59], (80, 100], (0, 59]]Length: 20Categories (4, interval[int64]): [(0, 59] < (59, 70] < (70, 80] < (80, 100]]
# 查看数据,通过pd.value_counts()查看Categories数据score_cat = pd.cut(score_list, bins)pd.value_counts(score_cat)Out[9]: (0, 59] 11(80, 100] 5(70, 80] 2(59, 70] 2dtype: int64
# 模拟一段数据df = DataFrame()df['score'] = score_listdfOut[12]: score0 531 672 363 374 305 636 837 838 549 9710 3211 7412 5213 4714 8215 7116 5917 5918 9719 25
# 随机生成3个字符pd.util.testing.rands(3)df['student'] = [pd.util.testing.rands(3) for i in range(20)] dfOut[14]: score student0 53 6DW1 67 4ji2 36 1pp3 37 h0w4 30 21w5 63 H7d6 83 DDu7 83 vFc8 54 vdb9 97 KNc10 32 3CG11 74 hW612 52 IsC13 47 mqx14 82 p9J15 71 d8616 59 ND917 59 iVH18 97 MMt19 25 qxW
# 对score进行分箱pd.cut(df['score'], bins)Out[15]: 0 (0, 59]1 (59, 70]2 (0, 59]3 (0, 59]4 (0, 59]5 (59, 70]6 (80, 100]7 (80, 100]8 (0, 59]9 (80, 100]10 (0, 59]11 (70, 80]12 (0, 59]13 (0, 59]14 (80, 100]15 (70, 80]16 (0, 59]17 (0, 59]18 (80, 100]19 (0, 59]Name: score, dtype: categoryCategories (4, interval[int64]): [(0, 59] < (59, 70] < (70, 80] < (80, 100]]
# 传入labels标签,进行分箱标记df['categories'] = pd.cut(df['score'], bins, labels=['low','ok','good','great'])dfOut[20]: score student categories0 53 6DW low1 67 4ji ok2 36 1pp low3 37 h0w low4 30 21w low5 63 H7d ok6 83 DDu great7 83 vFc great8 54 vdb low9 97 KNc great10 32 3CG low11 74 hW6 good12 52 IsC low13 47 mqx low14 82 p9J great15 71 d86 good16 59 ND9 low17 59 iVH low18 97 MMt great19     25     qxW        low



import numpy as npimport pandas as pdfrom pandas import Series, DataFrame
# 打开文件f = open('city_weather.csv')df = pd.read_csv(f)dfOut[7]: date city temperature wind0 03/01/2016 BJ 8 51 17/01/2016 BJ 12 22 31/01/2016 BJ 19 23 14/02/2016 BJ -3 34 28/02/2016 BJ 19 25 13/03/2016 BJ 5 36 27/03/2016 SH -4 47 10/04/2016 SH 19 38 24/04/2016 SH 20 39 08/05/2016 SH 17 310 22/05/2016 SH 4 211 05/06/2016 SH -10 412 19/06/2016 SH 0 513 03/07/2016 SH -9 514 17/07/2016 GZ 10 215 31/07/2016 GZ -1 516 14/08/2016 GZ 1 517 28/08/2016 GZ 25 418 11/09/2016 SZ 20 119  25/09/2016   SZ          -10     4
# 进行分组g = df.groupby(df['city'])gOut[9]: <pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x0000026486F22BA8>
g.groupsOut[10]: {'BJ': Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype='int64'), 'GZ': Int64Index([14, 15, 16, 17], dtype='int64'), 'SH': Int64Index([6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], dtype='int64'), 'SZ': Int64Index([18, 19], dtype='int64')} # 获取某一个组g.get_group('BJ')Out[11]: date city temperature wind0 03/01/2016 BJ 8 51 17/01/2016 BJ 12 22 31/01/2016 BJ 19 23 14/02/2016 BJ -3 34 28/02/2016 BJ 19 25  13/03/2016   BJ            5     3
# 对某一个组进行处理df_bj = g.get_group('BJ')
df_bj.mean()Out[14]: temperature 10.000000wind 2.833333dtype: float64
