
统计计量 | 值得推荐的计量经济学论文

数据Seminar 2022-12-31

The following article is from 功夫计量经济学 Author 江河JH


《帝苑》一书曾有言“取法于上,仅得为中;取法于中,故为其下”,大意是以上等作为标准,只能收到中等的效果,以中等作为标准,只能收到下等的效果。我们读经济学论文也是如此,只有读top期刊的论文,我们才能学习到真东西,从而才能写出规范的、有深度的论文。今天想向大家推荐一些高质量的、经典的经济学论文(主要偏因果推断和政策评估领域),之前已经分享过一次,文章推荐 | 经典永流传:美国经济评论百年经典论文20篇(可下载,这一版算是一个补充版和修订版吧!

政策评估(Program Evaluation)

[1]Alberto Abadie, Matias D. Cattaneo. Econometric Methods for Program Evaluation[J]. Annual Review of Economics, 2018, 10(1):465-503.




[1]Joshua D. Angrist, Alan B. Krueger. Does Compulsory School Attendance Affect Schooling and Earnings?[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1991.


[2]Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, James A. Robinson. The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation[J]. American Economic Review, 2001.


[3]Nathan Nunn, Leonard Wantchekon. The Slave Trade and the Origins of Mistrust in Africa[J]. American Economic Review, 2011, 101(7): 3221-52.


[4]Ting Chen, James Kai-sing Kung, Chicheng Ma. Long Live Keju! The Persistent Effects of China's Civil Examination System[J]. The Economic Journal, 2020, 130(631): 2030–2064.







[1]Duflo Esther. Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of School Construction in Indonesia: Evidence from an Unusual Policy Experiment[J]. American Economic Review, 2001.


[2]Yuyu Chen, Li-An  Zhou. The long-term health and economic consequences of the 1959-1961 famine in China[J]. Journal of Health Economics, 2007.


[3]Nancy Qian. Missing women and the price of tea in China: The effect of sex-specific earnings on sex imbalance[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2008, 123(3):1251-1285.


[4]Nathan Nunn, Nancy Qian. The potato's contribution to population and urbanization: evidence from a historical experiment[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2011, 126(2):593-650.


[5]Yi Chen, Ziying Fan, Xiaomin Gu,  Li-An Zhou. Arrival of Young Talent: The Send-Down Movement and Rural Education in China[J]. American Economic Review, 2020, 110(11): 3393-3430.


[6]Ruixue Jia. The Legacies of Forced Freedom: China's Treaty Ports[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2014, 96(4):596-608.





[1]David S. Lee, Thomas Lemieux. Regression Discontinuity Designs in Economics[J]. Journal of Economic Literature, 2010, 48(2):281-355.


[2]Melissa Dell. The Persistent Effect of Peru's Mining Mita[J]. Econometrica, 2010, 78(6):1863-1903.

[3]Melissa Dell, Nathan Lane, Pablo Querubin. The Historical State, Local Collective Action, and Economic Development in Vietnam[J]. Econometrica, 2018, 86(6):2083-2121.

[4]Melissa Dell, Pablo Querubin. Nation Building Through Foreign Intervention: Evidence from Discontinuities in Military Strategies[J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2018, 133(2):701-764.


[5]Yuyu Chen, Avraham Ebenstein, Michael Greenstone, Hongbin Li. Evidence on the impact of sustained exposure to air pollution on life expectancy from China's Huai River policy[J]. PNAS , 2013, 110(32):12936-12941.


[6]Ambrus Attila, Erica Field, Robert Gonzalez. Loss in the Time of Cholera: Long-Run Impact of a Disease Epidemic on the Urban Landscape[J]. American Economic Review, 2020, 110 (2): 475-525.



[1]Alberto Abadie, Gardeazabal J. The Economic Costs of Conflict: A Case Study of the Basque Country[J]. American Economic Review, 2003, 93(1):113-132.


[2]Alberto Abadie, Diamond A, Hainmueller J. Synthetic Control Methods for Comparative Case Studies: Estimating the Effect of California's Tobacco Control Program[J]. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2010.











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数据治理 | 带你学Python之面向对象编程基础

文章推荐 | 经典永流传:美国经济评论百年经典论文20篇(可下载)

数据资源 | 八大板块!数据公开下载渠道

统计计量 | p值是什么?数据科学家用最简单的方式告诉你



推荐 | 青酱



