
医学英语会话实用句型总结 | 骨科

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24




Sprained Ankle 脚踝扭伤

D: What is your problem?


P: I think I've twisted my ankle.


D: I need to examine your foot.


P: OK. 好的。

D: Show me where it hurts. 请指给我看哪里痛。

P: It hurts just there. 就那里痛。

D: How did you do this?


P: I was running to get on the train in the subway and I slipped down some stairs.


D: How painful is it? 有多痛?

P: Very painful. 非常痛。

D: Can you move it? 你能动吗?

P: No. Not really. It hurts if I do.


D: Is your foot swollen? 你的脚肿吗?

P: Yes, I think so. My foot is swollen but my toes aren't.


D: Can you feel your toes?


P: Yes.有的。

D: Do you have any pins and needles or tingling?


P: No. I don't think so. To be honest, it hurts too much for me to notice anything else.


D: You need to have an X-ray. The nurse will show you where to go.

你需要拍个 X 光片,护士会带你过去。

P: OK. 好的。

D: You need to bring the X-ray back to me.

你带着 X 光片过来找我。

P: Do I have to wait for the X-ray?

我必须等 X 光片吗?

D: Yes. 是的。

Later ...

D: I have seen the X-ray. It shows that you haven't broken ( fractured ) anything.


P: Thank goodness for that! 谢天谢地!

D: You need to have a support bandage applied by the nurse. You must keep the foot elevated as much as you can for 3 days or until the swelling goes down and your ankle feels better.


P: Can I go to work? 我能去上班吗?

D: No. You should have a week off. If your ankle isn't better in a week, please come back to see me. You will need to register again first.



P: OK. Thanks a lot. 好的,谢谢。


  1. What is your problem? 请问你有什么问题?

  2. I need to examine your. 我需要检查一下。

  3. Show me where it hurts. 指给我看哪里痛。

  4. How did you do this? 你怎么弄成这样的?

  5. How painful is it? 有多痛?

  6. Can you move it? 你能移动那个部位吗?

  7. Can you walk on it? 你能支撑着走路吗?

  8. Is your foot swollen? 你的脚肿吗?

  9. Are your fingers swollen? 你的手指肿吗?

  10. Can you feel your toes? 你的脚趾有知觉吗?

  11. Can you kel your fingers? 你的手指有知觉吗?

  12. Do you have any pins & needles or tingling? 你是否感到刺痛或麻木?

  13. You need to have an X-ray. 你需要拍一下X光。

  14. The nurse will show you where to go. 护士会带你过去。

  15. You need to bring the X-ray back to me. 你需要把X光片带过来给我看。

  16. I have seen the X-ray and it shows... 我看了X光片,片子表明·····。

  17. You need to have a bandage. 你需要绑绷带。

  18. You need to have a plaster cast. 你需要打石膏。

  19. Youf aml needs to be in a sling ; you muet keep it on for ... 你的手臂需要用三角绷带固定······天。

  20. You need to have a splint. 你的膝盖需要用夹板固定。

  21. You need to have a back slab. 你需要用悬臂板固定。

  22. You need an operation on your. 你的······需要做手术。

  23. You will need to be admitted into hospital. 你需要住院。

  24. Here is the form the nurse will show you where you have to go. 这是住院表,护士会带你过去办理。

  25. You will need crutches to walk. 你要用拐杖帮助走路。

  26. You must rest as much as you can. 你必须尽可能多的休息。

  27. Do not walk on your foot, keep jt elevated as much as you can. 不要让脚碰地走路,尽可能保持脚抬着。

  28. I will give you medication for your pain. 我会给你一些止痛药。

  29. You need to come baek here in. Days for a check up. ······天后你需要回来复查。

  30. You need to come back in 2 days to cheek the plaster cast isn't too loose. 你两天后要过来复查一下看看石膏绷带是不是松了。

  31. You will need to see an orthopedic doctor as soon as you get home to. 但你回到······的家时,你需要去看一下整形外科医生。

  32. I will write you a letter for you to take to your local hospital ( doctor ). 我会给你写封信给当地的医院(医生)。

  33. If the plaster cast becomes too tight please go to the Emergency Room immediately. 如果石膏绷带太紧了,请立刻去急诊室。





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