df_bj.describe()Out[15]: temperature windcount 6.000000 6.000000mean 10.000000 2.833333std 8.532292 1.169045min -3.000000 2.00000025% 5.750000 2.00000050% 10.000000 2.50000075% 17.250000 3.000000max      19.000000  5.000000
# 查看整个groupbyg.mean()Out[16]: temperature windcity BJ 10.000 2.833333GZ 8.750 4.000000SH 4.625 3.625000SZ          5.000  2.500000
g.describe()Out[17]: temperature wind \ count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max count city BJ 6.0 10.000 8.532292 -3.0 5.75 10.0 17.25 19.0 6.0 GZ 4.0 8.750 11.842719 -1.0 0.50 5.5 13.75 25.0 4.0 SH 8.0 4.625 12.489281 -10.0 -5.25 2.0 17.50 20.0 8.0 SZ           2.0   5.000  21.213203 -10.0 -2.50   5.0  12.50  20.0   2.0   

mean std min 25% 50% 75% max city BJ 2.833333 1.169045 2.0 2.00 2.5 3.00 5.0 GZ 4.000000 1.414214 2.0 3.50 4.5 5.00 5.0 SH 3.625000 1.060660 2.0 3.00 3.5 4.25 5.0 SZ    2.500000  2.121320  1.0  1.75  2.5  3.25  4.0  
# groupby可转换为列表,列表中为元组,元组中第一个值为分组名,第二个值为dataframelist(g)Out[18]: [('BJ', date city temperature wind 0 03/01/2016 BJ 8 5 1 17/01/2016 BJ 12 2 2 31/01/2016 BJ 19 2 3 14/02/2016 BJ -3 3 4 28/02/2016 BJ 19 2 5 13/03/2016 BJ 5 3), ('GZ', date city temperature wind 14 17/07/2016 GZ 10 2 15 31/07/2016 GZ -1 5 16 14/08/2016 GZ 1 5 17 28/08/2016 GZ 25 4), ('SH', date city temperature wind 6 27/03/2016 SH -4 4 7 10/04/2016 SH 19 3 8 24/04/2016 SH 20 3 9 08/05/2016 SH 17 3 10 22/05/2016 SH 4 2 11 05/06/2016 SH -10 4 12 19/06/2016 SH 0 5 13 03/07/2016 SH -9 5), ('SZ', date city temperature wind 18 11/09/2016 SZ 20 1  19  25/09/2016   SZ          -10     4)]  # 可以装换为字典dict(list(g))Out[19]: {'BJ': date city temperature wind 0 03/01/2016 BJ 8 5 1 17/01/2016 BJ 12 2 2 31/01/2016 BJ 19 2 3 14/02/2016 BJ -3 3 4 28/02/2016 BJ 19 2 5 13/03/2016 BJ 5 3, 'GZ': date city temperature wind 14 17/07/2016 GZ 10 2 15 31/07/2016 GZ -1 5 16 14/08/2016 GZ 1 5 17 28/08/2016 GZ 25 4, 'SH': date city temperature wind 6 27/03/2016 SH -4 4 7 10/04/2016 SH 19 3 8 24/04/2016 SH 20 3 9 08/05/2016 SH 17 3 10 22/05/2016 SH 4 2 11 05/06/2016 SH -10 4 12 19/06/2016 SH 0 5 13 03/07/2016 SH -9 5, 'SZ': date city temperature wind 18 11/09/2016 SZ 20 1 19  25/09/2016   SZ          -10     4} # 打印groupby的中每个组的两个参数,name和dataframefor name, group_df in g: print(name)    print(group_df)    BJ date city temperature wind0 03/01/2016 BJ 8 51 17/01/2016 BJ 12 22 31/01/2016 BJ 19 23 14/02/2016 BJ -3 34 28/02/2016 BJ 19 25 13/03/2016 BJ 5 3GZ date city temperature wind14 17/07/2016 GZ 10 215 31/07/2016 GZ -1 516 14/08/2016 GZ 1 517 28/08/2016 GZ 25 4SH date city temperature wind6 27/03/2016 SH -4 47 10/04/2016 SH 19 38 24/04/2016 SH 20 39 08/05/2016 SH 17 310 22/05/2016 SH 4 211 05/06/2016 SH -10 412 19/06/2016 SH 0 513 03/07/2016 SH -9 5SZ date city temperature wind18 11/09/2016 SZ 20 119 25/09/2016 SZ -10 4


import pandas as pdimport numpy as npfrom pandas import Series, DataFrame
# 打开csv文件f = open('city_weather.csv')df = pd.read_csv(f)dfOut[12]: date city temperature wind0 03/01/2016 BJ 8 51 17/01/2016 BJ 12 22 31/01/2016 BJ 19 23 14/02/2016 BJ -3 34 28/02/2016 BJ 19 25 13/03/2016 BJ 5 36 27/03/2016 SH -4 47 10/04/2016 SH 19 38 24/04/2016 SH 20 39 08/05/2016 SH 17 310 22/05/2016 SH 4 211 05/06/2016 SH -10 412 19/06/2016 SH 0 513 03/07/2016 SH -9 514 17/07/2016 GZ 10 215 31/07/2016 GZ -1 516 14/08/2016 GZ 1 517 28/08/2016 GZ 25 418 11/09/2016 SZ 20 119  25/09/2016   SZ          -10     4
# 对df进行分组g = df.groupby('city')
# 实验聚合函数ming.agg('min')Out[7]: date temperature windcity BJ 03/01/2016 -3 2GZ 14/08/2016 -1 2SH 03/07/2016 -10 2SZ    11/09/2016          -10     1
# 自定义函数,目的查看传如函数的数据类型def foo (attr): print(type(attr))    return np.nan    #传入一个Sreies对象g.agg(foo)<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>Out[9]: date temperature windcity BJ NaN NaN NaNGZ NaN NaN NaNSH NaN NaN NaNSZ     NaN          NaN   NaN
# 自定义函数进行聚合def foo (attr):    return attr.max() - attr.min()    g.agg(foo)Out[11]: temperature windcity BJ 22 3GZ 26 3SH 30 3SZ             30     3
# 可以对两列进行分组g_new = df.groupby(['city', 'wind'])
g_newOut[14]: <pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x000001C7B3DCDE10>
g_new.groupsOut[15]: {('BJ', 2): Int64Index([1, 2, 4], dtype='int64'), ('BJ', 3): Int64Index([3, 5], dtype='int64'), ('BJ', 5): Int64Index([0], dtype='int64'), ('GZ', 2): Int64Index([14], dtype='int64'), ('GZ', 4): Int64Index([17], dtype='int64'), ('GZ', 5): Int64Index([15, 16], dtype='int64'), ('SH', 2): Int64Index([10], dtype='int64'), ('SH', 3): Int64Index([7, 8, 9], dtype='int64'), ('SH', 4): Int64Index([6, 11], dtype='int64'), ('SH', 5): Int64Index([12, 13], dtype='int64'), ('SZ', 1): Int64Index([18], dtype='int64'), ('SZ', 4): Int64Index([19], dtype='int64')} # 获取某一组g_new.get_group(('BJ',2))Out[18]: date city temperature wind1 17/01/2016 BJ 12 22 31/01/2016 BJ 19 24  28/02/2016   BJ           19     2
# 打印每个组n [19]: for (name_1,name_2), group in g_new: print(name_1,name_2)    print(group)    BJ 2 date city temperature wind1 17/01/2016 BJ 12 22 31/01/2016 BJ 19 24 28/02/2016 BJ 19 2BJ 3 date city temperature wind3 14/02/2016 BJ -3 35 13/03/2016 BJ 5 3BJ 5 date city temperature wind0 03/01/2016 BJ 8 5GZ 2 date city temperature wind14 17/07/2016 GZ 10 2GZ 4 date city temperature wind17 28/08/2016 GZ 25 4GZ 5 date city temperature wind15 31/07/2016 GZ -1 516 14/08/2016 GZ 1 5SH 2 date city temperature wind10 22/05/2016 SH 4 2SH 3 date city temperature wind7 10/04/2016 SH 19 38 24/04/2016 SH 20 39 08/05/2016 SH 17 3SH 4 date city temperature wind6 27/03/2016 SH -4 411 05/06/2016 SH -10 4SH 5 date city temperature wind12 19/06/2016 SH 0 513 03/07/2016 SH -9 5SZ 1 date city temperature wind18 11/09/2016 SZ 20 1SZ 4 date city temperature wind19 25/09/2016 SZ -10 4



import pandas as pdimport numpy as npfrom pandas import Series, DataFrame# 打开excel文件xlsx = pd.ExcelFile('sales-funnel.xlsx')df = pd.read_excel(xlsx)
# 生成透视表# aggfunc默认取平均值pd.pivot_table(df,index=['Name'])Out[13]: Account Price QuantityName Barton LLC 740150.0 35000.0 1.000000Fritsch, Russel and Anderson 737550.0 35000.0 1.000000Herman LLC 141962.0 65000.0 2.000000Jerde-Hilpert 412290.0 5000.0 2.000000Kassulke, Ondricka and Metz 307599.0 7000.0 3.000000Keeling LLC 688981.0 100000.0 5.000000Kiehn-Spinka 146832.0 65000.0 2.000000Koepp Ltd 729833.0 35000.0 2.000000Kulas Inc 218895.0 25000.0 1.500000Purdy-Kunde 163416.0 30000.0 1.000000Stokes LLC 239344.0 7500.0 1.000000Trantow-Barrows               714466.0   15000.0  1.333333
# 可以设置多个index,多级pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Name','Rep','Manager'])Out[15]: Account Price \Name Rep Manager Barton LLC John Smith Debra Henley 740150.0 35000.0 Fritsch, Russel and Anderson Craig Booker Debra Henley 737550.0 35000.0 Herman LLC Cedric Moss Fred Anderson 141962.0 65000.0 Jerde-Hilpert John Smith Debra Henley 412290.0 5000.0 Kassulke, Ondricka and Metz Wendy Yule Fred Anderson 307599.0 7000.0 Keeling LLC Wendy Yule Fred Anderson 688981.0 100000.0 Kiehn-Spinka Daniel Hilton Debra Henley 146832.0 65000.0 Koepp Ltd Wendy Yule Fred Anderson 729833.0 35000.0 Kulas Inc Daniel Hilton Debra Henley 218895.0 25000.0 Purdy-Kunde Cedric Moss Fred Anderson 163416.0 30000.0 Stokes LLC Cedric Moss Fred Anderson 239344.0 7500.0 Trantow-Barrows              Craig Booker  Debra Henley   714466.0   15000.0   
Quantity Name Rep Manager Barton LLC John Smith Debra Henley 1.000000 Fritsch, Russel and Anderson Craig Booker Debra Henley 1.000000 Herman LLC Cedric Moss Fred Anderson 2.000000 Jerde-Hilpert John Smith Debra Henley 2.000000 Kassulke, Ondricka and Metz Wendy Yule Fred Anderson 3.000000 Keeling LLC Wendy Yule Fred Anderson 5.000000 Kiehn-Spinka Daniel Hilton Debra Henley 2.000000 Koepp Ltd Wendy Yule Fred Anderson 2.000000 Kulas Inc Daniel Hilton Debra Henley 1.500000 Purdy-Kunde Cedric Moss Fred Anderson 1.000000 Stokes LLC Cedric Moss Fred Anderson 1.000000 Trantow-Barrows              Craig Booker  Debra Henley   1.333333  
# 多级index,经理和销售顾问pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Manager','Rep'])Out[17]: Account Price QuantityManager Rep Debra Henley Craig Booker 720237.0 20000.000000 1.250000 Daniel Hilton 194874.0 38333.333333 1.666667 John Smith 576220.0 20000.000000 1.500000Fred Anderson Cedric Moss 196016.5 27500.000000 1.250000              Wendy Yule     614061.5  44250.000000  3.000000              # 可以指定生成那个valuespd.pivot_table(df, index=['Manager','Rep'], values=['Price'])Out[18]: PriceManager Rep Debra Henley Craig Booker 20000.000000 Daniel Hilton 38333.333333 John Smith 20000.000000Fred Anderson Cedric Moss 27500.000000 Wendy Yule 44250.000000# 可多个values,修改聚合函数pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Manager','Rep'], values=['Price','Quantity'], aggfunc='sum')Out[19]: Price QuantityManager Rep Debra Henley Craig Booker 80000 5 Daniel Hilton 115000 5 John Smith 40000 3Fred Anderson Cedric Moss 110000 5 Wendy Yule 177000 12# 可以添加colunms,多级columnspd.pivot_table(df, index=['Manager','Rep'], values=['Price','Quantity'], columns=['Product'],aggfunc='sum')Out[20]: Price Quantity \Product CPU Maintenance Monitor Software CPU Manager Rep Debra Henley Craig Booker 65000.0 5000.0 NaN 10000.0 2.0 Daniel Hilton 105000.0 NaN NaN 10000.0 4.0 John Smith 35000.0 5000.0 NaN NaN 1.0 Fred Anderson Cedric Moss 95000.0 5000.0 NaN 10000.0 3.0               Wendy Yule     165000.0      7000.0  5000.0      NaN      7.0                               Product Maintenance Monitor Software Manager Rep Debra Henley Craig Booker 2.0 NaN 1.0 Daniel Hilton NaN NaN 1.0 John Smith 2.0 NaN NaN Fred Anderson Cedric Moss 1.0 NaN 1.0               Wendy Yule            3.0     2.0      NaN                # 对没有的数据赋值df_pivot = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['Manager','Rep'], values=['Price','Quantity'], columns=['Product'],fill_value=0,aggfunc='sum')



import pandas as pdimport numpy as npfrom pandas import Series, DataFrame
# 打开美国航空公司数据f = open('usa_flights.csv')df = pd.read_csv(f)
df.head()Out[6]: flight_date unique_carrier flight_num origin dest arr_delay \0 02/01/2015 0:00 AA 1 JFK LAX -19.0 1 03/01/2015 0:00 AA 1 JFK LAX -39.0 2 04/01/2015 0:00 AA 1 JFK LAX -12.0 3 05/01/2015 0:00 AA 1 JFK LAX -8.0 4  06/01/2015 0:00             AA           1    JFK  LAX       25.0   
cancelled distance carrier_delay weather_delay late_aircraft_delay \0 0 2475 NaN NaN NaN 1 0 2475 NaN NaN NaN 2 0 2475 NaN NaN NaN 3 0 2475 NaN NaN NaN 4          0      2475            0.0            0.0                  0.0   
nas_delay security_delay actual_elapsed_time 0 NaN NaN 381.0 1 NaN NaN 358.0 2 NaN NaN 385.0 3 NaN NaN 389.0 4       25.0             0.0                424.0  

# 对延误时间进行排序df.sort_values('arr_delay', ascending=False).head()Out[7]: flight_date unique_carrier flight_num origin dest arr_delay \11073 11/01/2015 0:00 AA 1595 AUS DFW 1444.0 10214 13/01/2015 0:00 AA 1487 OMA DFW 1392.0 12430 03/01/2015 0:00 AA 1677 MEM DFW 1384.0 8443 04/01/2015 0:00 AA 1279 OMA DFW 1237.0 10328  05/01/2015 0:00             AA        1495    EGE  DFW     1187.0   
cancelled distance carrier_delay weather_delay late_aircraft_delay \11073 0 190 1444.0 0.0 0.0 10214 0 583 1392.0 0.0 0.0 12430 0 432 1380.0 0.0 0.0 8443 0 583 1222.0 0.0 15.0 10328          0       721         1019.0            0.0                168.0   
nas_delay security_delay actual_elapsed_time 11073 0.0 0.0 59.0 10214 0.0 0.0 117.0 12430 4.0 0.0 104.0 8443 0.0 0.0 102.0 10328        0.0             0.0                127.0  
# 计算延误和没有延误的比例# 使用value_counts()进行统计df['cancelled'].value_counts()Out[9]: 0 1968731 4791Name: cancelled, dtype: int64
# 计算延误列df['delayed'] = df['arr_delay'].apply(lambda x : x>0)# 统计df['delayed'].value_counts()Out[12]: False 103037True 98627Name: delayed, dtype: int64
#计算延误比delay_date = df['delayed'].value_counts()delay_dateOut[16]: False 103037True 98627Name: delayed, dtype: int64delay_date[1]/(delay_date[0]+delay_date[1])Out[18]: 0.48906597112027927
# 计算每个航空公司的延误比# 对公司和是否延误进行分组delay_group = df.groupby(['unique_carrier', 'delayed'])
# 统计查看行数,生成一个多级index,Seriesdelay_group.size()Out[23]: unique_carrier delayedAA False 8912 True 9841AS False 3527 True 2104B6 False 4832 True 4401DL False 17719 True 9803EV False 10596 True 11371F9 False 1103 True 1848HA False 1351 True 1354MQ False 4692 True 8060NK False 1550 True 2133OO False 9977 True 10804UA False 7885 True 8624US False 7850 True 6353VX False 1254 True 781WN False 21789 True 21150dtype: int64
# 多级Series转换为DataFramedf_delay = delay_group.size().unstack()df_delayOut[25]: delayed False True unique_carrier AA 8912 9841AS 3527 2104B6 4832 4401DL 17719 9803EV 10596 11371F9 1103 1848HA 1351 1354MQ 4692 8060NK 1550 2133OO 9977 10804UA 7885 8624US 7850 6353VX 1254 781WN              21789  21150
# 画图# 折线图df_delay.plot()Out[26]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1cfde9b6198># 柱状图df_delay.plot(kind='barh', stacked=True, figsize=[16,6], colormap='winter')Out[27]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1cfe483b048>
# 透视表# 对时间和航空公司进行透视fights_by_carrier = df.pivot_table(index='flight_date', columns='unique_carrier', aggfunc='count')
fights_by_carrier.head()Out[33]: actual_elapsed_time \unique_carrier AA AS B6 DL EV F9 HA MQ NK flight_date 02/01/2015 0:00 1508 477 758 2261 1763 252 223 975 285 03/01/2015 0:00 1425 444 707 2021 1668 180 202 834 282 04/01/2015 0:00 1493 458 752 2254 1709 241 206 845 283 05/01/2015 0:00 1492 433 750 2211 1751 248 207 856 282 06/01/2015 0:00                1370  414  682  2050  1616  246  202  859  275   
weather_delay \unique_carrier OO ... EV F9 HA MQ NK OO UA US flight_date ... 02/01/2015 0:00 1718 ... 425 90 119 441 94 506 415 175 03/01/2015 0:00 1588 ... 909 110 111 542 152 720 648 339 04/01/2015 0:00 1653 ... 902 171 25 638 166 729 659 480 05/01/2015 0:00 1644 ... 743 138 28 594 163 627 443 291 06/01/2015 0:00 1469 ... 597 90 12 489 149 426 499 424
















